
Wednesday 16 August 2017

Wednesday this and that . . .

The day before yesterday I tried to do some painting, but had to give up in frustration.  I said to Todd, my eyes feel really blurry and I can't quite seem to focus on the page  . . .  thought my eyes were just tired, but then yesterday morning when I got up and was coming down the stairs, I thought I saw something flicker in my right eye, and then by mid-morning, I knew I had suffered another Posterior Vitreous Detatchment, in my right eye this time because I had the flickering and a floater the size of the planet earth which had me ducking and diving because I kept thinking something was flying at me.  They said this would probably happen when I had the first one. Not happy about it, but its supposed to be quite common in near sighted people over the age of 50. I just have to keep an eye on it (no pun intended) and make sure my retina doesn't detach.

What is is that Rosanna, Rosanna Danna used to say???
It's always something

I used to love Gilda Radner.  She was just the best.  Her characters were always so endearing. What a comic genius she was.


It left me feeling a bit blue however  . . . a bit boo hoo, woe is me and so I decided to lose myself in work and I went to town on our kitchen cabinets. That is the best time for me to tackle big jobs like that, because I am totally ruthless. Everything goes that isn't nailed down and I have no qualms about getting rid of stuff we have not used and are not using.  I emptied them all  washed them inside and out, and filled two garbage bags with stuff that was either out of date, or that I had been sent, andI just hadn't been able to use, or that I knew I was never going to use.  I had containers filled with stuff I had brought back from Canada last time and hadn't used because I was hoarding it and now it was unusable actually . . .  like St. Hubert sauce mixes. Why do I do that?  Buy stuff and then let it sit there until its unusable.  I don't want to use it because I don't know when I will ever be able to get some again, and then   . . .  I can't use it because it is out of date or rancid.  What a dummy I am sometimes.  Anyways, we have nice clean cupboards now. 

I need to have one of those moods and get all medieval on
my craft room one of these days.

I got the most beautiful card from my Sister for my birthday yesterday.  It just brought tears to my eyes.  We may not always see eye to eye on some things, but we have always had each others backs.

This is us in about 1961.  She would be three and I six. We were very close growing up.  We hit a few bumps in our teenage years (who doesn't!) but she has always been my best friend and will always be my best friend.  We don't agree politically or religiously-speaking, but I love the bones off her and she me.  I think she is amazing, and so smart.  I hate that she struggles from time to time with stuff, and I wish that I could magic wand her struggles away. She means everything to me and I hope that she knows that.  We don't talk nearly often enough these days.  There was a time when we used to talk for a couple of hours every morning.  Before we both had to go out to work and life changed drastically  . . .  I miss those talks.   


She has always been my voice of reason in a world 
where people just tell you what they think 
you want to hear


Yesterday was Granny Square Day 2017 and I shared one of the granny squares I have been making for my lap blanket.  I have 22 squares done for it now. They are each about 6 inches square.  I think I need about 36 squares.  It's 100% wool and I love the colours.  It should keep my lap nice and warm come the Winter months.  I need to be careful not to shrink it.   I have a habit of doing that with stuff that is wool . . . I did it to a couple of Todd's sweaters.  Bad me . . .  

There was a point yesterday, when that black thing was flying in front of my eye, and I was scrubbing my cupboards . . . where I seriously considered stopping everything.  I was just feeling really down in the dumps . . .  what with not hearing from my kids on my Birthday and then my mom forgetting it was my Birthday. I knew it wasn't her fault, her memory is so poor these days . . . but it just made me really, really sad . . . I am so afraid she is going to forget who I am. And my son in law had messaged me, and eventually my oldest son did the day after, and then last night when I was sleeping our Eileen did. (she must have figured out the wifi password at her other grandmothers).  I was really feeling woe is me though.   I had a bazillion birthday wishes on FB and here, and they were fabulously wonderful  . . .  but I would have given them all up to just have my kids remember me, and when they didn't . . . I had some very feeling sorry for myself moments.  Then when my eye blew yesterday I really felt sorry for myself and thought . . .  I need to take a break from all of this.  I need to go away for a while and just lick my wounds . . .  

But then, I thought about how wonderful you all are, always.  How supportive and how caring, and I thought I cannot give this up.  Not ever.  These people, YOU . . .  mean too much to me and you are always there for me, always.   And so I kicked my sorry arse (Todd says that is a swear word, but I promise it isn't.) and I got back on the horse, and left my pity party behind.  I have ever so much to be grateful for.   

I am loved by so very many special people.
I need to remember that and
to heck with the

I need to remember that
it could always, always
always be

And count my blessings of which YOU are one.
Pity party over

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°To say I am made in the image of God
is to say Love is the reason for my existance,
for God is love.
Love is my true identy . . . 
Love is my true character.
~Thomas Merton .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  the ultimate in Comfort Food . . .  Cheese on Toast.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  (How did it get to be Wednesday already???)  Don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. There is a granny square day?
    What do you do about your eyesight? Does it come right all by itself? You're certainly not resting your eyes with all that cleaning. You must feel miles better though with such clean cupboards. Bravo

  2. PS I used to do exactly the same with products I brought back from NZ. I hoarded all of it too till it was unuseable, wanting to stretch it out and have it forever. Something to remind me of home. I even used to keep the empty jars. Don't do it anymore, not that I have stuff like that now. No more overseas trips, but a few presents from visitors are eaten straight away!

