
Thursday 1 February 2018

My Favourite Things . . . 
A few of the things I really love in life, maybe some of them are yours also. Lets share together!  
The Textile Art of Jeanine Pope.  She is ever so clever.  I could look at her work for hours.  I think her works is amazing.  She uses natural fabrics, and stitching and creates these lovely little vignettes from them.  I really admire people who do this type of thing so brilliantly.  
Blythe Dolls.  I never had one when you could buy them, but I could look at them and the clothing that people make for them for ages and ages.  I collect pictures of them on Pinterest.  I guess there is a part of me that hopes one day I will be able to get one for myself.  I have looked into them, but they are UBER expensive, and so I just collect pictures of them. That's all I can afford and to be honest, they take up a lot less room! 
Photographs of the Queen through the years.  (Doesn't William look like her?)  I am fascinated by the Queen, and yes, I collect photographs of her.  (And of Katherine and Meghan now as well)  There are some people that are so photogenic.  I also like to collect photos of Marilyn Munro and Audrey Hepburn.  They have faces that just draw you to them.  Like the Queen. 
I love these little glimpses into her life.  These photos seem to tell me a story, and its a story I am really, truly interested in. 
Gardening.  For years and years I subscribed to garden catalogues and I would sit in January and February planning gardens, doing detailed drawings of what I was going to plant and where.  Of course none of these came into fruition, mostly due to lack of funds and time, but I did so enjoy the planning process.  Yes, I am a dreamer, who loves to plan.  Isn't the most fun of a lottery ticket planning what you are going to do with the big win?  It is for me at any rate!  So it is with garden catalogues and gardening dreams.

The story of Alice In Wonderland.  The first time I read it I was about 6 or 7 years old and it was from our Encyclopedia.  It had a separate section of volumes that contained condensed abridged versions of classic books. I think I read every book in it, and Alice in Wonderland was my favourite.  (I even read Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.) 
I was always a voracious reader. 
Reading is one of my favourite things to do, and has been since I was able to recognise and make sense of words that were strung together into stories. My father was always reading and he used to read to me when I was really small.  I am sure that I gained my great love of the written word via him.  He inspired me to love words and love books.  I cannot imagine what it must be like to not be able to read.  Reading opens up a whole new world and broadens your horizons.  I love real books more than digital books, but most of my books are not read on my kindle because I can carry my whole library with me.  I am often reading  more than one book at a time. It has ever been so. 
Classic Scandanavian Country Design.  I love it.  I could browse through photos of it for ages, dreaming about what might be if only I had the time and the money. I also love the art of  Carl Larrson. 
It is my dream to one day visit his home in Sweden.  Dreams can come true. 

Here is the actual Larsson house, which is now a museum in Sweden. Carl Larsson and his wife, Karin, lived in this country cottage at Sundborn, which the couple took over in 1888 from Karin’s father. He and his wife Karin are credited with the bright colors associated with the Swedish country style. The house was something of a revelation in rural Sweden at the end of the 19th century. The colors of red and green in the dining room, and yellow, blue and white in the living room, provide iconic images of simplicity that typifies the Swedish country style. 
I hope this doesn't sound conceited, but  . . . I have always been a huge fan of my own artwork and the little characters I have created.  I have never quite been sure why it doesn't seem to draw much of an audiance.  I haven't done much in a while.  I need to get back to it because I have always loved doing it and I miss it. Oddly enough, I never like a picture once I am finished it.  It takes a few days before it grows on me and I learn to love it.  Funny how that goes. Upon reflection I think that a part of why I have slowed down on my creating is because I have an Art Licenser that does nothing for me, and I know if my art did take off now, I would have to give a part of what I made from it to them, and I don't think they deserve it. I can't wait until my contract runs out. It must be soon now.  I can't remember . . .
Red hair, and in particular this shade of red hair. I know that people with red hair don't really like their hair because it can often be the focus of taunts, teasting, ridicule, etc. But I think red hair is brilliant.  I think my little red headed grandson is just gorgeous, but then I think that of all my grandchildren.  When I was a little girl I wanted to have red hair just l ike Pippi Longstocking.  If you had red hair, it meant you were adventurous and amazing. I think red hair is beautiful.

