
Thursday 16 November 2017

My Favourite things . . .

A few of my favourite things that you might also enjoy.  Lets enjoy them together. 

It feels like bragging, but its not, and I hope you don't think it is, but my book is now out of stock on all the sites, so clearly the publisher under-estimated the sales.  They are re-printing  now and you can pre-order for delivery when it comes back in.  I am thinking this is either a very good thing, or a nightmare, but I am going to be optomistic and think its a good thing!  Thank you all so much for your support!  I have the best readers and friends in the world I think! 

Grandchildren and the first snowfall of the year.  This picture is one of my favourite things at the moment. I am reminded of my own childhood and how very exciting the first snowfall of the year was. Yes, I am like Lorelai Gilmore. I can smell snow and that first snowfall of the year was so exciting and one of my favourite things.  If you are an adult and think that its not, just try to channel your inner child! 

Nyakers Pepparkakor from Costco.  Not only is there the tin (I LOVE TINS) but there are those addictive,  betcha can't eat just one, crisp ginger biscuits inside.  I adore these biscuits.  The only problem with them, is that you really CAN'T eat just one, and I don't need to be eating any. 😍  

Really good Balsamic Vinegar.  I could eat it with a spoon. If its a really good Balsamic its not sharp or acidic. Its delicious!  I love dipping bread into it.  Good french bread.  And if you also have a good extra virgin olive oil, you can dip it into both and it's magnifico!


Meeting new people and making new friends!  I am not as shy as I once thought I was.  Although I am a bit reluctant to go into a crowd of new people and put myself forward, I am also a lot more confident. Now that I am older and don't really care about what other people think of me all that much, I really love meeting new people and learning all about them.  I think people are fascinating!

"I think I pea-d myself!"

Aldi's Kevin the Carrot has returned for another year in their latest Christmas advert.  I think these taking carrots are quite cute.  Actually I love all of the Christmas Adverts that the major supermarket chains put out over here.  This year my favourite one is  . . . . 

The John Lewis one with the Monster under the bed, but I am also very fond of the Paddington Bear one from M & S.   

Who doesn't love Paddington Bear! 

I have always wanted to have my own Paddington Bear. Maybe one day. 


Another bear I have always loved is Rupert the Bear.  Someone sent my sister a Rupert Annual when she was a child, with magic painting pictures and everything.  I truly coveted that book! I really did!  I think I just about wore the pages out in it, and it wasn't even my book.

But then again, as you know, I love humanized

Pinterest.  I spend altogether too much time on there each day, but I am totally fascinated with all that I see.  I will never, ever, EVER be able to explore all that I have pinned thoroughly, but I do so much enjoy perusing and saving.  In all truth a lot of what I have tried to do myself from off there has been an epic failure, but I have also had some amazing successes too.  So its not all bad. 


Another site I really enjoy is Pinterest Fail. #pinterestfail   I can go there when I have an epic failure and know that I am not alone, lol.  You just have to be able to laugh at yourself sometimes in this life.  It beats the alternative any day! 

Enamelware, vintage or otherwise. Maybe I am common, but I would love a whole set for every day, and I do love baking in it.


And I love my huge turkey roasting granitewear tin.  I brought it back over here in my suitcase. When Todd saw me buying it, he said to me, "You are never going to bring that back with you!"  I said, "Watch me, and learn."  By the time I filled it with my clothes and packed everything around it, it took up no more space in my suitcase than the width of it's enamel, and it was not all that heavy either. No flies on me!  

Thanksgiving.  I love it almost as much as Christmas.  I love the American tradition of celebrating it in November.  It helps to usher in the Christmas season perfectly.  


And this year I have much to be thankful for.

I believe in the amazing Power of Prayer.  Todd had his follow up six month blood test earlier this week, and an appointment  next week I think. (I need to check the calendar)  I am praying so hard that the cancer is still at bay and has not returned.  A good friend of ours was diagnosed the day after he retired in July, went into hospital that day and never came out.  He passed away two weeks ago. Totally and utterly devastating for the whole family and for our congregation. He was such a special man. I am praying that all will be well with Todd, and that if it is not, that we both have the strength to deal with whatever comes our way.

