
Thursday 26 October 2017

My Favourite Things . . .

A few of my favourite things, that you might also enjoy.   Maybe we can enjoy them together.

Blythe Dolls.  I don't have one, but I would love one.  Too far out of my price range however, so I just collect them on Pinterest. Its much cheaper that way and they don't take up too much space in my house, lol.  I am not sure what my fascination is with them.  They have big heads with huge eyes and tiny bodies.  I just adore them.  I really do.

I think its because they remind me of these big eyed art pictures from the 1970's when I was a teenager.  I believe we had harlequin ones on our bedroom walls, but I could just be imagining that.  Back then I even tried to draw my own big eyed art.  I have an example of it upstairs in an old book. I should show it to you sometime for a good laugh. 


Scones.  I never met a scone I didn't like, and I am not ashamed of the fact!  I do love a good scone. I think homemade are infinitely better than any store bought ones.  The store bought ones taste too much of baking powder or soda.  Blech.  And their texture in comparison is pretty yucky also.


I adore sweet potatoes and they are very good for you as well. The health benefits of sweet potatoes include their ability to help lose weight, boost immunity, aid in digestion, treat asthma and bronchitis, and control diabetes. Sweet potatoes also help in treating arthritis and stomach ulcers. They are higher in fibre than regular potatoes and are delicious!  I like to just roast them, skins on, in a hot oven. Then I squeeze them out of the skins into a bowl, mash em up and eat em. You don't need anything on them, except maybe a pinch of salt and some pepper.  They're fabulous done that way!

I love The Flintstones.  I loved them as a child and I love them now, although it has been a very long time since I have seen them.  They were my favourite cartoon, even more favourite than Bugs Bunny and Disney Cartoons. Betty and Wilma were my favourite characters.  I thought that is what life would be like when I grew up, that I would live in a nice little house and be best friends with my next door neighbor and we would talk together while we were hanging out the laundry and go on adventures together. Yabba Dabba Doo! 


Shirley Temple movies. I adored them as a child and I still do.  I know they are a bit corny, but there is always a happy ending and they are cute.  She is cute. My oldest daughter loves her movies also. We used to watch them together. 

I actually love old black and white movies. I could sit and watch them for hours.  Most are pretty good, although you get the odd one that is boring.  For the most part however they are quite entertaining and often quite dramatic.  I am not fond of Laurel and Hardy however, or The Three Stooges.  

I love, Love, LOVE a good bagel.  Made in a Jewish Bakery.  When I  used to go into Toronto to visit my SIL who also happened to be Jewish, they would have gone to their favourite Jewish bakery and picked up huge paper bags of bagels.  Several dozen or so, and we would feast on them with cream cheese and lox and butter.  They were so fresh.  There is nothing on earth as tasty as a fresh bagel from a good Jewish bakery.  

My mom. She is everything to me. I enjoy our conversations each time we speak, even if nowadays we mostly talk about the same things each time. Every once in a while though there is something new.  I would call her every day if I didn't think it would drive her nuts. In all truth I think she would struggle with that. I wish so much I could go and see her.  Maybe my book will do well enough that I will be able to buy some tickets to go over.  I can't go on my own so I will need to bring Todd with me.  The only problem is, if I go over, I won't want to leave to come back here, because I won't want to leave my mother.   

Walking on the beach in the sand in my bare feet, right at the edge of the water.  Its like getting a really great foot massage.  We have not been to the beach in two years now.  This winter I need to work at getting better at walking. I wish my knees and feet were not so bad.  At the moment I avoid going any place where I know I am going to have to walk a lot because of pain issues.  Getting older sucks. 

My little sous chef.  Okay so she doesn't do much except hang around waiting for me to drop something, but she is the best darn cooking companion anyone could ever want. 

Love her to bits.

Him too.

Children's books with humanized animals in them.  I used to buy books like this for my children all the time. Every time I saw one I would buy it. They had a ton of them.  I just adore this type of illustration. 


I love the idea of this alternate little world which is filled with mother rabbits wearing calico dresses and cats with flounces, etc.  They hold a great fascination for me.


