
Saturday 28 October 2017

Taking time to be still . . .


Taking time to listen to God is something I try to do each day . . . it is not always easy, sometimes life tries to get in the way, but I have found that if I discipline myself to do it . . . it is a treasure and a pleasure that becomes easier with each day that passes. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the here's and the now's of our days that we forget that in our great need to be heard . . . we also have to stop and listen, for that is the only way we can hear the things He wants us to hear . . . 

 I believe that in my silence I've learned far more, as I listened for that still small voice that I hear in my heart . . . far more than I have ever learned as I prayed and begged for answers. At times, I know . . . I haven't even asked the right questions . . . but by quieting my mind, and patiently listening, I've certainly heard the right answers, answers to questions I'd not even voiced very eloquently . . . but He knows . . . He knows . . . 

 Meditative, intentional listening is a gift for anyone who practices the art, and a wonderfully rich experience. One has to be willing to sit still in God's presence. It does not take long . . . a mere ten minutes a day will suffice. Just find a quiet place where you can be alone and then . . . just sit there and be quiet. Turn off the music, the telephone and the television. Sit quietly and invite God to speak to your soul, allow Him to commune with your spirit. It won't take long before you begin to feel comfortable with the silence and you begin to hear the things that God wants you to hear . . . no, not in a loud audible voice, but in His still and quiet way. It will sooon become an integral part of your day and of your life. 

It is an integral part of mine and one that I treasure daily. Sometimes . . . just when I think I have everything figured out, He reminds me . . . that His ways are not my ways . . . and that even the simplest of His thoughts are far better than even my grandest ideas.

"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."
~Psalm 46:10 

 Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love the cooler days and nights. I have never been a real heat lover. Perhaps it is the soft yearnings of my Canadian soul that speaks and tells me I am happiest in the cooler autumnal temperatures. There is something so cosy about walking into a kitchen after having been for a walk outdoors in the cool crisp air. The warmth of the kitchen hits you right away. It just speaks of home to me. Had I a wood stove, I would keep a pot of soup simmering away on the back of it all day, or at least a pot of cinnamon scented water.  I once lived in an old farmhouse that was heated by an old fashioned Mennonite Wood Cookstove. Oh  how I loved the cosiness of it. I spent a lot of hours next to it meditating, writing, cooking, etc. in the winter months.  Laundry would be strung up nest to it as in the old days, and sometimes drying apples and beans . . .  leather britches I think they are called, the beans that is.  There was something very soothing about sitting next to it, listening to the snap and crackle of the logs, and every so often, one would fall down and make an exciting little stir. I loved it. In heaven I am going to have a wood cookstove . . .  

Today I am going to be stirring up my Christmas Pudding for the year.  I have had the fruit macerating all night in some brandy (shhh) in a bowl on the table.  The alcohol all cooks out.  Everyone in the house will have a stir of it and make a wish when I put it together this morning . . . before I pack it into the pudding bowl and start steaming it.  Myself, I am not a huge fan of Christmas pudding, I much prefer mince pies and fruit cake, but Todd . . .  he loves a Christmas pudding and this one is filled with lots of dried figs, sultanas, currants, cherries, etc. If I get really industrious, I might even bake my Christmas Cake today.  It seems to be a good idea.   Actually this year I also want to make a white fruit cake.  I can't get the candied pineapple for it over here however, so I think I am going to try making my own.  I'll let you know how I get on with that!  

We have slowly been re-watching the Downtown Abby Series again . . .  it is a real treat and last night we watched the Christmas Special which preceded Series Three. 

Mary: “You mean you’ve forgiven me?”
Matthew: “No I haven’t forgiven you.”
Mary: “Well, then…”
Matthew: “I haven’t forgiven you because…I don’t believe you need my forgiveness. You’ve lived your life. And I’ve lived mine. And now it’s time we live them together.”
Mary: “We’ve been on the edge of this so many times, Matthew. Please don’t take me there again unless you’re sure.”
Matthew: “I am sure.”
Mary: “And your vows to the memory of Lavinia?”
Matthew: “I was wrong. I…I don’t think she wants us to be sad. She was someone who never caused a moment of sorrow in her whole life.”
Mary: “I agree.”
Matthew: “Then will you?”
Mary: “You must say it properly. I won’t answer unless…you kneel down and everything.”
Matthew: “Lady Mary Crawley. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Mary: “Yes!”