And with that I best leave you with a thougt for the day . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.°  Pray without ceasing,
Give thanks in all things,
For this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus for you.
~1 Thess.5: 17 - 18 •。★★ 。* 。 


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 1 Nephi 17:48-18:4
Question What have you learnt from the reading today? How can we build our lives "after the manner which the Lord had shown unto us"?  

What I learnt - I love these verses and how they teach us to build our lives 'not after the manner of men' but 'after the manner which the Lord' shows us. One thought I had is  for us to fully build our lives & our homes upon the Lord's standards in 'for the strength of youth'. As we do this, we will always be prepared & ready to feel the Holy Ghost's influence, and have Him show us what choices & changes we need to make to build ourselves, our families and our homes in the Lord's way. He is the one with the perfect plan of happiness for us, not man. This has been a gentle reminder for me to look to Him, ask Him, listen to Him & follow His instructions. 
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 28) - 1 Nephi 18:5-20
Question Why do you think the Lord didn't deliver Nephi immediately, like in 1 Nephi 7:16-20? How can this apply to you in your life? 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Ham, Leek & Potato Gratin. Quite simply delicious.

Have a fabulous Thursday!  Hope it is filled with a few of your favourite things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!  




  1. when I was little I use to pretend I WAS Paddington. After we all watched the first film, I told my daughters that and my eldest sent away for a little Paddington and surprised me with it - so precious, he sits on my bedside table!
    Last night I dreamed I went to a meeting at your church, everyone was very welcoming.
    So pleased about your book sales.

  2. How adorable Julie! I wanted to be one of the Famous Five! lol I had a really vivid imagination! We are having a Carol Service at our Church on Christmas Eve Julie and I just know you would be more than welcome to attend! Its a beautiful way to invite the Christmas spirit into yoru heart! Let me know! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, I love all your favourites too, especially the one about your sold out book!!! Amazing! Congratulations!

    I used to love Rupert too. I loved that the annuals had the proper story and also a poem story as well. The pictures were also lovely, so much detail in them you would be forgiven for thinking they were all real!

    There's talk of us having a snowy winter this year!!

    Had a horrible time in London, apart from Christian of course, things are so bad at the moment. I just don't know whats going to happen. While we were there Joyce, George's sister, was admitted into hospital with pneumonia. She's supposed to be going to Singapore in a couple of weeks to see her son.

    Praying for good news for Todd. Lot's of love xxx

  4. Oh dear Kate, I will be keeping George's sister in my prayers and of course everyone else also. I hope that nobody thinks I a bragging about my book. I am just so excited about it. I will shut up about it soon! Oh, I did love Rupert so much. The illustrations and as you say, the stories so very well done! I have bought myself re-print collectable ones as an adult and I do enjoy them so much from time to time. Nothing today compares I don't think! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie I bought your kindle because I thought that the regular was too expensive and now that I have seen what you have on that book I am also going to buy the xpensive one,that book is not a book in and Enkiklopedia! I absolutely must have it sooner or later,the kindle is not enough.....By the way I love your gratin Im going to make it right away!xxxxxxxxlove
    Carla from Crete

  6. Oh Carla, thank you so mch. I am so pleased that you like it! I cannot imagine finding it very useful on the Kindle personally as it is such a large book. You are right it is like an encylopoedia! I hope you make the gratin and like it. Its very good my Crete friend! xoxo

  7. I like the way you said Thanksgiving is the perfect way to usher in Christmas. It's so very true. Having living where we have snow all my life, I've see the good and bad of it especially now I'm older, The kids love it still but not me so much at all. Will pray all goes well with the up and coming check up. Remember the past is gone, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift! Enjoy it to the fullest!

  8. Coudn't be more excited for you! I did get at least one IG comment saying they were going to oreder and it was temp out of stock..yippeeayohkayeh!