Chubby babies. Although it does seem highly unfair that you are only cute when you are chubby and a baby.  Chubby adults are not seen as cute or desirable.  When was the last time you wanted to snuffle a fat person.  Right. Never . . .  but  bring in a baby with fat cheeks and chubby legs and arms, and everyones a lover! 
Picnics.  I adore picnics.  I can remember when I was a child, asking my mother to make me a lunch because my friend and I were going on a picnic.  I had a little bag holding a peanut butter sandwich, and an apple and a small bottle of drink, and we rode our bicycles all over the place looking for the perfect spot for our picnic.  We finally settled on a hillside up in Tremont (Nova Scotia) looking down on a small Baptist church.  It was a hot summer day and we were hot and sweaty and tired from all of our bicycling, but I can still remember how tasty that peanut butter sandwich was and the feeling of the sunshine on my head, the sound of flies buzzing, cicadas whirring . . . and I can smell the smell of Sweet Woodruff  . . .  memories, aren't they just wonderful?  I think I need to make us a Winter Picnic . . . 

Anything to do with paper and card.  I love the Graphics 45 scrap book papers.  I especially love these Home Sweet Home ones.  I created two albums with them.  Recipe Albums.  But of course I never did anything with them.  Maybe I should sell them  . . .  I don't know.  I do love paper though.  I have a hard time using paper.  I hoard it, and I save every scrap. I used to love making cards, but you can only make so many . . . 

Pie.  I love Pie.  If it is in a crust, I love it.  Anything in a crust and it doesn't matter if it is sweet or savoury.  I just love pie.  If I had to pick favourites . . . .  hmmm . . .  I adore Lemon Meringue Pie. Fresh from the refrigerator . . .  Savoury?  hmmm . . .  I think Chicken Pot Pie.

But that is this morning, if you were to ask me this afternoon
I  might give different answers, because to be honest
I just love pie.

  Felt. I love felt. I love working with it.  I love the way it feels in my hands.  I love all the things you can do with it. I love all the colours.  If I could I would have a bazillion squares in every colour under the sun.  With threads to match . . . 

(source, plus pattern)
I love pin cushions, and needle books for that matter. I love making them and using them.  I just love pin cushions.  Any way, any shape, any kind. 
Blue and White  Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White  Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White  Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White  Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White  Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White Blue and White 
Blue and White!!

And those are my favourite things for this week.  What are some of yours?
A thought to carry with you  . . .  
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  The sweetest thing in all my life
has been the longing to find the place
where all beauty came from  . . . 
~C.S. Lewis   •。★★ 。* 。 

BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - Omni 1:1-11 
Question - Why is it important to keep a family record? What are the benefits of keeping a journal? 

My Thoughts - It was so important that the Nephites keep a record of their people, so that generations after them can learn from their successes and their mistakes. It is likewise for us. We can pass on so much wisdom, but also, we feel we belong all the more when we see similarities between ourselves and our forefathers. The record in Omni testifies of God keeping his word with the Nephites. Those who were righteous were preserved, those who were wicked were destroyed. In 3 Nephi, the Lord was not pleased that the prophecies of Samuel the Lamanite were not recorded. We need to write them down to remember. It's also good for us to look back and see our progression, or to be reminded of times we were more steadfast, and to try and rekindle that.  In years gone past, I kept prayer journals and it is nice to read back on my prayers and see how God has worked in my life.  When I was a teenager I kept a diary.  I wish I had it now.  I am sure there were cringeworthy pages, but I am sure there was plenty of other nice things to read as well.
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 91) - Omni 1:12-30 
Question - What is your favourite part of today's reading? 
In The English Kitchen today, a delicious Ragu Sauce.  I love this stuff! 
Have a wonderful Thursday!  The dishwasher Engineer should be coming today. I hope that he can fix it!  Fingers crossed!
Don't forget!
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And I do too!


