
Thursday 29 March 2018

My Favourite Things . . . 

These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share!  

Vera Mouse by Marjolein Bastin.  I just adore the art of Marjolein anyways, but Vera Mouse is my favourite. Interestingly enough her things are very hard to come by over here.  When I lived in Canada I was able to get her stationary, notecards, etc. I especially loved the notecards. They were a lovely way to just letting someone know you were thinking of them. I used my last one up years ago, and have never been able to find any more, which is odd because she is Dutch and Holland is only across the channel! 


Old clay jugs.  My mother used to have a Gingerbeer bottle made of clay. My Uncle Harold had a whole bottle room in his house.  He collected bottles or years and years.  There is something about old clay bottles and jugs that is very unique and pretty.  

Roasted Cashew Nuts.  They are my favourite roasted nut followed by Pistachio nuts.  My parents used to get a tin of mixed nuts every Christmas and the Cashews in them were everyone's favourites. They used to disappear first. I think my mom used to fish them all out when we were not looking! 

Chocolate Coated Almonds. Especially the ones my children used to sell through the fund raisers at school.  Oh I simply adored them. I have not had a chocolate coated almond in years now.  I do so love them! 

Wire Crowns. To me, much more beautiful than a bejeweled crown. There is an air of mystery about them. 

Oh how I love Kites!  I have always wanted to fly one.  You need wide open spaces to do that, and wind, and energy. I could watch them for hours.   

Hot Air Balloons.  I have not seen one in a long time now. When we lived in Kent, most sunny days at the weekend brought hot air balloons floating over our house and the Orchards surrounding where we lived.  I could watch them forever as well.  They seem to be so mystical.  I have never been up in a Hot Air Balloon, but I have always wanted to go on a Hot Air Balloon ride.  Maybe one day.  They are very expensive. Maybe if I win the lottery. 

Carousels/Merry-go-rounds.  I love them.  They are so whimsical and seem to be so safe.  Love the music that plays, etc.  I do get sick on them, however, so I have not been on one very often.  When my oldest son turned 3 I made him a Carousel Birthday Cake.  I was up all night decorating it. It was so much fun and I think he really liked it.  I never made another one because it was a lot of work. I'm not really good at cake decorating. You might think I would be because I can draw, but it takes a different kind of skill to be able to draw with an icing bag. 

Aprons. Any kind, but especially vintage. When I have one on I feel just like June Cleaver or Aunt Bea. 

Red geraniums.  I love them.  I could fill my garden with tubs of red geraniums, and window boxes too.  They just make me smile. 

Holly Hocks.  They are a cottage garden flower.  When I lived in Suffield Alberta, the whole side of our house was planted with pink holly hocks. They were so beautiful. I have never been able to get them to grow here, but I keep trying.  I just think the soil at this house is really poor. 

Cows in the fields . . . the sound of cow bells . . .  the sound of their moo's.  The first house we had here in Blacon backed onto a farmer's fields and they were filled with cows. Occasionally they would get out and we would end up with them at our back gate which wasn't so much fun, but for the most part we really enjoyed them. Todd used to be a cowman, and milked I forget how many cows every morning and evening. Cows are very gentle animals.  

Granny Square Afghans.  They are my favourite out of all the afghans.  There is an instagrammer that I really love. Amanda of Eightbysix.  She does the most beautiful afghans in the loveliest colours.  

 Window shelves and cornices.  I love them.  They are so wholesome looking . . . 


Evening in Paris . . .  it seemed to be so sophisticated  . . .

Nivea Cream.  The smell. The feel. I love everything about it.

Tomatoes.   I adore tomatoes.  I really hope that I am able to get my stomach issues under control so that I can eat them again  . . . 

The voice of Sam Elliot. It makes me want to melt.  He just has this amazing voice. 

Jane Austin anything . . .  love it all. 

Cinnamon . . .  anything  . . . 

And those are my favourite things for this week.  What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you  . . .  

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

There is no better test of a man's
integrity than his behavior when
he is wrong. 
~Marvin Williams •。★★ 。* 。

No BOM corner this morning as I am running very late.  Be back with that tomorrow.


In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Easy Caesar Chops.  3 simple ingredients. One delicious recipe. 

Have a great Thursday!  Don't forget!
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And I do too! 