What a romantic moment with the snow falling down around them . . .  they've both been through such a lot of heartache, and we, the audiance, have finally been rewarded with what we have been wanting in our deepest heart of all hearts, all along  . . .  Mary and Matthew together . . . finally.  I just love that scene so very much. 

There are some things which just never get old.
Never, ever,

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . 

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 *.˛.°I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go.
Things go wrong so that 
you can appreciate the when they're right.
You believe lies so you eventually
you learn to trust noone but yourself,
and sometimes good things fall apart,
so better things can fall together.
~Marilyn Munroe  •。★★ 。* 。 

BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 1 Nephi 7:1-15
Question: Why do you think it is so important to have a soft heart? 
 What I learned - I think when it comes to approaching the gospel having a soft heart is vital.
The Lord can much more easily work with someone who has a soft heart, someone willing to learn, to be teachable, to be humble. Ishmael and his family softened their hearts and received the word and will of God. Laman and Lemuel and others rebelled against the Lord and rejected his will. When our hearts are softened they are like soft clay, we are malleable and teachable and ready to be shaped by the master sculpturer. When our hearts are hardened then the clay has set and we reject and rebel against the will of God. A soft heart can grow line upon line, closer to God. 
 Tomorrow (Day 9) - 1 Nephi 7:16-8:15
 Question: What do Nephi and Lehi's choices in these verses teach you?


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Rugelach.  Oh boy, but these little babies are dangerously tasty! 

Have a great Saturday no matter what you get up to!  Don't forget along the way of your day . . .

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And I do too! 



  1. I wonder if the type will behave today. Every time I tried to leave a message yesterday it printed the letters so slowly I gave up before I had got a few words written,,,so far so good this morning.....I was tryingi to get into the one of your recommended blogs yesterday but after trying three gave up...and said not available It's really strange....never mind glad you had a good day with your friends....looks like it's going to be a cold but nice sunny day. Mary has just gone home again to put on the washing machine, hopefully earth thing will get dry..
    Hope you and Todd can get out and enjoy the sunshine...after you've done the xmas pud though !! Lots of love winging it's way north. Xxx

  2. Hi Marie. I love the build up to Christmas, getting the house ready, doing lists for presents and cards to get, shopping when its cold and crisp and fairy lights everywhere!!! The thing is I love the build up so much the main event can be a bit of a let down! I must admit though I have never made my own Christmas pudding or cake although I love the idea of it. M&S lures me in every year instead! 🤣🤣

    Just going to get ready for my daughters bridal dress appointment. My sister is supposed to be coming to. I am really worried about her at the moment as her memory has deteriorated so much lately, please could you include her in your prayers Marie, her name is Isabella.

    Enjoy your baking day, lot's of love xxx

  3. Oh dear Sybil. I don't do any blogging on my iPad or anything important. It's just not user friendly enough! No sun up here. Its overcast and quite windy. I love clothes that have been out on the line! xoxo

    I hope you enjoy your day Kate. I am sure you will! Tears will be shed. I will pray for your Sister for sure. Isabella is such a beautiful name! xoxo

  4. I am quiet ..often..

    oftenoften..I have always loved that psalm..I would like it in the gardens:)

    Have a great day:)

  5. OH, it would make a lovely garden marker Monique! I bet lots of people would like that. I reckon you can't get much closer to God than in a garden! Happy Saturday. xoxo

  6. I'm taking more quiet time and content about it! But I always pray during my walking and that brings me peace of heart and mind!
    Have a nice weekend Marie

  7. That's also a great way to be still! I often used to walk and think and pray! You have a lovely weekend too! xoxo


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