
Sunday 24 September 2017

Things that make me happy . . .

In a world thats going increasingly nutso, today I am going to dwell on things that make me happy. 

Seeing these smiling faces makes me happy.  As a mom it does my heart a lot of good to see my daughter and her children so content and happy with life.  Amanda, Maryn and Cam.   Cam, those baby blue eyes.  Maryn, that sweet smile.  Amanda . . .  that contented and full of love for her family face.  Sweet.

Knowing my mom and dad are both happy and that my sister is there for each of them makes me happy.  I love my family . . .  my mom and dad, my sister and brother. They are a unique combination which blesses my life in countless ways.  We all share a history and a memory that we share with nobody else.  An eternal connection that is special and priceless.  Being a part of a family makes me happy.

Mmy children and grandchildren all make me happy. Seeing their smiling faces. Knowing that they are happy, and healthy and content.  All these things make me happy.  I love my family.  I hate being so far away from them, but it is what it is.  These are special people in my life and I hope they all know that. 


Getting to share my life with this guy.  That makes me happy. We get along so well.  We hardly ever disagree.  He has annoying habits and so do I, but we love each other enough to be able to overlook them most of the time.  He's my Honeybunch, Sugarplum Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, my Sweetie Pie, my Cuppycake, Gumdrop Snoogums-Boogums, and the Apple of my Eye. He's just really, really dear to me.  I love him so.

How could this little lady not make you melt.  Love her to bits.  She is my constant companion when I am working in the kitchen or taking food photos.  That's because she loves food.  She is a foodie just like me.  She sleeps next to me on the floor on her bedtime bed at night.  I can reach down anytime and tickle her ears.   Sometimes I worry that she doesn't get enough exercise or play time because she is with us two old fogies, but . . .  she is loved and seems happy enough.  Even though her eyes look sad.  She is a very happy doggie.  She adores my friend Tina.  She almost goes ballistic when Tina comes in. She is just over excited to see her.  I think the feeling is mutual.  Tina loves her too.


My faith makes me happy. I love the Saviour.  I love my church and its leaders. I love the other members.  I love getting to go each Sunday and partake of the Sacrament and renew my Baptismal covenants.  Everything about it makes me happy. Sure, I wish that my family were also members, but that is up to them. Its their choice.  Just being a member myself makes me happy and sharing that same believe system with Todd makes me happy.  Anything else would be icing on a very tasty cake.

The act of creating something new where there was nothing much before makes me happy.  Be it knitting or crocheting, drawing, painting, writing, cooking, baking . . .  creating  makes me one very happy person. I like to be doing.  Something. Anything.


Watching old movies makes me happy.  We watched this one last evening. Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn, William Holden and Humphrey Bogart.  There is nothing really nasty in any of them, and the good guy always wins.  There is usually a happy ending, not always, but usually.  No sex, just crashing waves. No violence much to speak of. No swearing, not ever. Just entertainment.  Some people think old movies are corny, but I think they are lovely.  I have always loved them.  Audrey Hepburn was such a stunning beauty.   

I would love to have seen this gown in colour . . .  indeed all of the clothes  that she wore in this film in colour. Look at that waist . . .  there's nothing of it.  Stunning. Simply stunning.

Of all the rooms in our house, our bedroom makes me the happiest because it is exactly how I want it to be.  I do have new lamps now, not those ones in this photo, but everything else is the same. This room makes me happy just the way it is. 


Its true.  This lovely exchange we share each day with me writing, you reading, your comments.  You all make me happy.  Thank you all so much for your faithfulness and the part you play in my life. I don't take any of you for granted.  I wish I could give each of you a big squishy hug. You're an important piece of my puzzle! 

And with that I best dash as I need to start getting ready for church.   I hope you all have a sweet, sweet day.   


Be Happy.


In The English Kitchen today   . . .  Cottage Pudding.  A simple lemon cake, served cut into squares with a buttery Lemon & Nutmeg Sauce spooned over top.  What's not to love about that!  Happy, Happy!

Have a great Sunday, don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!  




  1. It certainly helps when life is crazy to stop and count your blessings. It makes us feel that what we do have is enough and gives us reasons to go on. There are so many good things in life if we stop to look for them. Happy Sunday !

  2. Good morning Marie from another mauzy and humid day here in Dartmouth. These are all wonderful and precious things to be thankful for. I just wanted to tell you how much I think Amanda looks like you. She's just a younger Marie! And all those beautiful grandchildren, well you are so blessed. I hope you and Todd have a wonderful day. John is on-call and so we'll not be going far, perhaps a walk and then home for a lazy day of some good old English crime drama, I do love it, it's so well done. I did all my errands, cooking and cleaning yesterday in preparation of the "do-nothing" day today. Then a barbeque for supper. Gearing up for another long week at work, still that too is a blessing. Sending my love. xx

  3. You are so right about that Pam! There is so much nastiness going on in the world today I just wanted to count my blessings! Happy Sunday! xoxo

    Oh dear Noelle! Humid this late in the season. You should be enjoying some cooler autumn days by now! Thanks for your kind words about Amanda. I think she looks a lot like my mum when my mum was young. Eileen looks more like me. I hope you enjoy your lazy day. You can't be a good British Crime Drama! They are great! I love BBQ's Todd is not really into them that much. I don't think we used ours once this year! xoxo

  4. We are all so blessed to be one of your friends dear Marie...knowing I am a friend of yours makes me has been a lovely Sunday down here. I had my usual early start going to Bath for Rita to take her to church, dropped her of giving her my key to get in came down to collect mary then back up to church. It was our harvest festival service and is always special....after church service everynone is invited to stay for lunch...the members all brought various dishes for a bring and share was really lovely we all ate more than we should have, then I had to take Rita home having found someone to bring mary home...then droppedRita off got home around 2-15 not bad, but must admit I was exhausted.....a bit later just as Mary and I woke up Val our neighbour arrived for tea !! I am trying to use my laptop....first time in ages and can't get it to work !!!....I must go and see what's up I have important stuff I must print and can't print from my I pad...
    Hope you have had a good day. Please Marie and Todd can I ask for prayers for a dear friend who has been told that she has cancer of her bladder and it has spread, she faces an operation if Dr things she can stand it we should hear this week please please pray for her, and her dear husband who has taken this so badly....please anyone else who may read this pray for Christine. Thank you xxx

  5. Sybil,I will also pray for ur friend Christine.

    Yes Marie,family are great aren't they!

    It won't let me comment on ur next post, so I'll do it here.

    I was so excited for you when I saw ur ckbk cover! It will be in ur hands really soon now! Yay!
    Big hugs!

  6. Such a beautiful, positive post. Reading your blog makes me happy! Have a good week!

  7. Potluck lunches at church are the best Sybil! Hope you were able to get your laptop sorted. We are praying for your friend Sybil, Chritine and will also put her name on our Temple Prayer roll, so you know that everyone who goes to the temple will be praying for her also. (((hugs))) xoxo

    They sure are Jan! Also I know Sybil will appreciate your prayers. God bless. Love you! xoxo

    Thanks so much Deb! Your comment made me happy also. Hope you have a special week! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!