
Saturday 9 September 2017

Saturday this and that . . .

What a hard few weeks its been with hurricanes, forestfires and earthquakes and the devastation they leave in their wake, and its not over yet. Its almost overwhelming to think about.  A young man who did his mission here in Chester, his wife who is expecting a baby, and their toddler, have lost everything they own . . .  but they are just one of many families, and people who have lost everything, including lives. I feel so sad for them all.  I count my blessings and I count them twice. Any problems I might be experiencing pale in comparison. Please keep them all in your prayers and if you can give or do anything else to help, I know you will.  The forces of nature are almost stronger than we can begin to comprehend.  

We've been watching a program on the telly about the great Mountain Ranges of the World.  Well, we have watched one and taped the next.  The one we watched was on The Rockies.  I used to live in Calgary, Alberta once upon a time, right in the foothills of the Rockies.  I could see the Rockies from my back door, off in the distance. 


They looked so close, but in reality were several hours away. We took a drive up into them one day, all the way up to Banff.  From where we lived, they just looked like mountains, but when we started to move up into them, they were magnificent.  Enormous.  Much larger, taller, imposing, etc. than I had ever imagined. Our oldest son was afraid they would fall onto him.  We had to keep reassuring him that they would not.  The idea of anyone being able to make their way over them to the West coast was hard to imagine, and yet they did. The tenacity of the human spirit to overcome obstacles is amazing. I am grateful that I was able to see their majesty up close . . . 

Then there is Niagara Falls.  I had seen many photos of them through the years, but seeing them in person was totally amazing.  I had no idea of the power and size of them.  The deafening sound of the water  . . . the air filled with mist and rainbows . . .  One has to see them to believe them, truly.  A photo does them no justice.  They are awe inspiring. 

The Great Lakes.  I had studied about them in school . . .  and I have driven all around them.  I lived for a time in a small town at the tip of the Georgian Bay which is off Lake Huron.  At school I had  no idea how truly massive they were. It took my ex husband and myself two days to drive around just the top half of Lake Superior. Stunning doesn't begin to describe the landscape . . . 

We live in an amazing world, an amazing universe.  
These are only a few of the great 
treasures it holds. 

I pray daily for those who are suffering and hope that
one day it will all be made clear,
and that the suffering of all
will end. 

Its the children that bother me most of all.

In the meantime, I do what I can, when I can, and however I can,
to help.


Am I the only person this drives crazy?  Why do they glue the last six inches of a roll of aluminium foil to the cardboard centre so that you can't remove it without tearing it all up.  I am assuming this constitutes a part of the length of the roll they are advertising on the outside of the package.  Where are my six inches that I just lost in trying to get this off the roll?  It annoys me to no end, even in the face of more important things  . . . paying my hard earned cash for something I cannot use. 

If I added up all the ends of the aluminium foil that I wasted
in a lifetime due to this, how many extra rolls would
I end up with?

I suppose that is a bit like wondering how many days of our lives
we waste sleeping, watching telly,
and in other frivilous things 
and activities

You see how my mind works eh?

This is so true.  I spend all day every day doing stuff and yet at the end of the day it will appear as if I have done, achieved, accomplished . . .  zip . . .  nada . . .  nothing.  My weeks seem to disappear into thin air these days.  All of this time I used to dream about having on my hands when I retired, it doesn't exist, because I am busier than I ever was and yet I accomplish less. Am I alone in this? 

I think not. 

I love Cameron's cheeky grin in this. He looks like he has a big secret and Maryn looks like she can't believe what she is seeing.   Amanda looks unaware.  She looks so much like my mom in this. 


 These two cheekie chappies make me smile.

Stop growing!!

I went upstairs yesterday to start on some Christmas ornaments for the grandchildren, but after half an hour was back down again.  I can't seem to concentrate on any one thing for any length of time. My craft room is a tip.  Again.  I need to organize it before I can do anything.  Everything is all over the place. Its a bit overwhelming if I am being honest.  Its no wonder I can't get anything done.  Too much stuff, paper, books, fabrics, etc.  All over the place.  Its a tipping ground for whatever we can't find a space for elsewhere in the house. Most people have a junk drawer. We have a junk room. 

