
Wednesday 21 March 2018

The Crazy Quilt . . .

I remember a quilt that was in our home in my growing up years. It had been pieced together by my maternal grandmother, and lay at times on my sister's bed and at other times on the end of my mom's. It was nothing spectacular . . . quite old really . . . but something that I loved to lay on. It always felt so cosy and warm . . . comforting . . .

It had been composed of leftover scraps of material, stuffed with what appeared to be wool and was tufted with coloured bits of yarn. The scraps of material were a myriad of colour . . . and one could imagine that one scrap might have been from one of my mother's childhood dresses, or one of her sister's . . . or even from one of my grandfather's shirts. They were all odd shapes and sizes and colours. The quilt was very worn . . . worn through to the stuffing in some places . . . but I loved to lay on it and touch all the different patches and wonder where they had come from and the meaning behind them . . .


Some of the fabrics were very plain and dull . . . not much to look at. I could well imagine my grandmother tiredly saying to one of the girls . . . "Beggars can't be choosers. A dress is a dress." while the girl frowned at her new school dress, disappointed that on that day she would not shine. Still others were bright and cheery, like little snippets of celebrations and holidays. A few of the fancier bits carried the whisper of weddings, dances, first kisses . . .

All of the fabrics were arranged haphazardly, almost seeming to shout at each other with loud voices. The textures were interesting though . . . there would be smooth next to bumpy, seeksucker alongside of velvet . . . and all over the quilt there were hundreds of tiny stiches, almost invisible to the eye, puckering ever so slightly. Laying on it I always felt as if in a dreamworld of my imaginations . . . the different textures and colours each telling me a different story beneath my fingertips . . . the quilt was filled with lovely thoughts and memories of my Grandmother too, who passed away far, far too soon .

. . 

 It occurs to me this morning that my Grandmother's quilt was quite like the friends I have gathered throughout my lifetime . . . some of them a bit scratchy and rough, like sturdy pieces of wool, which in time softened . . . or maybe I just got used to their ways. Other friends, as delicate as silk . . . needing to be handled with care. Then there are the friends who are colourful and bright and great fun to be around . . . and some very special ones who feel soft and cosy like brushed cotton flannel . . . the ones who always know how to make you feel better.

I've lived in so very many different places and each place I have lived . . . I have gathered friends for a season. In the end I would have to leave them behind, or they would have to leave me . . . and yet, in my heart, Iknow they are friends for life. If we were to meet again in person tomorrow, it would be as if nothing had changed. We would hug and laugh and talk nonstop. It would seem like time had stood still and the years apart would simply melt away . . . 


That is because God has sewn them all into my heart . . . a masterpiece . . . a crazy quilt of friendship and warm memories, that will ever keep me warm, comforted and cosy . . . a quilt which is not near being finished, as I add to it each year . . . with each new acquaintance weaving their way in amongst the dear and beloved, and finding a place of their own in my heart.

Oh . . . what a lovely thought don't you think??? 

Its bright, clear and dry out there this morning, but very cold with a light frost laying across our back garden. I'll take dry and clear.  I was able to hang some laundry out yesterday, first time in ages, and I am hoping to be able to do the same today. Oh, I do so love the smell of fresh laundry off the line.  So lovely!  I am looking foward to calling my mom later today. That is always a bonus!

Thanks for your happy thoughts yesterday re the Doctor and Todd.  All good news, she just wanted to change one of his prescriptions and said he was low on Vitamin D, and should take some.  Whew! You try not to think the worst, but you can't help it can you. Once you have had cancer, it is always there niggling at the back of your mind, and it is early days yet.  I never take one day with my Todd for granted. Each one we are given is an extra special blessing.

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, 
God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. 
He does love you, and He knows your fears. 
He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, 
and surely He matches with His own 
the tears His children shed.”
~ Jeffrey R. Holland, Created for Greater Things 

Spiritual Enlightenment  



Today's Reading - Mosiah 23:16-39 
Talk - David A Bednar - 'Therefore they hushed their fears'
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What helps you to hush your fears?  

Thoughts - Recently I heard someone say that you can still be scared and have faith. What you might be asked to do could be scary, but the very fact that you're willing to do it, is faith. Acting on this faith strengthens it. Also FEAR is something that builds and grows.  It feeds off the unknown. Today I feel the reminder that there is nothing unknown to Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ has overcome all things and can succour me in those feelings. The Holy Spirit is a comforter, teacher and guide. All the Godhead working in my life. I love this quote from true to the faith, "the whisperings of the spirit can calm your fears, hush the nagging worries of your life, and comfort you...The Holy Ghost can FILL you "with hope and perfect love". 

