
Saturday 2 September 2017

Just "Potter" - ing about . . . every pun intended . . .

When I was a child I adored the story of Peter Rabbit.  I have always loved stories where animals are humanized and wearing clothes. I have always loved animals but Beatrix Potter's illustrations and stories have always captured my heart. We have all of the books and I even have Books about her life. I have a really special book that Todd bought me for my birthday several years ago as well that I just adore. 

It is positively captivating.  I take it out and read it again every now and then.  Reading it is like having an intimate little window into her life . . . 

There is page after page of family photographs, letters, sketches, writings, etc.

Each page delights the soul  . . .  and the eyes . . .  and the fingertips . . . .


Beatrix used to write letters to the children of her former Governess . . . and on one page is an envelope  . . .  containing  . . . 

A copy of one of her letters, 8 pages in all, complete with little illustrations . . .  page after delightful page, culminating in . . . 

A surprise door at the very last page, into which is hidden a copy of her very first book, a copy of her very own private printed edition of The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  I remember being so delighted with this book when Todd gave it to me,  and I bought a copy of it for my daughter Eileen to enjoy. I knew she would like it.  She is like me in many ways, which is probably why we are so close to each other.

Every time we have been to Cumbria we have tried to go to Hilltop Farm, which was her farmhouse (owned now by the National Trust) but we have never been able to get in, no matter how early in the day we have gone.  I live in hope however, and maybe next time we will be able to get in.  We've done the museum in Sawrey, which is in the old offices of her husband, William Heelis, who so must have lived in her shadow.   

And I can't even begin to tell you how many times
I have watched the film
Miss Potter

This is Castle Cottage, which is where Beatrix and her husband lived for 30 years.   Next year on the 18 May, my other fixation, Susan Branch, will be holding a get-together/picnic there for all her fans that can get to it.  I have it on my bucket list of things I want to do  . . .  but I have a few things I need to overcome first.  One being this horrible knee thing of mine, and another, the fear of meeting someone I have admired for a bazillion years and looking like a kook.  Coz, I am a bit of a gaga kind of a person when it comes to things like that.  For instance, I have dreaded going to church each Sunday since Jay Osmond came into our Ward, because I am so afraid I will be all gaga about him, the teen idol whose picture I had taped to my closet door when I was a girl and whose lips I wore off kissing him goodnight. 
 You can see my conundrum I am sure,
but back to Beatrix

I think if I was a Beatrix Potter Character I would be Mrs Tiggy Winkle, singing as I bustle around my house doing my chores and bubbling away like a little prickly tea-pot on the boil . . . 

"Lily-white and clean, oh!
With little frills between, oh!
 Smooth and hot—red rusty spot
Never here be seen, oh!"

Did you know that there is now a Beatrix Potter World?  Yes, there is.  I only learned of it this past year, so that is another place on my bucket list of things to do and see. It's actually called "The World of Beatrix Potter Attraction." 

I believe this is a map.

Its in Windermere and is a specialty museum, where all the characters of Beatrix's books are brought to life supposedly. 


"I remember I used to half believe and wholly play with fairies when I was a child.
What heaven can be more real than to retain the spirit-world of childhood,
tempered and balanced by knowledge and common sense."
~ Beatrix Potter 

A friend of mine went there with her grandson and his girls and they were thoroughly delighted.  Since I am a little girl thinly disguised as a woman, it is pretty high on my list. It seems to fit in with my love of all things Beatrix doll-housey dressed animally stuff.  You got to have a dream to have a dream come true.

I had to go yesterday to have my blood tested for iron again, and they had wanted me to have my blood pressure checked again as it had been quite elevated when I went for my Diabetic check-up several weeks ago now.  Well, darn-it-all, if it wasn't still quite elevated, and she used several different machines too.  So another thing to stress about I suppose, but I am trying not to because stress is not very helpful to the blood pressure.  I was also in an extreme amount of pain yesterday with my knee, despite the ibuprophen.  It wasn't touching it, and of course the day before my diverticulitis had been acting up so I had been in a lot of pain with that.  I heard that pain elevates your blood pressure, so that was probably what was happening.  That's my story anyways, and I'm sticking to it! 

