
Monday 2 October 2017

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 
I hope she doesn't mind me sharing her photo.  This is our dear friend Sybil.  She has to be one of the sweetest people I know and I wanted to let her know how very much I appreciate her presence in my life and how special she is to me.  She is a small and wonderful thing, literally because I understand she is very short! We have never had the priviledge of meeting in person yet, but hopefully one day we will.  She only lives a few hours from where I live, as the crow flies, but a bit longer if you are in a car.  She is a thoughtful, kind and caring person, sympathetic and selfless.  I know she is very patient and long suffering because of the care she takes with her neighbor, Mary, who can be very difficult at times. She gives of herself generously to her church and her neighbors and her friends.  She, to me, is a perfect example of someone with a Christ-like love for her fellow beings and I love her to pieces.  We need more Sybils in this crazy old world! 
For the semi-annual October Conference of my church which we have been blessed to have been able to watch and listen to over this past weekend.  We have been uplifted and truly spiritually well-fed and ready to face whatever life throws at us over the next six months! 

Somehow each month we manage to have enough to scrape us through another month.  Todd is going into town to pay our rent today, and we have just enough to do it. It will be bread and water for the rest of the week, haha (not really but close) but at least we have bread and we have water! I know that I am far better off than 80% of the world.  Knowing, acknowledging and being able to appreciate what I do have is a blessing in and of itself.  Joy is often lost in wanting more than what you already have.  I have seen that happen, and with people who have far much more materially and financially than what Todd and I have.  Money doesn't make you happy, neither do things. Joy comes when you acknowledge and appreciate what is yours now.  And I do. My glass is always half full.

So grateful for the police and the job that they do.  Its a good thing we didn't have to go to church yesterday as they did another drugs raid on the house across the street from us.  I went to go wake Todd up as he had wanted to go to the Priesthood Session at our church and I saw everything kick off as I went past the front window.  There was a HUGE police van parked in the middle of the street right in front of our drive, about six police cars, two sniffer dogs and a bazillion police officers. Our street was completely blocked off.  I woke Todd up and we watched for a bit . . .  discreetly of course. (I hope our curtains didn't twitch too much)  The job the police do is amazing. I knew it was either drugs or a dead body because of the dogs. It wasn't long before we saw them taking the son out in handcuffs.  There were police with visor helmets and plastic shields, etc.  It was quite alarming, but at the same time a reassurance to me that they are doing the best to keep our community safe.  I feel sorry for the mother who lives there.  This must be very sad for her as a mother, and a bit embarassing as well I would think.  This is twice now, in just a few months.  She had only just gotten her new door and her window fixed, and now her front door is boarded up again.  I hate thinking that this kind of thing has been going on so close to home, again. There are always vans pulling up filled with men, etc.  Its made me uncomfortable on more than one occasion.

I think October is my favourite month.  I really dislike extreme temperatures.  It's not too hot and not too cold. You get some beautiful days.  If I was in Canada, I would have Thanksgiving to look forward to (just next weekend!), and of course there is our October church conference.  The autumn colours are at their best.  I can start making soups and stews again and using my oven with abandon because its not too hot in the kitchen! Halloween!  I love it all! 
Spending some time in conversation with my mom.  I love that hour we spend together.  I wish it was more.  She sounds very happy and content and that makes me happy.  It is a special blessing in my life and I am so very grateful for all that my sister does.  I hope she knows that. I wish I could do more for her and for my mom too. 
This is an old photo now, she was so tiny there.   Todd and Mitzie.  They fill my hours and days with abundance.  I love both of them so much.  They are everything to me.  Life is very good.
And those are my small and wonderfuls for this week.  I have ever so much more to be grateful for.  This is just the tip of a very big iceberg!
A thought to carry with you  . . . 
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 *.˛.°Spread love wherever you go.
Let no one ever come to you
without leaving happier.
~Mother Theresa  •。★★ 。* 。 

In the kitchen today . . .  Baked Potato Soup with a delicious Potato Skin Crouton floating on top.  Scrumptious! 
Have a great week.  I hope it is filled with lots of small and wonderful things   . . . Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. I would have to agree that Sybil is a wonderful person and I used to enjoy reading her blog. I would be wonderful if she would blog again but I do keep up with her on your comments from her and another blog I read. It does seem to me that very often the small things in life are the most wonderful of all. Hope you have a happy Monday !

  2. I wish she still blogged alsoPam!! We've known each other since the old AOL Journals days! There was quite a few of us! Hope your Monday is a great one! Xoxo

  3. oh Marie...just wish you could see me sitting here blushing at the words you have said about me. I am certainly no different than most people and everything I do is by the Grace of God....without him I know I coudnt go on sometimes....I seem to have a lot of friends who need a lot more than me so if I can provide it in any way I just have to do it. You I know do just the same. Day by day you write the most lovely and often uplifting words, you go visit others who are poorly when you yourself feel just as poorly and I'm sure cheer them up no end....what a shame for the mother across the street from you, it's so sad, perhaps a wee note under her door might help her ....( I'm smiling as I can just imagine the scene you were watching wish it was me watching with you, we are not nosey, are we ...just looking on in case we may be of some help LOL ).....Mary and I sit by our window most of the day and if we see a stranger about I go out onto my tiny wee deck and call out....good morning/afternoon, can I help you ? I'm not nosey just being kind and helpful. lOL!!!. Night night dear friend we WILL meet before too long. ,,I just have to rely on Peter who is a dear, but gets funny things in his mind and nothing will budge him...but he will I'm sure take me up to Scotland again possibly in the spring, fingers crossed....night night. God bless

  4. I am sorry if I made you blush Sybil! Like you, I like to keep an eye out on what's going on, in case anyone needs help or, I will admit it, if something wrong is happening in the neighborhood I might be able to prevent a disaster or some such! You never know. I have no doubt we will one day meet! xoxo

  5. What a wonderful thing a good and dear friend!
    A treasure.
    Let us hope the book..yours comes out very soon:)

  6. I am thinking it will be very soon now Monique! Any day now! xoxo


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