
Sunday 17 September 2017

Sunday morning this and that . . .

Oh . . .  I was having such a wonderful dream before I woke up this morning, I didn't want to wake up and have it disappear. In the dream I was at my daughter Amanda's house and I guess I must have been living there and I was playing with Maryn and Cameron and taking care of them, tidying up, etc.  It was ever such a nice feeling type of dream.  They had the most beautiful home and Maryn and Cam were enjoying being with me as much as I was enjoying being with them ever so much.  When I was home for my mum's cancer operation four 1/2 years ago, I got to spend the whole of my last day with Maryn and I loved it.  I know, I probably should have spent part of that time with our Amanda, but I knew it would probably be a very long time before I saw Maryn again, if ever, and I wanted to create some sort of bond with her, create a memory if I could, that might stay with her.

Funny how having a really pleasant dream just before waking up can colour your whole day, much like having an unpleasant dream can do.  I always dream very vivedly and in colour. Todd says he never dreams, or if he does, he doesn't remember them. I am sure he dreams.  Everyone does.

The Relief Society Pamper Day was really good yesterday.  We were welcomed with hot chocolate and cookies and then there were workshops we could sign up to.  Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation, Hand Massage, Art . . . You could sign up for one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Plus there was a sandwich bar for lunch in between with sweets.  My lift had to leave early because her husband had to go to work, so we just signed up for a morning class and lunch.  I ended up not going to the morning class because my friend Carolyn was there.  She and her husband are doing a Mission at another Church area until December and we so seldom get to see each other now, that we ended up spending the whole of the morning session pampering ourselves with a good catch up and chin wag!  It was great!  Loved every minute of it!  Time spent with a good friend is never wasted.

We watched the cutest film last evening, My Favourite Wife with Irene Dunne and Cary Grant.  It was an old black and white from 1940 and RKO pictures.  At first I think Todd thought to himself . . .  oh no  . . .  corny, but he soon got into it and we both enjoyed it very much.  Todd was only a toddler when it was made and I wasn't even a twinkle in my daddy's eye, but it was great.  No sex, or violence or swearing.  Just good fun. I loved the old hairstyles and fashions, and the scenery with the 1940's house decor, etc. It was really good.   A man's wife has been lost and presumed dead when her ships goes down and so after seven years he has her declared legally dead and remarries, but guess who shows up right on the day he gets married!  You guessed it, his long lost wife. What a conundrum!

They sure don't make them like that anymore.

Oh, and we discovered that Outlander Season 3 has started on Amazon Prime!
We watched the first one.  There was no nudity, sex or much swearing in
that either, but give it time, it was only the first episode.

Do you ever find yourself doing this?  While we were watching the movie I found myself thinking that most of the people in this movie are dead now, with perhaps the exception of the childen and they would have to be very old, in their late eighties perhaps.  How wonderful to have a person captured in their prime on film for their ancestors to be able to watch and see how they looked, talked, hear their voices, etc. Somewhere there is a video of my first wedding.  My ex had it.  I would love to see it now. Not to see him in it, but to see myself walking down the aisle, what I looked like and sounded like, my sister, my brother, my mom and dad, both in their 40's.  They are in their 80's now and here I am, a woman of 62.  

At the age of 57 my brother David has taken up Gliding.   He's done his first solo now. I think he is ever so brave to do such a thing!  I cannot imagine being that brave myself.  To be up there in the air with only your wits and knowledge being the things that are keeping you up there, I mean . . .  just WOW!   I suppose we are all brave, to a degree  . . .  but in different ways.  Someone said to me the other day about how brave it was of me to move all the way over here to the UK on my own, or even just to fly over here to meet Todd for the first time on my own, and I guess . . .  thinking back . . .  that took a certain kind of courage. But I am ever so glad that I was brave enough to to it. Anyways, Kudos to David for taking up a new hobby at such a late age in life and for having the courage to see it through! 

These little matchbox dolls came up on my FB feed this morning.  Its been such a long time since I made them. FIVE years.  Time flies when you are having fun.  I haven't made one of those in a long time.  Must get my craft room sorted and soon.  My fingers are itching to create.  I did do a bit on it the other day, but there is more to be done.

Isn't there always!  

These WowWee finger  monkeys are tipped to be the present most in demand by kids this Christmas.  I think they are so cute!  Apparently they react to sound motion and touch.  They will kiss you and all sorts.  I wish my grandchildren lived close.  You aren't allowed to send toys in the post to Canada now for some odd reason, or games.  At least that is what Todd was told the last time I tried to send toys over.  I had bought a game for one of the grandsons for his birthday, and was told it was a no go. These little finger monkey's are so cute though.  You can see a video about them here

 I better dash now.  I promised Todd pancakes for breakfast today and I must get making them!  Not alot else to say anyways, so that's it for today!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
Don't feel stupid if you don't like
what everyone else pretends to love.
~Emma Watson  •。★★ 。* 。 


In the kitchen today  . . .  Chocolate Meringue Cake.  Decadent and gluten free.

Have a beautiful day.  Along the way, don't forget!

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and I do too!



  1. Good morning Marie. It sounds like yesterday was fun for all.

    Today we took Mia to see her great grandfather and sadly he was far, far away.

    God bless you today and always.

  2. So sorry that your father was not there when you had Mia there. Perhaps he will be more receptive another time Suzan. Love and hugs. God bless you all. xoxo

  3. Hey, Marie ... cute matchbox dolls; I hadn't seen them. Might you possibly be able to online order those little monkeys to be shipped directly to the children? Just a thought ...

    Sharon in Alabama

  4. Thanks Sharon. I made them several years ago. I sold everyone that I made. They had little legs and everything. I did think about ordering online to send direct and am still considering that option. Xoxo


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