
Sunday 24 December 2017

A Tale of Light . . .

Jon, Josh and Jake enjoying some gingerbread fun 2017 

The wonderment in a small child's eyes,
The ageless awe in the Christmas skies,
The nameless joy that fills the air,
The throngs that kneel in praise and prayer . . .
These are the things that make us know,
That men may come and men may go,
But none will ever find a way
To banish Christ from Christmas day,
For with each child there's born again
A mystery that baffles men.
~Helen Steiner Rice 

As the woman and her husband pulled up to the small quilt shop door, she noticed a young Amish woman hanging clothes out on the line, despite the cold and frigid weather.

"If you'd like to go into the shop, I'll be right there!" She gaily called out.

The husband opened the door to the shop and as the couple stepped inside, they noticed that shadows of darkness shrouded the room, making it difficult to see.

"It's far too dark in here," the woman said to her husband, "I'll never be able to tell what the quilts look like without any light." 

Just then the Amish woman entered and turned on the gas lamps. "Feel free to look around. I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have about any of the quilts." she told the English couple.

"Oh!" the woman gasped out loud. "Just look at all the beautiful quilts and pillows! There are so many to choose from. Until you turned on the lights, I had no idea of just how very beautiful they truly were." She then pointed to a queen-sized quilt, sewn in muted blue and white colours. "I think I'd like to purchase this one." she said with a smile. 


The Amish woman lifted the quilt from the rack. "I especially like this pattern." she said. "It's called the Colonial Star, and it's pieced in a series of blocks. The stars have been quilted around the diamonds, making a puffy, raised look, causing them to stand out like flickering stars on a clear night."

The Amish woman rang up the couple's purchase on her battery operated cash register, and the wife, pleased that they had stopped at the quilt shop, knew she would treasure her lovely quilt for many years to come. 

Just as the beauty of the quilts was hidden from view until the gas lamps had been turned up, other's can't see Jesus until we let our light shine for Him. God gave us the sun, and the moon, and the stars . . . that we might see the beauty of His creation, and He, being light Himself, guides and directs those who follow Him, as we direct others to Jesus, the sweetest light of all.

"Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun."
~Ecclesiastes 11:7

May each of you on this very special Christmas 2017 be able to find peace in your hearts, light and joy in your lives, and the love of the Saviour . . . the sweetest light of all.  

A very MERRY CHRISTMAS from all of us
to all of you! 

Be happy and be blessed! 


  1. A very merry Christmas to you and Todd and Mitzi. I wish you joy and happiness and good health for the coming year.
    Kronia Polla

  2. Oh my dear friend, I loved your Christmas thoughts today; they were just so lovely. I especially loved the photo of your little ones.
    May you have the sweetest of Christmas celebrations with. Todd, Mitzie and beloved friends. Seding loving Christmas thought syour way! Hugs~

  3. Merry Christmas Local! All the best! xoxo

    Merry Christmas LeAnn and Roger! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, you're grandsons are adorable!

    I've got a busy day ahead today. Jen and Dale are arriving about midday. Then Jen and I are going to the cemetery, it would have been my 29th wedding anniversary today. Then my sister and her husband are coming over to exchange presents. I'm not cooking as such, just nibbles! Hoping for a chilled out evening!!

    Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas!

    Lot's of love xxx

  5. Merry Christmas Kate! I hope your day pans out as it should and that you feel very loved! Love and hugs to you! xoxo

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your grands are so cute!

    I hope all your friends on here and friends close by have a very Merry Christmas!

    Also ur Todd, Mitzi, and you have a wonderful Merry Christmas too!

    Big hugs and love!xo

  8. Merry Christmas, Marie, Todd, and Mitzi! I Love both of your Blogs, and look forward to them everyday. I feel like I am keeping in touch, with and old friend every day. Thanks, Dale, (Your friend from across the Pond)

  9. Super cute Littles Marie..Enjoy these next 2 days:)x

  10. A very Merry Christmas from my house to yours. That was a beautiful tale of Light.

  11. Hi Marie~

    I know you had a very merry Christmas, filled with the joy and Peace that the Savior brings us!

    Hugs and love to a very special friend!


  12. Thanks Jan, Dale, Linda, Monique, Pam and Barb! Hope your Christmas’s were equally as blessed! Xoxo


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