    I love the first snowfall too..:) Very I treid sending a screenshot..thanks I know how now w/ my PC but my connection is PITIFUL..I will keep tring have a great day..MIss Cookbook Authoress Extraordinaire:)

  9. We do not get much snow here Pam, Nd when we do I am beyond thrilled. As a child and even as an adult I loved it, though I can appreciate the hardship in keeping the cars moving and the drive cleared! ThNks very much for your last thoughts on tomorrow! I really appreciate them., God bless, xoxo

  10. Thanks so much Monique ! My last few days have been filled with more pinch me moments than I can count! I am filled with awe and joy. This is definitely the windows of heaven pouring out blessings on me! Love and hugs, xoxo

  11. I think that your post on your favorite things is one of my favorites. I always look forward to reading it. Today was a beautiful one.
    I am not surprised at all that your book sold our and they need to make more. You are so talented and I hope you get enough funds to take a good trip or some other wish you might have.
    We haven’t had our first snowstorm but will probably have it this weekend. We are actually going to Spokane Washington to be with our daughter. Our grandson is being ordained an Elder and given the Melchizedek priesthood on Sunday. Such a wonderful event and then he will apply for a mission. This sweet daughter is one that is struggling with a husbnad who has lost his faith and is rather anit. It’s so sad and I will be so happy to spend some time with her family and with her dear husband who I love so much.
    I am much like you I haven’t been very outgoing until I have grown older. I am more confident because I don’t care what people think. I try to be the best me I can be.
    The Paddington storeis are sweet.
    I too love Pinerest but haven’t had much time to explore. I do like to save things when I find them. I have lateliy been saving a lot of awesome church quotes. I am enjoying making my own graphics with some of the quotes.
    I love the story of you bringing home the roasting pan. You are such a character.
    I too love Thanksgiving and I do have a heart full of gratitude for soooo many blessings.
    I will be praying hard that Todd’s report is a good one. I do believe in the power of prayer and have been praying for you two for a long time.
    Thanks for your insight and thoughts on The Book of Mormon. We just finished it after reading 10 pages a day for two months. We just started over two days ago. I have such deep gratitude for the teaching I receive from The Book of Mormon.
    Sending prayers, blessings and lots of love your way!

  12. Hi Marie!

    I got my cookbook today... :0) I love it!! My husband loves it as well, and is already writing down the recipes he wants me to make. This afternoon, I was making dinner for a friend, and the whole time, he sat at the table and read recipes to me, it was wonderful!! I have to say, I was impressed with the size of the cookbook! I agree with Todd, I will never have to have another cookbook, it has everything I could possible want in it.

    Your, Friday finds were so nice. I love Paddington Bear, old tins, and enamel ware. I cook my ham or turkey in my granitewear tin every year at Thanksgiving. It was my grandmother's and I cherish it.

    Oh my, where would we be without prayer...keeping you in mine.

    Hugs and Love,

  13. Unknown, I am guessing you might be LeAnn! I do pray for your son in law and I hope you have a safe trip to Spokane and back. I can only dream about having other family in the church. I keep praying! My Daughter and I had a lovely discussion on FB last night about the Gospel. At least she wasn't too anti, which was a bonus! Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree! She is a sweetie pie and that she found the Lord at all with her disabilities, is a great blessing to me!! Love and hugs to you! xoxo

    Thanks Barb! I am so pleased that you are both pleased with it! That makes my heart sing! I thank you for your prayers! Love and hugs. xoxo

  14. I'm so happy that ur cookbook is a success Marie! I just knew that it would sell out, just bc I didn't get mine yet. That's just my luck! Lol. I'm also mad at myself for not getting my butt in gear! I'm little bit sad that I'm not reading mine right now too.

    I hope and pray that ur Todd gets a clean bill of health too!

    I'm just so happy for you that finally things are going in a positive way now! Yay Marie!

    I'm giving you a great big virtual hug right now! Just bc you deserve it!

    Big hugs and love

  15. No worries Jan. they will be getting in more for sure and you can get one then! Todd has gotten a clean bill of heal for now and we’ve are very grateful for That! Xo

  16. Yay for both info Marie!
    Big hugs!


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