
Saturday 14 October 2017

The places I go . . .

I thought today I would tell you about some of the places I like to visit on the web and why I like to visit them.  In a world filled with negativity, it is nice to dwell on pleasant things and things that make me happy.  These are all little rays of sunshine in my life. 


Barb's Blog.  I love Barb's Blog.  It is a sweet, sweet blog filled with glimpses of farm life, family life, and just really nice things. I always enjoy my visits to Barb's Blog.  Nice acoustic guitar music, of the hymns of the church also. Could listen to them for hours.  Peace.  It is a peaceful blog to visit. She is an American.

La Table De Nana, by Monique.  I've been reading Monique for years now.  She is a French Canadian gal. I can't remember how I stumbled on to her, but I liked what I saw and stayed.  She has the sweetest spirit and is such a kind, kind soul.  Beautiful photos and words about  her gardens, food, her delightful artwork, crafts, chickens, travels, family, life.  We have never met in person, but I feel as if I have known her forever.

Nie Nie Dialogues, by Stephanie Nielson.  I have been reading Nie Nie for years now.  Stephanie was in plane crash in 2008. I started reading her blog shortly after that. She is one of the most inspiring women.  Her blog is a lot about her family life, her struggles, what inspires her, etc. She is also an American.  They just recently moved back to Arizona.  I am looking forward to seeing her adventures there with building a new home, etc.

"When we open ourselves to the Spirit, we learn God's way
and feel His will." -Neill F. Marriott

On The Bright Side, by Pam. A daily post about all that is good in the world.  Inspirational thoughts,  a recipe, family life.  I always end up with a big smile on my face when I visit Pam.  She's an American lady who always looks on the bright side of things. You can't help but feel better about the world after a visit to her sweet, sweet page. 

LDS Org.  This is my church's main webpage.  I go there every day, and sometimes more than once a dayThere are always good videos to watch, inspiring talks to read or listen to.  Its a fab source of inspiration for me. I love it. 

Simple Gifts Pictured, by Tracy.  Tracy is an American gal who lives in Norway. I have known Tracy for years now and we have actually been lucky enough to meet in person when I lived down in Kent.  She and her husband TJ were in London on holiday and popped on the train down to us in Brenchley and we spent a lovely day together.  Her blog is an oasis of nice also.  Beautiful photography.  Lovely thoughts.  A bit of food, Inspiration, travel, crafts, etc. 

Posie Gets Cosy, by Alicia Paulson.  Another American blog.  Alicia writes about her home life, her family, cooking, crafts, etc.  Lots of lovely photos to enjoy.  She is a very talented woman and creates the most beautiful things.  I have most of her patterns for softies and ornaments, embroidery and I also have both of her books.   I love her embroidery most of all.  There are even a few freebies there.

 Pinterest.  I visit Pinterest every day and multiple times a day.  It has become my go-to resource when I want to know how to do something, or even when I just have a few minutes to waste.  Where else can you collect things that interest you with abundance and not have it cost you a cent!

Carrie In Oxford, by Carrie. Carrie  is another North American living in the UK with her husband.  They have had a B&B in Oxford, but are now moving to a small Welsh Village.  Beautiful photos and a lovely little glimpse into a sweet, sweet life. 

Susan Branch, by Susan Branch.  Art, life, cooking, travel, books, quotes, etc.  I have been a fan of Susan Branch since the early 1980's when I discovered the illustrated recipes she used to have in Country Living Magazine.  I was so excited a few years back when I discovered she had a blog and I have been hooked ever since.  She is a sweetheart.  Love reading about her life and exploits.  I love her books.  I love her art.  I love her heart.  She responds to most comments.  Her blog is a community of kindred spirits and like minded souls.

Mouses Houses.  I don't know much about the writer of this blog.  I visit it because the photos are cute.  She makes all these little mouse characters and them puts them into scenes.  I love them.  I have always been fascinated with small worlds . . . 

This is by no means a full list of the places I like to visit.  I have just run out of time this morning.  I don't know how that happens.  I sit down here and I have oodles of time in front of me and then all of a sudden I am running out of time!  What are some of your favourite places to visit?  I would love to see what interests you!  Who knows maybe I will discover a new obsession! 

Just quickly speaking about time I have to tell you about this totally delightful film that Todd and I watched last evening called  About Time.   It was one of the best films I have seen in a while. It was funny, and sad and everything in between. 

"When Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson) is 21, his father (Bill Nighy) tells him a secret: The men in their family can travel through time. Although he can't change history, Tim resolves to improve his life by getting a girlfriend. He meets Mary (Rachel McAdams), falls in love and finally wins her heart via time-travel and a little cunning. However, as his unusual life progresses, Tim finds that his special ability can't shield him and those he loves from the problems of ordinary life."

Thoroughly engaging!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.°We either make ourselves happy,
or we make ourselves miserable.
The amount of work is the same.
~Carlos Casteneda  •。★★ 。* 。 


Something yummy in the kitchen today with a delicious Pumpkin Molasses Cake.  This is like a pumpkin gingerbread.  Moist and moreish!
Have a lovely Saturday!  I am off to a Tea Party this afternoon to celebrate the end of a friend's  treatments for throat cancer.  Looking foward to seeing some old and good friends.  Don't forget along the way of your day . . . 

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and I do too!



  1. I love suggestions for blogs to read:) Thank you and thank you for visiting me all these years..I think I have learned much more from you:)
    In fact..I think I discovered Alicia through's been lovely watching Amelia grow and no one makes ornament patterns like she does..believe me..I tried different this yr..and there is no comparison.
    I wish you a great weekend Marie!

  2. Kindred spirits Monique, kindred spirits! Xoxo

  3. I came back to say Pinterest..oh lala..
    I have loved Pinterest since I discovered it and have sooo many boards..not as many as yours..but imagine my opening Pinterest one day..and all the boards I had placed alphabetically to find what I wanted quickly ..were all askew:(
    I wrote and was told it had been a glitch and to give it time it would ..should resolve itself..never didn't..I wrote again and they said although tedious..I had to replace them manually.I kid you not it is near IMPOSSIBLE..

    3 days now.. not days..but compartments in the days..and I am maybe 1/3 done.
    IMPOSSIBLE once you get midway..:(

  4. Hi Marie~

    Oh my goodness, sweet friend, you are so kind to post me and my blog as, things that make you happy... :0) Can I just say that this is why I love blogging, because I get the amazing opportunity to meet people like yourself, Marie. Your blog makes me smile each and every time I log onto it, so positive and uplifting, and always delicious! You talk about, "real" life, which I love, and about dreams and hope and charity, all the things that make you who you are, and make me happy.

    I can hardly wait to visit each and every blog that you posted about today. Some of them I recognize, and the ones that I don't, I will know very soon.

    I truly feel like we have met before...that is what I call, kindred spirits.
    Thank you again for such a sweet tribute to my little part of the blog world!

    Hugs and Love,

  5. Monique, I gave up on keeping my boards on Pinterest organized a while back. I found it impossible and I have far too many. I need to spend some time on them, but I am still struggling to get my photos sorted before they disappear forever on the food blog with the debacle from Photobucket! I have been to some blogs and everything has disappeared and turned into that horrible third party hosting photo, the backgrounds and everything and they are impossible to read. I have my fingers crossed that I can get it all done in time! xoxo

    Thanks Barb. Yes, I feel like we are also kindred spirit friends. Like you, getting to meet/know all of these amazing and talented people is the best part of blogging! I love this medium, it gives everyone the opportunity to be a writer and to be read. It is just wonderful! Love and hugs! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!