Rice Crispie Squares. I love them, but the last time I tried to make them over here in the UK, they did not turn out. I used to make these all the time with my children. My ex husband adored them.  He could eat a whole tray of them in one night.  I am betting I made a tray of them at least once a week the whole time they were growing up, and quick and easy cinnamon rolls also.  My kids used to love cleaning out the pot after I made rice crispie squares.  I would just put the (cooled down of course!) pot on the table and they would gather around it and all go at it.   I wonder if they remember that?  Good times!

Vintage Chistmas anything.  Cards.  Decorations.  Catalogues.  I love it all. 


Vintage Travel Poster art.  I would love to be able to get some and frame it.  Or maybe not.  I need to be decluttering not cluttering.  But I do love to look at it.

And those are my favourite things for this week. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.°Happiness cannot be traveled to,
owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience
of living every minute with love,
grace, and gratitude.
~Denis Waitley  •。★★ 。* 。 


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Todays reading - 1 Nephi 4:20 - 5:6
What I learned - Whenever I read this story I always always think how Nephi really was tuned into the voice of the Spirit. He knew, with confidence, when the Holy Ghost was teaching and guiding him. I hope to be the same! Sheri Dew - "Ask the lord to teach us what it feels like when He is communicating with us through the Holy Ghost."  I am thinking that Zoram, as Laban's servant, knew Laban very well. So how did Nephi pull off being Laban successfully? He had heavenly help to know how to act and sound, what to say etc. He was made equal to the task. 

 It is interesting that not only does Nephi make on oath with Zoram, but Zoram also makes an oath with Nephi – a two-way promise, which is what we call a covenant. Covenants are often thought of as binding i.e. both people are bound to fulfill the terms of the promise. In Matthew 11:28-30 the Saviour says “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”. This scripture illustrates the nature of our relationship, and the covenants and promises we make, with the Saviour. 

Tomorrow (Day 7) - 1 Nephi 5:7 - 6:6  (You could be asking yourself as you read it,  What was the purpose of the brass plates? How can we have our own version of the brass plates?)


In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey Roasted Chicken.  Yum yum good! 

Have a great Thursday.  We are off to Tina and Tony's today for a late lunch. Looking forward to spending time with them!! Don't forget along the way of your day  . . . 
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And I do too!   


  1. Lovely faves!
    I hope your book does sooooo welll! I thik it willllll!:)

  2. Thanks Monique! I hope it does. Fingers crossed. I should have a proof with me soon to actually peruse and hold in my hands. I am thinking of painting a downloadable book mark for my readers. It all depends on how much time I have! xoxo

  3. I m not so keen on these dolls with the big eyes Marie...I prefer baby dolls I think if I didn't think it was a daft idea I would save up for these baby newborns I see on Pinterest sometime, they are so real like...Maybe you like the big eyes cause when you think of it lots of your gorgeous paintings of children have big will hardly believe it but I don't think I have ever had a Bagel !! I had what I thought was one but it tasted of cardboard so I recon it wasn't a true bagel that I have read so much about.....
    Hope you have had a nice day and lunch, with your friends. I was busy getting a fresh chicken from the garage after the cafe this morning also got Brussels, carrots, wee potatoes etc...all was ready for Peter coming for his dinner at 5.15 I know that chicken is one of his favourites.....having another early night...still coughing away

  4. Hello Marie - love the books you mentioned. Looks a bit like Holly Pond Hill titles illustrated by Susan Wheeler. Here are a few I have collected (my own personal "Pinterest" site, which I develop):
    Hope the link goes through.

    Have a great day!

    Cheryl from Utah

  5. Oh dear Sybil, I hope you can get rid of that cough soon! I am concerned! Sounds also like Peter was in for a real treat. You can't beat a Roast Chicken! A proper bagel would taste bit like heaven Sybil! You can't find them in a Warburtons bag or any other bag for that matter! Love you! xoxo

    I think you are right Cheryl! It does indeed look like one of hers! Thanks! xoxo


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