
Saturday 10 March 2018

Its all in how you view it . . .

Oh how very fortunate are they who wake up to greet the day through cottage panes . . . looking out on distant hillsides, green fields and winding country lanes . . . 

 Lucky too . . . the very blessed who from their lattices view the beauty of an old and lovely tree . . . branches gnarled against the weather . . . the stories they could tell, if they had a voice to speak . . . history tucked inside it's bark and layered in it's rings . . .  

Oh how very blessed is the one whose casement frames an open view . . . onto an unspoilt landscape . . . fading across and out into wide blue skies . . . the beauty of that wonderful expanse of gentle colour, warms the heart and soul . . .  

I can't think of anything more perfect to wake up to . . . than a country scene through a cottage window . . . the golden sunrise bathing all in a golden light. We were thus blessed for a number of years . . . and it was so very beautiful, serene and peaceable . . . 

Now we wake up to morning views of terraced houses . . . but . . . they too, have their charms . . . as do our views of the Clywdian Hills off in the distance. The golden light on their green slopes is always inspiring . . . and signals a beautiful day in the offing . . . what could be better than a day which begins with hope?

There is beauty everywhere, if one but stops to look for it . . . 


"Hope" is the thing with feathers . . .
That perches in the soul . . .
And sings the tune without the words . . .
And never stops . . . at all . . .

And sweetest . . . in the Gale . . . is heard . . .
And sore must be the storm . . .
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm . . .

I've heard it in the chillest land . . .
And on the strangest Sea . . .
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb . . . of Me.
~Emily Dickinson 

Oh, it has been so long since I have done any art. This is a piece I did back in 2012. Wow, that is six years ago. I have been too busy writing books I suppose and facing health challenges, both Todd's and my own.  I have done a few little bits, but nothing substantial in probably 2 years now.  Time flies . . .  supposedly when you're having fun!

Along with the developing, writing and testing of recipes for the new book, I've also been creating crafts to share in it. Nothing too fancy. Just simple quick creatives that can go together easily with a monthly theme. This is the one for March. I will need to take a better photograph for the book of course.  This is just a glimpse.  I have almost finished four chapters, only eight to go! Whew!

I have to confess that I am greatly dismayed at all of the violence and hate in the world today. I follow a few accounts on Instagram and was really shocked to see the hateful comments that were left on one of Stephanie Neilsen's (Nie Nie Dialogues) photos over the past couple of days. If you want to see what I am talking about, look here.  Absolutely vitriolic and dripping with hate.  I come from the school "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all," and I have a really difficult time processing this kind of behaviour. Such a lack of respect for another human being. Do the accusers not see that their behaviour is simply the same bigotry that they accuse others of, wearing a different cloak? Nasty, nasty, nasty. I will never be able to comprehend it. Never.

We are supposed to go and clean the chapel this morning, but Todd is going on his own. I don't feel safe doing so.  I had a few really good days, but then yesterday I had to use my spray about five times. I have an appointment at the Heart Clinic at the hospital next Friday at 9 am. It can't come soon enough for me.  Here I am wishing my life away as well, sorry about that! I promise that I do count each precious moment and cherish it for what it is.  Oh, and on the good news front, my mother will be going in the hospital next Thursday to have angioplasty? I am not sure if that is the right name for it. They will be inserting a balloon into several of her arteries to her legs and feet to clear them out and hopefully improve the circulation to them, in an effort to save her from having to have any amputations and to decrease her pain.  Prayers will be much appreciated on her behalf!  My sister will be with her of course (Bless her) and they are not allowed to leave the immediate vicinity of the hospital for 24 hours, so they will have to book a room somewhere. I don't know why they just don't keep my mother in hospital for 24 hours. In the old days they would have done. I suppose it is all in the aid of saving money. I think its called progress.  LOL

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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You can't reach for anything new
if your hands are still full of
yesterday's junk. ~Louise Smith •。★★ 。* 。 



Today's Reading -   Mosiah 18:17-35 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What does this tell us about members of the Lord's church?  
Thoughts - My favourite three phrases of this reading "hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another . . . thus they *became* the children of God" and "of their own free will and good desires towards God". These describe the very condition of their hearts. I love unity, I love that feeling when everyone is working together for the same righteous purpose, when our desires towards God are shared with those around us, we feel close to each other and to Jesus Christ. 
I also love the goodness of God. 'Apprised' in verse 34 means warned of the Lord. It's a pattern. Lehi -> Jerusalem. Nephi -> Promised land. Even Joseph being warned to flee to Egypt with Jesus and Mary. This strengthens my belief that before we have to go through a wilderness we are usually prepared. 
Tomorrow's Reading  (Monday) (Day 119) - Mosiah 19:1-24 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? 

In the kitchen today  . . .  Zesty Lemon Cake. Its not only pretty to look at, but pretty delicious! 

Have a wonderful Saturday. Whatever you get up to, don't forget . . . 
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And I do too!


  1. I don't follow that IGer..but I looked..didn't get much..loaded comments and can clearly see it's about religion.. homosexuality etc..all subjects that lead to so much controversy:(
    I always steer clear.
    Politics etc..

    steer clear.Everyone has their own beliefs..and not everyone is kind.I follow a few IGers that have children w/ Downs Syndrome..on stories..she posted horrible messages she received about her child.
    Let us first and foremost be kind,kind,kind,kind,kind.
    Those views are gorgeous..

    Your book sounds like a winner hard you are working..hope your sisters op went well..and fingers crossed for your mom..

    and's your turn to feel better:)

    1. I like to think that we are all here for a purpose and doing the best that we can. I don't see where hating like that benefits anyone. Like you I think we should all first and foremost be kind, kind, kind, kind . . . if there is one downside to the internet (and I know there are many) it is that people feel free to say things on the www that they would think twice about saying in person. I don't feel that I have to agree with everyone, nor do I feel everyone has to agree with me. When I visit someone's page, to me that is like being invited into their home and the proper thing is to be polite and kind, even if you don't agree. Thanks or your comments re the book! It will not be quite as large as the last one, and hopefully will appeal to a larger audiance. We will see! My sister's op went well, one down, one to go! I so want to feel better. If I can only keep going until then. Here's hoping! xoxo

    2. You WILL keep going.. you will..Hope is always's right in us..and keeps us going.♥
      I agree you are visiting someone's home on your own respectful:) You can have an opinion and share it..but with hate..

    3. Respect always Monique, I agree, and yes, kindness!!! Hope does spring eternal. xo

  2. I do try to keep away from comments on the news anymore...not worth reading in my opinion. Just try to keep my self on track is more than I can usually handle anyway! And I'm always so thankful for each wonderful day. They say how we spend our days is how we spend out lives, so I try to make each one a good one. Will keep you and your mother in my prayers. Hope you have a good Saturday and I'm glad you decided to stay at home.

    1. I agree Pam. People are so quick these days to jump in judgement. Do they not realize that when they point a finger at someone else three point back at them?? God bless you! xoxo

  3. I will keep your Mom and you in my prayers hoping that both of you feel better soon!♥

    I don't go on any media..just my emails. I would rather try new recipes..listening to cd's..hard rock..rock..singing..poor dog..trying to make my surroundings better. Soon I will be going over my parents house and spring clean..makes them happy.

    Yay on your new book Marie! I'm not surprised you have a 2nd book coming..prob even a 3rd book..your that talented!

    Comment box wouldn't open on your food blog last night. It made me happy when I saw a bundt cake.. my fav. I have that bundt pan was my 5th..I have cookbooks..most Mom's.xo

  4. Thanks very much Jan! You are such a good daughter to your parents! They must treasure you. I would! God bless. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!