I love this hymn for how it reminds me to leave to God those things that are in His control and to trust him in hard times, but also it testifies of the hope that is in the future. 
"Be still my soul, The Lord is on thy side. 
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain. 
Leave to thy God to order and provide. 
In every change He faithful will remain. 
Be still my soul, thy best, thy heavenly friend. 
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul: The hour is hast’ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: When change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last." 
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 126) - Mosiah 24:1-15 
Question What have you learnt from the reading today? What do you think the people learned from having their burdens made light, rather than taken away? 
Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Hot Cross Bun Bacon Baps.  Seriously tasty!  With some marmalade and brown sauce, these were a real breakfast treat for us yesterday.
Have a beautiful Wednesday, don't forget along the way of your day! 

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And I do too! 



  1. In the English Kitchen today that's a mouthful to say..meaning the food. Lol. Bet they are good though!

    What a beautiful quilt that is..just like friendships Marie! Never thought of it that true. Almost lost comment.

    Have a wonderful day today!
    Love and hugs!xo

    1. A really tasty mouthful Jan! Thanks so much. Sleep tight! xoxo

  2. Hi Marie, what a wonderful quilt it must have been and lovely thoughts to go with it!

    There's not many things I miss having moved to the flat but drying the washing in the garden is definitely one of them!

    Happy Wednesday, lot's of love xxx

    1. Thanks Kate. It was a lovely quilt for sure. More special because my grandmother had made it. I am hanging out more laundry today! Its sunny again, yay! Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Have a wonderful day! That quilt must have been fab Marie:)

    1. All the more so because it was my Nan's Monique! xoxo

  4. Comparing friends and quilts is a great thought. Both are very comforting for sure. My maternal grandmother made a lot of quilts and most of the time she used scraps from old clothing we would give her. It was so nice to see a quilt featuring one of my favorite old dresses. I still have two quilt tops that she had pieced together that need quilting. Someday....

    1. Oh, I bet that felt really special to see that Pam! No time like the present!! You are probably cramped for space now though. xoxo

  5. That is a lovely analogy, Marie. My grandma made "crazy" quilts too. All the grandchildren had them as children, but they long since fell apart. Just after she died, I asked my maiden Aunt if I could have one to remember her by. They were all gone except for the last one she made when she was in the first stages of Alzheimer. It was poorly sewn and there were lots of gaps. But it was used as the "story" quilt when I was raising my children. We'd use the different fabrics, patterns and colors to make up bedtime stories as I was tucking them in. She was a wonderful woman.

    1. What a wonderful Legacy Sandy! I miss the days of telling my children bedtime stories. Such special times. xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    Beautiful thoughts on crazy quilt; I love how you likened the quilt to people you know or have known, it's so true! I think they are so pretty, quirky and beautiful, and I love all of the beautiful fabrics and different stitches used, just like people, we're all put together differently.

    What a treasure to have the beautiful quilt from your grandmother, just knowing that her fingers made those stitches and cut out the's such a gift for you!

    I do have a few quilts from my great-grandmothers, they aren't crazy quilts, and they are well worn, but I sure do love them. My sister and I have often thought about cutting them up and putting them in shadow boxes for our daughters. But I have a hard time cutting them up!

    How wonderful to hang out your clothes! The smell when you climb in bed after hanging out the sheets...ahhhh! I'm so glad you are enjoying the sunshine and warm weather, please send some our way. It wasn't too bad here today, cool and dry, but definitely not clothesline weather!

    I have promised myself that I will introduce myself to a new family in our ward, it's hard for me, but I really don't want anyone to feel left out or lonely, everyone needs a friendly are such a good example to me, Marie.

    Have a wonderful day, enjoy the sunshine and be safe!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Thanks Barb! You are a good example to me also. Hope you are feeling better! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Oh my, I really loved this one. It was just a wonderful post of beautiful thoughts.
    My great Aunts made me a quilt out of scraps from all the clothes my mother made me. It was such a lovely wedding gift and I treasured it. It was well used and at times I am sad that it wore out.
    I loved your thoughts about friends in comparing them to the material used in the quilt.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you dear friend.

    1. Thanks LeAnn! Blessings, love and hugs to you also! xoxo


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