  3. Sending you lots of love & an extra special hug today. I read both your blogs every day and I LOVE your recipes, you brighten my day when I'm feeling down - and I LOVE cleaning out cupboards too. Hope the eye improves soon.

  4. Hi Marie, kids eh, who'd have em? They bring so much happiness and heartache but we wouldnt have it any other way! It's always the way though when you're feeling down something else comes along and knocks you for six. Your eye sounds awful. I really hope it sorts itself out soon. But in the meantime, I love you and so do all your friends on here so try and keep your spirits up. This too will pass. Anyway, look on the brightside, gorgeously clean and declutteted kitchen cupboards, heaven!!! Lot's of love xxx

  5. Good morning Marie. I hope you will relax a little too. Pip decluttered part of one cupboard on Saturday. The garbage bin bag was so full it broke when I tried to lift it.

    Beth and I had a lovely drive down a coastal suburb this afternoon but coming home was horrid. Earlier today there was a 45 km traffic jam. It went over 30 today and a public holiday. I think many hit the beach. I also saw dad on my own this morning. He was quiet and calm which was lovely.

    God bless you and heal you.

  6. There is truly nothing better cheer yourself up than counting your blessings. It's what I do when I'm feeling blue. Chases them right away for sure. Hope today is a much much better day !

  7. Oh Gawd..we all get those days..we do!

    I promise you..well maybe not all ..but I do.

    I have to do you do..and I have so many expired things and I go on rampages and I make bags full lol.
    I am disappointed in Pinterest that scrambled my folders..disppointed in the girl who sold my purchase of a Beatrix Potter figurine that I reserved..well she canceled the sale because her husband sold it to somoene else..
    so strangers things like these..get to me..;)

    My saving grace my that I have learned to expect nothing from friends I don't get upset..ever.. anymore.Where friends are concerned..sad eh? True.

    Strangers have been so kind this week.. 2 more varage met me at you know..she and the at Michael's from 5 AM till 9 the husbands are there for the kids off school for summer? then they go home these girls and take care of their kids because there is no day camp ..etc..courage and love.

    then another varage sale..I bought stamps from her..went to her house and came home 2 hrs later ..I had to call J..LOL I never go to someones house and stay that long..another really nice lady!
    A merchant was great! Sent a replacement of something but added a freebie..a small fantabulous merchant..

    lol then Ikea BIG IKEA sent a perfunctory letter LOL I don't get it..

    So there are all kinds of days and people out there..and stitching helps!♥ Thankg goodness we craft!

    And I can't wait for you eye to get better..I remembr your last bout:(

    Jacques said we are used cars now..and we are falling apart.

  8. How lon winded was that? This isn't my blog;)

  9. Its a condition where the jelly sac called the Vitrious which is inbetween the retina and cornea of your eye detatches itself from the retina and breaks all up Linda. It cannot rebuild itself. You end up with lots of floaters, etc. but gradually you do get used to them. I hardly notice the ones in my left eye at all now. It broke off about 2 years ago now. Its a bit disconcerting until it sorts itself because I keep thinking something is flying at me, but gradually I will notice the floaters less and less. The danger is if the vitrious breaking away causes a tear in the retina or causes the retina to tear away, which will cause permanent blindness if not dealt with asap. So I am just keeping watch to make sure that doesn't happen! I hope and pray that I have already experienced the worst of this episode! xoxo

    Thanks very much Julie! I love the thoughts of brigtening someone else's day. That's why I do it! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Thanks Kate! I heard from my Middle son today and my oldest son yesterday and my oldest daughter I did not expect to hear from because she is in PEI and doesn't have the internet. It's basically just the two now I haven't heard from, but meh . . . I don't expect to either. I think what made me the saddest was my mom forgetting. I know why and I know its not on purpose, but it just makes me sad that her memory is getting so poor. I expect one day I shall call and she won't know who I am at all . . . Love and hugs to you. xoxo

    Glad that you had a quiet and calm visit with your dad Suzan. I loved the photo of him with Pip and baby in situe and yourself. Not long now til the baby will be out and you can take another photo! Happy days! xoxo

    We sing a great hymn at church Pam that I was humming to myself all day yesterday, and it is still going through my mind today!

    When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
    When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
    Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
    Count your blessings, name them one by one,
    And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

    You are so right there is nothing like counting your blessings to chase away the gloom and doom! God bless! xoxo

    I took another bag away today Monique! Teas and such that I don't drink, will never drink. Probably all old and musty. I just kept what I think I might use, and have promised that I am not going to buy any more until I use the ones I have! You can be as long winded as you want. I love it! I like what Jacques says about our parts breaking down at this stage of life! Its so true. Oh, if only we had appreciated them like we should when we were young and healthy! Never thought I was pretty or had a nice figure or anything, but boy oh boy what I wouldn't give to have that face and figure now! Love and hugs! xoxo

  10. Love that hymn..and forgot to say..your sister's card:)♥

    Maybe mom just plain forgot! I hope that is the case!

  11. My sister reminded her the day before Monique, but she forgot in the interem. It's okay, just makes me sad that her dementia is progressing. She loves to talk about years gone by, so when we talk, I ask her questions about her childhood and I love to hear her stories. My sisters car was beautiful! Xo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!