That's bad.


And yesterday I was sent the final/final draft of my cookbook.  They have managed to compact it to 722 pages now by moving things around a bit and are working on the cover.  Its becoming more real by the minute. I hope it won't be too long now.  On the plus side my editor said to me  . . .

"We think you've written a beautiful book." 

Now, that is making me feel really good about things.
I can't wait to see the cover.
I am very excited.
Can you tell?

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.°Keep away from people who try 
to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that, but the really
great people make you feel that you, too  . . .
can become great. ~Mark Twain.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Spiced Rum & Raisin Cookies.  Betcha can't eat just one!  (You can use rum flavouring instead of real rum)

Have a lovely Saturday. Don't forget along the way of your day  . . . 

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and I do too! 



  1. I am looking forward to seeing and purchasing your cookbook. I use many of your delicious recipes as they work! They taste so good as well. Enjoy your Saturday! I am busy going through my stuff as I have the same feeling about your " junk room", mine is my closet and shoe collection. The dogs dislike the out of routine upheaval--- my one hides in the pillows of our bed and watches from this angle.

  2. Oh dear Marie, things can and do get on top of us when everything gets all in a muddle. I wonder if you could invite a friend over for a few days or even just a night, then you would just have to have a true blitz on your...stuff !!!... I'm lucky in a way that I have a spare bedroom.....until I get a visitor !.....and things get shoved there in boxes under the bed, but when there is a threat of a visitor things have to be moved, mostly really they can go ...OUT...full stop and thankfully I am good at doing that as is Lyn who no sooner said than done..the things....are either in the rubbish bin or charity shop via the car. Thankfully I haven't yet stored things in the car.....yet !!....
    Hope Mitzie got on ok at groomers..... last night no doubt she wanted extra petting xxxx. Have a lovely day so long as your jumping in the righ colours xxxx

  3. I have many days just like yours where I'm busy but never get a lot done. More than not I rest more than I work, out of necessity. I truly live life in the slow lane these days and it takes me longer to get things done. I try not to get discouraged and keep on keeping on. Not to worry though it will all wait for us. Our work never goes away! It is so exciting hearing about your book. It's going to be fantastic to see it! It does make one feel doubly blessed when we hear of all the tragedies that are happening. Praying is one thing I can do and am doing a lot of that these days. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  4. I've been praying for those people too and their pets!

    I get annoyed with the foil too. Now I just leave the tape on the foil, and use the other side just to store something in the frig, but not put in oven. I'm stubborn that way! Lol.

    I spent alot of the day looking for a stupid recipe! Now after I make something I'm going to write it down in a notebook, the source and what I did different. I trying to get everything organized to make my life feel not so hectic!

    Why can't kids grow slower instead of faster!

    Yay!Yay!Yay! Your cookbook will be here b4 the holidays! Sooooo exciting!

    Big hugs and prayers!

  5. Thanks Cathy, one thing you know about the recipes I share is that they have all been tested and they work. the rest is a matter of taste and we are all so different when it comes to that! I have so many things in my craft room I just need to heave ho but I do wish I could give them to someone who could use them! xoxo

    I need to borrow Lyn Sybil! I probably would not miss half of the stuff were it gone, but when I start to look at it, somehow it becomes "much needed" all over again! Funny how that works! Mitzie was exhausted for sure, but smelling so lovely! xoxo

    Pam, we surely are blessed. Even in the midst of tragedy we can find small blessings. They are there for us to find no matter what. Its all a matter of perspective I guess! Yes, Prayer is a magical tool and a mighty one for sure! Have a great weekend! xoxo

    You need to keep an index of the recipes you want to try Jan! That's why I have Pinterest. I just pin the recipes I want to try under different headings on there and then I go check when I want to cook them. Its so simple, you would think eh? Nope, my boards are all jumbled also! haha that's me! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!