
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Wednesday morning this and that . . .

I am thinking about taking the day off today. Its not gotten off to a very good start.  Some days are just like that I guess!  First thing was an e-mail from my Editor telling me that Amazon was not going to have an image of my book up by launch date.  It will be November 14th to 17th at the latest.  He wanted to know if I could help with that by opening an Author Central Account on Amazon, and then uploading my own image of the book.  No dice.  I opened an Author Central Account and cannot find my book, even though I can clearly find it as a customer.  I have wasted a good hour and a half on that now and have gotten nowhere.  To say the least, it is not going to be very good for my book launching on the 11th of November, and there being absolutely no image available.  I might as well dig a hole and throw the book into it now!  People won't buy what they cannot see.  Its as simple as that. 

Oh well.
I am not going to stress myself out about it anymore.

Last night was our annual Women's Dinner for the ladies from our church ward at the Plas Hafod hotel in Wales.  There were over 40 of us this year, plus a baby, and I have to say the hotel staff dealt with us admirably! It was so nice to be all together like that in a beautiful place, and enjoying a beautiful meal together. My friend Tina and I decided we would share a starter and a dessert.  We had the Thai chicken and noodles for our starter.  It was fabulous, and I cannot imagine anyone being able to eat the whole thing and then go on to eat anything else afterwards.  Sharing was definitely a good decision!  Then I ordered a beautiful roasted Pork Loin for my main course.  It came with a cheddar mash and a beautiful pear gravy sauce, plus there were vegetables and potatoes to serve yourself.  And for dessert, Tina and I shared a cheese & biscuit plate, which was enormous!  I had to bring a piece of cheese home for Mitzie and she was thrilled at that.   I did not get home until 10:30!  That is very late for me considering I am usually in bed by 9!  Needless to say it took me a while to fall asleep last night  and I was an hour later getting up this morning!  It was worth it though as I had a simply lovely time! 

And I get to do it all again on Friday night at the chapel
when we have our Hawaiian Luau for the ladies!

We have the Missionary Sisters coming here for their lunch today at 1 pm.  Usually we have them for supper, but there was no other time to fit them in and I especially wanted to fit them in this week as Transfers are next week, and we will most certainly lose one of them, plus they both wanted to see my book, just in case.  I am doing an oven omelet, and we will have salad and chips to go with that, and for dessert a Raspberry  Jam steamed pudding with custard. A very simple meal.  I just have to put together the omelet and throw it in the oven, and the rest is a doddle.  Warm up the pudding at the last minute, etc.  As you know, we love having the sisters in our home.  We love having all the missionaries in our home. They always bring such a special spirit with them! 


I am happy to say that I have not completely lost my art mojo.  I went upstairs yesterday afternoon to work on the commission piece I have been given.  At first it was a bit daunting, with ten characters in one picture, but I decided to break them down into three family groups, which I have done, and somehow I will get them all together on the canvas.  It is a gift for a woman I know for Christmas, commissioned by her son.  These are all of her grandchildren.  It doesn't look like much, I know, but it will when it is done.  I did these preliminary sketches so that I could show the son before I start doing anything permanent and he is happy with them, whew!  There is nothing worse than having it completely finished and then the person saying, well, I don't like this or I don't like that.   Once something is painted, there is no going back.  You have to start from scratch all over again, so I started to do preliminary sketches a few years back, and thankfully it has worked thus far!  

These little finger monkey toys are set to become the wanted toy of the year this year.  I ordered one a while back and was completely charmed by it.  I had wanted to see one in person so I could decide whether to buy any for the grandchildren this year.  I paid £14.99 for mine, and then my friend Doreen wanted me to order two for her grandchildren, and I also paid the same for them.  One arrived, but we are still waiting on the other.  Since then, they have gone up to as much as £50 odd each!  People are cashing in on the shortage I guess and selling them for whatever they can get for them.  I really hope that the one we are waiting on arrives and that it still only costs us the £14.99 that was originally the price. At last count they were waiting on delivery, which was supposed to be today.  I sure hope that I don't get another e-mail telling me that it is delayed again!  Doreen is starting to get worried and I don't want her fretting over it.  They really are cute little things.  I don't think I will be getting any for the grandkids however, they have become far too expensive.

And with that I best close off with a thought for today as the time is rapidly getting away from me!