  1. Lots to enjoy in your post today. I do use Nivea lotion. It is good, especially in the winter when my skin tends to dry out. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. I hope you are having a wonderful day also Pam! God bless. Xoxo

  2. Tried thanking you for the recipe at The EK..but could not post..thank you!
    I love his voice..his face..everything.
    Amanda and her feed and work and colors♥
    Funny..I stopped tomatoes the day before yesterday I eat too many.
    Very acid.
    Hollyhocks..up the street on the water a garden has many..mine re attacked by rust:( Unsigtly blemishes that spread and make them unpretty:( Everywhere I have had them..rust.:(
    Carousels,crowns,cws..I'm in..
    MB..of course!!

    MR..another great artist!

    The Topless Baker made the prettiest cake on IG yesterday..such a sweetie.

    1. You are welcome Monique! I have never seen rust, but I will be on the lookout for it! You are so kind! Will check out The Topless Bakers post! I bet it’s fabulous! Xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, loving your favourites this week!

    We're off to London tomorrow and will be back Tuesday or Wednesday so if I don't get the chance to log on over the weekend have a wonderful, peaceful Easter (and a scrumptious Easter egg!)

    Lot's of love xxx

    1. Happy Easter Kate! I hope you have a lovely peaceful England also! Xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~ could have reached right into my brain and gotten all of these favorite things...seriously! I love, Marjolein Bastin. I love all the detail that the puts into her work; like the cute little ladybug, the heart on the cup and the ribbon tied to the cute little mouse's tail...adorable! I have an old jug on my hutch that I love. Bob's mother gave it to me, and she wasn't sure where she got it, but it old. Yesterday, my daughter-in-law told me that she found a really old, 5 gallon pickle crock on sale at a second hand store for $5.00! She can't wait to make pickles in it.

    I also pick out all of the cashews from the mixed nuts... ;0) and could eat a whole box of chocolate covered almonds by myself!

    Aprons, make my heart happy, hot balloons and kites mean that spring is here! When I was a girl, we used to go to SLC and ride a carousal that was in a park there, it was so much fun, I can even remember the smell!

    I plant red geraniums in pots in my yard every year, and Holly Hocks remind me of my childhood, I love them! When we were little, my grandmother let us pick the Holly Hocks and make dolls with them, we had so much of my favorite memories.

    Of course I see and hear cows all summer long, but I never get tired of it. The sound of a cow mooing, just reminds me of home. Granny squares are one of my favorite things to crochet, and I always dream of the perfect colors to make them with...I'm still looking. I can remember going to the, Five and Dime and buying, Evening in Paris, I can still close my eyes and smell it. It also reminds me of the school bus, because all the girls wore it!

    And, can I just say...Bob has a brother who looks just like, Sam Elliot...just sayin'... :0) And, I make wonderful cinnamon rolls..because they are Bob's favorite!

    Marie, I just hate it that you live so far away...we could have so much fun!! Kindred spirits!!

    Thank you for sharing, I loved it all!

    Big Hugs and Love to You!!


    1. Oh, I think we would get up to all sorts did we live closer to each other Barb. We ARE a lot alike! Love you to bits! xoxo

  5. First I eat some brazil nuts, then some filberts,and some cashews..always leave the almonds last.

    I remember yrs ago when traveling out West..seeing oodles of beautiful colored hot air balloons. I was in awe! Scared of heights so I never wanted to go in one..just look at them. Lol.

    I would go on a carousel anyday..even though I'd get dizzy..before riding a ferris wheel..have got stuck on top for more than a few minutes. That was enough for me. Stupid friend thought she was funny and started rocking the chair! I was white as a ghost when I got off..never went on one since!

    My favorite thing in my house are my wooden valances that my Dad made! They are all built alittle bit different. I just don't have any in the kitchen..that will be next. Only one bedroom has them upstairs. That's where a few decorations are..that can't be touched. Lol.

    They make a carousel bundt pan from Nordicware that's fun to decorate. I made it for the twins birthday one year. Addy and Ta loved it!xo

    1. I think Ferris Wheels are scary Jan, but, like you I do NOT like heights! Oh how lucky you are to have wooden valences in your house. What a treasure! How lucky you are to have your own house! Oh, I have never seen that particular bundt pan, but I am sure it is beautiul! xoxo


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