
Sunday 26 November 2017

Sunday this and that . . .

November has been a month of dramatic sunsets. Yesterday at dusk the Welsh Hills . . . which we can see from our house laying off in a distance . . . were a deep violet colour, and behind them the clouds massed in fantastic formations, like great rose and golden bubbles lit by the fiery glow that seemed to strike up from under the horizon. Along the edge of the sky hung a long bar of green light . . . which lingered on until the darkness closed in. 

November air is exhilarating when there's no fog about. It's full of the sharp smell of burning wood and coal fire . . . wet earth and rotting leaves. There's a tang in the wind that is not there any other time of year . . . it sets the blood moving to a quicker rythym. One steps out briskly into the morning being conscious of a new vitality . . . braced for the threat of winter, which we know is just around the corner . . . 

Just as the sun's arc through the sky grows ever smaller . . . the world too seems to diminish in size. Live centres around the hearth . . . glowing fire, cosy toes, chestnuts roasting, mugs of hot cocoa. There is, as always, much to do in the garden . . . but I cannot be asked. A spirit of quietness broods out there beneath the leafless trees. It is as if the earth speaks and whispers to me . . . "Let everything lie fallow for a bit . . . rest and wait . . . rest and wait." 

In the meantime, this is what we woke up to yesterday morning.  A light dusting of snow.  It didn't last, but you could see on the streets where it had actually snowed quite a bit in some areas during the night.  Thankfully all cleared and we were able to go to a lovely Baptism in the afternoon.  I love Baptism's.  They always have a beautiful spirit in attendance and I am always reminded of the day of my own Baptism and how wonderful it was. 


The Christmas Movie fest has begun here!  Last night I forced Todd to watch A Christmas Prince on Netflix.  haha  He actually enjoyed it.  We both did.  It was delightful.  A mash up of the Prince and Me, Never Been Kissed, the Princess Diaries . . . it was just plain nice.  Oh I do love a happily ever after kind of a tale!  I highly recommend it if you are looking for something which is entertaining and that will warm the cockles of your heart! 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.° Your  mind will always believe
everything you tell it.
Feed it faith. Feed it truth.
Feed it with love.   •。★★ 。* 。 


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 2 Nephi 1:30-2:10 
(For further enlightenment -Talk: Brad Wilcox - His grace is sufficient)
Question- What have you learnt from the reading today? How do Justice, Mercy and Grace work in the Atonement?  
What I learnt - I've really enjoyed this reading and also listening to the Brad Wilcox talk again. Brother Wilcox's talk is life changing.  For years I felt like I was never good enough, and that I would never match up to the lofty expectations of the gospel, that my best could never be enough. I'd always understood the balance between justice and mercy but still never felt like I could ever 'do' enough, not even to fulfil the lesser demands of mercy.  I had grown up hearing about grace, but I don't think I ever truly understood what "grace" was. I knew logically that it was a means of divine help but never really knew what that actually meant. Apparently life is the greatest teacher, and through a series of difficult trials and moments, I came to understand and know in a really personally way the enabling power of the atonement through the grace of the Saviour. It wasn't easy and it wasn't pleasant, but I have truly come to know the Saviour through these experiences and use His grace, His ability to love, to endure, His ability to do difficult things to change and progress. This reading reminds me of Elder Holland's talk "Where Justice, Love and Mercy Meet" and I feel the way he does when he says "I thank Him and the Father, who gave Him to us, that Jesus still stands triumphant over death, although He stands on wounded feet. This Easter I thank Him and the Father, who gave Him to us, that He still extends unending grace, although He extends it with pierced palms and scarred wrists ... I thank Him and the Father, who gave Him to us, that we can sing before a sweat-stained garden, a nail-driven cross, and a gloriously empty tomb: How great, how glorious, how complete, Redemption’s grand design, Where justice, love, and mercy meet, In harmony divine!"

I am so very grateful for the Saviour and all that He teaches me, and for His loving sacrifice. How beautiful is it that He will consecrate our afflictions for our gain? I also think that we can consecrate our afflictions for our gain by doing things with a joyful heart instead of being annoyed or bitter about it (Moroni 7:11) . If we see something that needs changing, let's be happy to be/make that change and not moan about it because then we can consecrate it to The Lord and He will shower down those blessings in return. I have practiced this and whenever I have consecrated it to the Lord, rather than moaned about it, I have been blessed. 

Tomorrow's reading (Day 38) -2 Nephi 2:11-21 
Talk - Howard W Hunter: God will have a tried people.
Question -What have you learnt from the reading today? Why is opposition so important? Has opposition ever helped you?


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chocolate Gingers.  Tasty, tasty! 

May your Sunday be truly blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. Wow Marie, your sunsets sound so gorgeous!

    My dog has been barking and growling for 2 hours and I got up and looked unteen times! Now it's so late or early in the morning. He finally feel asleep so I can. Yay! Xo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL Jan, dogs are such beautiful companions! xoxo PS - Our sunsets here are gorgeous!

    Thansk Monique. I Hope you do too! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    Lovely photos! It does seem like things just get a little more -cozy- this time of year, I love what you and wait. That is what we all do, rest and wait, although I like, enjoy as well, I love the cooler weather.

    We have had a very moderate few weeks. I think the high today was around 60 degrees, very warm for November in Idaho. It won't last, we will most likely get some snow later this week. But, this morning walking into the church building it was just perfect!

    I've been wanting to watch, A Christmas Prince - that will have to be my next, Christmas movie... ;0) I have been watching, Call the Midwife, I always do a marathon this time of year watching it, it's one of my all time favorite series, and I just adore their Christmas specials.

    I need to go back and listen to that talk. I have a bad habit of being, self-defeating, and I could use a lift. These short days just zap me!

    Hugs and Love,

  5. Oh my sweet Marie, this was a wonderful Sunday post. I especially loved your discriptive writing of your environment. You should write a novel; you can do it. You have such a writing talent. We sat by the fire and we had cocoa tonight; so lovely. Your photos are lovely too. Wow, a bit of snow. We are in the 60's which is way strange for this time of year. However, there is rain expected tomorrow.
    I must watch The Christmas Prince. My husband will smile on this one. I have been recording every Christmas Hallmark movie to watch and he is such a sport to watch them with me. What's funny is I catch a tear roll down his cheek quite often while watching these romantic movies. Of course, my pay back is to watch sports with im and now I actually understand what football is all about.
    The Atonementof Jesus Christ is so powerful. Justice, Mercy, grace such beautiful and powerful words. Last year while on our mission there was a mission devotional and Brad Wilcox was the speaker and it was so awesome. I learned so much. I have loved all his books. They are simplely wonderful.
    I continue to love your thoughts on The Book of Mormon; they are awesome.
    Blessinga, love and hugs for you two!

  6. Its cold here again this morning Barb. I must pop on over to your farm and catch up! Our days are about to get very busy, well I am sure yours will be much busier than mine! You will LOVE a Christmas Prince! I wish they did more films like this! Love and hugs! xoxo

    I love that Roger watches these films with you LeAnn! I really hope to get to meet you both one day. How wonderful that you got to hear Brad Wilcox speak! On our Mission we got to meet both Dallin H Oakes and Russell M Nelson (not once but twice) plus several members of the 70. We were so blessed! Love and hugs for you both also! xoxo


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