  1. I use to read when I was younger at night under my covers with a flashlight with my door closed. My sisters were in their bedroom across the hall and they would holler at me! I don't know how they knew! So then I would go in my walk in closet and read and they still hollered to shut the light off in my closet. I need to ask them how they knew or they just assumed. Lol. Now I'll fall asleep if I read. My sister's read all the time now.

    You should look to see when your contract runs out Marie. I don't blame you for not wanting to give someone else any money. Your the one that's so talented and you put alot of hours into your creations.

    There's nothing wrong with dreaming either or planning. It's like when people use to go window shopping. I believe dreams do come true!

    I've been thinking about trying my luck and putting a little garden in this year. Also a lilac bush would be nice.

    I collect of course cookbooks, recipes, different vases and I love my Nordicware bundt pans and pans.

    That Ragu sauce is making me hungry now!

    I hope your dishwasher gets fixed tomorrow.
    Have a great day! Love and big hugs!xo

    1. Sounds like you are the oldest Jan! I was too. Sometimes it seemed I had no,privacy, but now I am older I am grateful for having had siblings! We share a history with each other we share with nobody else! I love lilacs and nordicware! There are a few things wrong with the dishwasher so the Wngineer is coming back on Tuesday to do that! Fingers crossed it lasts! That’s two repairs on it now in just a few months! xoxo

    2. I'm the middle child, they just thought they could boss me around. Lol. Maybe, they were agitated bc I got my own room and they had to share one. My brother was born, so I had to go upstairs. We all live close by except my youngest sister. Hopefully your dishwasher gets fixed Marie.xo

    3. I hope so too Jan! I hate not having it! xo

  2. Marie we will soon have a baby in the family!💙🍼💓
    The closet I came to a picnic was for Mon's & J's 25th Wedding Anniversay, we made up a basket as a gift for their Anniversary! Fun...time~

    1. How exciting Di! New babies are such a blessing! What a great friend you were to do that! xoxo

  3. Di and Nick did bring us a lovely picnic for the Cape..we brought it and ate it there.They were beautiful times..I still have one of the pale blue gingham knives..we had St-André was absoluely thoughtful and lovely.
    I used to love picnics and probably still do..the most picnicking I did was with Caroline and her boys.. before she went back to work and they were little.
    I also had a yearly one with friends many many many yrs ago..
    So marie..everything up above I love.
    I would so be checking when that contract is up..the moon is in your just had a book are on a roll..they should be jumping on this bandwagon to promote your art♥
    Cause it is cute cute cute..

    LOVE babies too..LOVE them..LOve them.

    You could do the art you love in that first photo w/ your own twist..easily..not don't need to do that..(As I do..:)
    Love the bonnet pincushion:)
    Everything is so cute.

    1. Sounds gorgeous Monique! And yes very thoughtful! Oh I wish our babies never had to grow up! You are such a wonderful support to me! I truly appreciate it! xoxo

  4. That picture of the garden reminds me of my grandmothers garden. Although I did some gardening when I was young, my garden was never as big as hers was. Back then everything they ate came from the garden and they canned a lot of it. Now the only plants I plant are flowers and they are in containers. It so cold and drear here that just thinking of gardening tends to cheer one up.

    1. That is one of the gifts of a seed catalogs Pam! Spring and summer inspiration on cold winter days! God bless! xoxo

  5. Monique is right about your right...don't stop now your on a roll!😉

  6. Sorry I am late tonight, it's been a busy day. Well Thursday's usually are as it's the day I help at the church was quite busy today. Thank you for sharing your fav.things, I love the Jeanine Pope things...just wish I had the patience she has....and you have...I love my little Bee girl...don't ever forget how talented you are in so many ways...hope today has been a good one. How is Todd keeping these days. Peter was asking for you both a few days ago...night night god bless. Xxxx

    1. I am so happy you love your little Bee girl still Sybil. I need to make more of those dolls. Todd is keeping very well, which is good. He does have the occasional bad night, but don't we all! Give our best to Peter! We both thought he was a lovely man and enjoyed meeting him! xoxo

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