
Wednesday 11 October 2017

Happy is a choice we make . . .

Today I am must having a sad day and I can't seem to find a way to articulate myself, or anything to really write about.  Its the same old same old so I won't bore you with it.  Instead I will inundate you with things to be happy about or smile. 

 A goat wearing a duck suit. 

Penguins wearing sweaters.

Ninja Corgies.

Baby Hippos.

Smiley drinks. 

Making grass angels.

Umm . . .  do I really need to spell it out?

Yep . . . 


Sunshine on a cloudy day.

Baby turtles. 


Three Mask-iteers.  (Get it! "Mask" iteers!)

More . . .  you know. (Don't judge me.)


Elephants in hats.


Julia Robert's laugh.

Awww . . . 

Playing with colour.

French Bulldogs in sweaters.


A bit of Poldark eye candy  . . . 

Okay, so I'm greedy. . .

Really greedy . . . 

Now . . .  why didn't I think of that in the first place.  I am really smiling now.
Hope you are too.

Today I will choose to be happy.  Some days it comes naturally, and others
its a choice I need to make.


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Whittingham Buttons. They didn't turn out exactly as they should have.  I think they should be puffier,  but they are tasty nonetheless!

Have a great Wednesday  . . . Don't forget!

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and I do too! 



  1. Hi Marie, we all have off days, but you certainly made me smile!!

    I'm off to Liverpool today with my oldest friend, Julie. We've been friends since we started school 55 years ago!

    Hope you're up and running and back to feeling your usual happy self soon, lot's of love xxx

    PS Is Suze ok? I know I've been away but I haven't seen anything from her lately?

  2. I think she is fine Kate, just busy with the new baby at home etc. I have been in touch with her on FB. I will get over this for sure. Its just the time of year I guess! Holidays and all. Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Thanks for brightening my morning. It's pouring down rain here. Hope you also gave yourself a needed lift. I'm sending this ***BIG SMILE*** your way! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Awww thanks Pam and Monique! You are both little treasures and a great blessing to me. xoxo

  5. Hi Marie, Love and sunn greetings from sunny Greece. IT is almost dinner time here as we are two hours ahead of you and we go down to dinner at 6 was gpod to give us all a smile today, as it was mostly pictures mary enjoyed the smiles as well.....hope your weather cheers up. Soon we will try to bring some warm sun back with us.....take care and love to Todd and a wee clap for Mitzie xxx

  6. I hope that telling you how much you brighten my day will help to brighten yours! I get days when I feel the blues and I don't know why. Lately, I've been super sensitive: crying even more than usual over commercials and TV shows. Oh well! A soft sensitive heart is NOT a bad thing. Cheers.

    PS - I would never judge you for your love of chocolate. I share that affliction.

  7. Ahh sunny Greece. Lucky you Sybil and Mary! Do bring some of that lovely sunshine back with you! Xoxo

    Thanks Sandy! We are a pair of softies for sure! Xoxo

  8. Hi Marie~

    Darn, I'm so sad that you are sad today...but, really, Poldark...he made me smile...eye candy indeed... ;0) The elephant hats were pretty adorable as well, but the chocolate...yes, I have a smile on my face now! Whittingham Buttons, I really have to try those!

    My husband always says to me, "Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to". So smile sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

  9. Thanks so much Barb. We all have sad days. Thankfully I have always been able to smile through the sadness. Love and hugs, xoxo


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