
Sunday 4 March 2018

It is enough . . .

"If you can't see what you're looking for . . . see what's there."

We, each of us . . . have dreams we are working towards fulfulling in our lives . . . as well as having experienced failure, or even things which have greatly disappointed us. Sometimes we can let our failures and disappointments overwhelm us to the point where that is all we can see in our lives . . . forgetting that beneath that layer of failure and disappointment lays simple and true abundance . . . that all we ever truly need lies before us, around us and within us. We can have a tendancy at times to focus on all that is negative in our lives . . . instead of seeing the joy that is well within our grasp . . .

Just like the trees, bereft of their leaves . . . lie in wait for the Spring which they know is coming, there is something as great and constant as the Earth, which cradles us and points us ever so gently towards the light. Our task . . . despite any pain or sorrow we may feel at the present . . . is to stay rooted and patient like the trees, knowing that Spring, however late it may feel . . . will arrive . . . that there is colour amidst all that seems black . . .

I am reminded of my life, eight years ago now . . . when all that I had surrounded myself with began to tumble down around me. When we lost the security of our job and with it our home . . . when we lost our beloved Jess . . . when the very ground beneath us seemed to be shifting and shaking, and we seemed to have nothing but desperation to cling to . . .

We had a very difficult time seeing God amidst all that we had lost, and all the insurmountable difficulties that lay before us.  The uncertainty of it all rocked us to the very core . . . and yet, from some unknown place inside ourselves, we were able to find the ever constant joy in knowing that, whilst we could not see Him, and maybe even not feel His presence . . .


 God has never promised us that our lives will be easy . . . instead it often seems to be the opposite of that . . . but . . . what He has promised us though, is that He can help it to be more bearable, and help us to carry our load, and that if we live in a way that is pleasing to Him . . . He will and can show us the way to go, and give us the strength that we need to move forward.

That is the one great lesson I learned and was able to draw from amidst all of that pain and turmoil, and yes . . . uncertainty. This was our one great constant, and it underpinned anything else that was going on at the time. That one great hope, which kept us putting one foot in front of the other when that is all we were capable of doing.

Sometimes that is all we can do . . . and it takes all that we have to be able to do it . . . and our steps might seem very small, and faltering. And we may not even be able to see that we are moving forward . . . or that every step we take forward is a step closer to the light. 

 In truth . . . the light never truly leaves us. It is a constant which lies around, beneath and within us. It may be clouded from time to time by circumstance and experience, but is always with us. Our choice is to, if we can manage it . . . root ourselves beneath our dreams and disappointments, to that one great constant that never changes, but which allows us and helps us to become all that we can become, and which helps to make what we have, and what we know . . . and who we are be . . . enough.

“Love is like the North Star. In a changing world, it's always constant.”
~Gordon B Hinckley

And as we all know, or should know . . . God is love.

Just my thoughts this morning . . . 

We were in bed last night by a little bit past 8 pm. I was just so tired, I was falling asleep on the sofa.  I didn't get up until almost 6 am this morning.  That is so not like me.  I had to use my spray twice during the night, and yet the day before I didn't use it at all. I sure hope that my appointment with the specialist comes more sooner than later.  Its a bit disconcerting to say the least.   

I have started reading a new book on my kindle.  It is a book that Todd is reading as well and he said to me, you need to read this book, so I took a look at his and then downloaded it onto  mine. Life Everlasting is a fascinating examination of man's future life from the time of death until his entry into the heavenly realms. The book reaches beyond the commonplace to give profound new insights into the nature of the life to come by examining the eyewitness accounts of more than 200 individuals who have ventured into the spirit world and have then returned to tell of their experiences. So far I am finding it thoroughly fascinating. 

We watched a really cute movie last night.  Relative Happiness. It was filmed in Nova Scotia. (I think that is what attracted me to it at first)  It was quite good.  There was a bit of swearing, which I thought was totally unecessary, but I live in a swear free bubble. It was mostly talking the Lords name in vain, which some people don't mind, but for me I would rather hear the "F" word.  But if you ignored that, then it was pretty cute and quite entertaining. 


I loved that the Leading lady was not a skinny minnie.  She was a very pretty young woman of size. I would like her wardrobe and her house, and not necessarily in that order.  Oh, and some of her energy! lol

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

A flower does not think of
competing with the flower 
next to it.
It just blooms . . . •。★★ 。* 。 


Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cinnamon, Prune & Toasted Walnut Cookies.  These are home sweet home comfy delicious!  I wish I could let you smell them!
Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.  Don't forget along the way of your day!

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi Marie, lovely thoughts today.
    That book sounds really interesting, I need to put it on my list!

    Thank goodness for the rain overnight, all our snow and ice has gone. We're so lucky where we are, I couldn't believe the other parts of the country and the amount of snow they had!! Hopefully Spring will now turn up!

    Have a lovely Sunday, lot's of love xxx

    1. It is a fascinating book Kate. I find myself picking it up whenever and that is so not like me! Xo

  2. Hopefully you will soon hear some results from the doctor to put you at ease. I enjoyed your words of encouragement today. We have tough times to go through but should never lose faith. Our dear Lord is and aways will be with us.

    1. I don’t know where I would be without Him Pam! I know you feel the same! Xo

  3. Hi Marie~

    Beautiful post...gorgeous photos...wonderful thoughts! I was just listening to, Music and the Spoken Word, this is a quote from the show. "...It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation that we gain the education that we came here to acquire." It reminded me of your post...we all have struggles, some so difficult that we wonder if we can make it through, others are easy to figure out. But, all things are possible through, Christ. Somehow we make it, and in the end, all is well. Do you realize how wonderful you are?! How your thoughts and words help and strengthen others?! I always come away with way more than when I started reading your post. You are a wise woman, Marie, thank you for just being you!

    I pray that you get in quickly with the specialist, and that they can help you. I know that potassium can cause so many problems, whether it's too high, or too low.

    I have never read that book, but I think I will download it, it sounds really good.

    Like you, I just will never understand why they have to put swearing in movies!

    The cookies look delish, I love a cookie with walnuts in it!

    Take care sweet friend, much love and hugs!


    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment Barb! I always love seeing your words. I am hoping all will go well with the specialist and that I don't have to wait too long to see one. That's the biggie! We got our new dishwasher today. Todd has hooked it up and it is going through a test run now to make sure all is working. I am very excited about it! Much love and many hugs flying your way from me across the sea! xoxo


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