And I guess I've wasted enough of your time this morning so I will bid you adieu with a thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.° Tis said that the effect of eating 
too much lettuce is "soporific." 
I have never felt sleepy after eating lettuces; 
but then I am not a rabbit."
~Beatrix Potter, 
The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Spiritual Enlightenment 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Orange Blossom Cakes.  Tasty!

Have a great Saturday.  It's brilliantly sunny here this morning.  Don't forget along the way of your day!

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And I do too! 



  1. Good morning Marie,

    I am sorry that your blood pressure is playing up. My blood pressure has been up since I had Will...even losing weight did not help. Lots of love and prayers about this issue.

    Now I definitely want to come back to England. Poor Pip is looking uncomfortable now. She drove herself to see granddad today.

    Mum is sewing bindings onto big quilts. I see a lot of hand sewing as she prefers that method.

    God bless your Saturday.

  2. I also adore Beatrix Potter.
    As you say, don't stress out about your results, stress is no good!

  3. I'm sure that your pain was part of the cause for sure. Prayers you are soon better.

  4. Thanks Suzan. You must have been worried about Pip driving herself. What if she goes into labor. I would be beside myself until she got back home safe and sound. Maybe your mum's busy hands will keep her calmer than she usually is. One can always hope! xoxo

    Thanks Kate! You are right, I need to not stress! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, your prayers are very much appreciated! xoxo

  5. Marie I have that Journal/Book too..Last yr..on Facebook's Varage Sale..a lady was sellig one and I already had a Fairy book from that collection I think so I did not buy it..then Susan showed us hers and I went back on VS and it was still there all these months later.The seller worked at Michaels and I met her there at 9AM when she finished work.The book is so charming.
    I think I am reliving my I met someone who had 2 metal BP tins..perfect for paints or Taiwan..they are used or were used to market candy.she sold me 2.
    I am finding that online shopping is so 90% of the cases.

    and in the's often a glitch..just a misunderstanding.
    I lobe BP too what's not to love..and I am so sorry for you not feeling tip top.

    It SUCKS..hope I made you smile.

    The only reason I can say that is because I know.

  6. It does suck Monique! And yes you made me smile. I do most of my shopping online and have never been burnt yet. Like you say most people are very nice! Would love to see your BP tins! Xoxo

  7. Kay, I do apologise for calling you Kate! Xo

  8. Oh Marie, I always love your blog, but today's has been extra enjoyable....I too love Beatrix you I thought wild animals wore clothes...I well remember my Dad telling us a sign that miners got if there was going to be a rock fall, that was when the rats ran the other way from the area they were in..( I remember vividly "seeing the rats well dressed some with a little case and each hanging on to each other's tails" ...never for a minute did I think I imagined that scene, then there was the time when we found a little mole dead in the garden, I was most upset as firstly it was tiny and didn't have any clothes on !!)..... You certainly brought back the childhood memories...I certainly hope you get your wish to visit her house one day, it's not that far away from you is it.....well I'm away now, glad your back with us....did you get a new modem ? I recently got one and it's made such a difference in the speed.....night night. God Bless xxx

  9. Marie, I'm sending positive thoughts your way that you will indeed have the opportunity to join Susan Branch and friends at Castle Cottage next year! I met her at a book-signing about 15 years ago, and may have come across as a bit of a kook - but I don't regret it one little bit! Also, if you follow the blog, Take Joy Society, you probably know that Cathy will be there, too! It should be just the most fun event, and I truly hope you get to attend. Take care ...

    Sharon in Alabama

  10. Oh Sybil, I have very much enjoyed your "tails!" lol We are very like-minded! They did send us a new modem and so far so good! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Sharon. I am seriously considering it! It would involve an overnight stay for us, but if we can get someone to watch the dog and I can lose 10 pounds, I am there! xoxo

  11. You do come up with and write about the most interesting subjects. I too love the story of Peter Rabbit. I didn't really know that much about the author so that is most interesting. I hope and pray that you get to do all the things that are on your bucket list. I am really praying that your knees get to feeling better and your other stuggles. I can see why you have stress and therefore high blood pressure.
    Please take care of yourself; you are so important to so many.
    Sending lots of love your way!


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