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Maturity is learing to walk away from
situations that threaten your peace of mind,
self-respect, values or self-worth. 
~Marcandangel   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's reading -  1 Nephi 14:9-30
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What are the characteristics of the Church of the Lamb of God V's the Church of the devil?  

What I learnt -It doesn't say specific characteristics of people belonging to the church of God and the church of the devil but it refers to the church of God as saints, people who love and worship God and the church of the devil as the whore of all the earth, immoral and unrighteous.
We are either with the Lord or we are against Him. That's pretty black and white. The Lords covenant people are promised power and protection. I was thinking about this protective armour.  I thought it could be a blessing that we receive, but what is more likely is that it comes from OUR choosing it. Keeping the commandments we have been given, the Word of wisdom, for the strength of youth. Said simply, if we want to be on the Lords side and not fighting against him, let's stand firmly on His side. To do this there are programmes and films we cannot watch, books we cannot read, music we cannot listen to, words we cannot use, websites and media we cannot look at, IF we want to claim the blessing of the Lords protective armour. 
Tomorrow's Reading - (Day 20) - 1 Nephi 15:1-18
 Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? Why is it so important to avoid the spirit of contention? 

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Crock Pot Chicken with Creamy Gravy.  This is fabulous!

Have a great Wednesday!  Don't forget along the way of your day that . . . 

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And I do too! 



  1. I had looked and nothing popped on both .ca and .com..I found it! Only Kindle is available tempted..and the pic is on it..:) Looks fab Marie.
    Over 500 recipes..kudos for the second time today..and I adore that family you are drawing..Marie you might love that Kate T class I am can already draw beautiful faces!
    Glad you had a nice time last night!

  2. I hope the issue is resolved soon, Marie, and that you make oodles of sales!

    PS - Wanted you to know that I have located my bins containing all my Tammy dolls etc. So I am hoping this weekend to go through them and then to get your package off in the post in hopes that you'll get your "surprise" by Xmas.

  3. Thanks Monique! I hVe that Kate T class on my wish list! I had hoped you were getting a copy of the book for review. :-(. I am paying for my good time today. It will be an early to bed night tonight! Xoxo

    Thanks Sandy! I am excited, you are such a dear. Xoxo

  4. Not sure if I am or past cases I have received an email from the editors asking if I want one..nothing yet..will let you know:)

  5. That seems all very odd about your book Marie...why couldn't the publisher send the photograph that Amazon wanted ? As you saw today I had a letter from Amazon to say they now have a delivery day .....hopefully....I am glad that you are back to your drawings they are delightful....night night GOd bless

  6. I have gotten in touch with them again Monique, because I had definitely handed your info on to them weeks ago. They should have been in touch! xoxo

    I know Sybil, never mind, as Monique says the photo is now showing for the digital download, so that is something! I am so excited that you have a delivery day and I am really hopeful that you will like the book! Love and hugs! xoxo

  7. Oh my dear friend, I am sorry you are having this complication with the book; but I think it will turn out OK. I am excited to look it up myself. I would love to get one.
    Your photo of your dinner was lovely and I think it sounded like a grand event. This next year when we have ours I will be in the middle of it all. I'm a bit overwhelmed with it. It is always fo lovely to have these moments with the sisters.
    I too love the Sister missionaries. We now have Elders which I love too. However, I really enjoy the sweetness of the sisters. I love that you have them frequently to lunch or dinner. Here in Utah we don't get to have them as often.
    The little Monkeys are adorable. I hate it when prices go up so much you can't afford them.
    Loved your thoughts on your reading in The Book of Mormon. Right now our youngest daughter's husband has become a doubter. He hasn't left the church yet but he is in a downward sprirl that is breaking our hearts. She is so devastated and trying hard to stay in there with hope of him changing. Right now it doesn't seem good. They have four precious children and one getting ready to go on a mission.
    There is such a difference in the light of those in the Church of God verses the evil side. It's so sad.
    We lovereading The Book of Mormon and we can clearly see that prophecies of this day are being fulfilled.
    I really am praying that our beloved Savior comes!
    Love and hugs for you!

  8. Its all worked out LeAnn! Whew! Thanks so much for all your comments! I will pray for your youngest daughter's husband. Hopefully the spirit will attest to him of the truth of the Gospel at some point and he will come back stronger than ever! You are right about the prophecies of this day being fulfilled and like you, I pray for a speedy return of the Saviour! Love and hugs! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!