
Sunday 13 August 2017

Today . . .

Today is my day and I am going to live every moment of it.  Its 20 past six and I've already said my prayers, read my scriptures, played my game, checked my e-mail, checked my facebook, done my twitter and instagram and here I am talking to you.  Sounds like the start of a good day.

It looks like it is going to be a sun shiny beautiful day.  Mind you over here in the UK, that can change in a few minutes, but for now, the skies have only a few clouds in them and they are a brilliant blue. 


These are my favourite kind of clouds.  Fluffy ones.  Nice and white, with just a few shadows to make the white bits even prettier.  Thank you God. 


I so wanted to stay up late enough to see meteor showers last night, but alas . . .  I am so NOT a night owl, and so I slept right through them, but Mr Man in the Moon hung around long enough to wish me a Happy Day this morning.  Thank you Mr Man in the Moon!

I have a pot of water coming to the boil on the stove . . .  because this is what I am having for breakfast. 


Kraft Mac and Cheese 

Coz you only turn 62 once.
And I love

And I will eat it with my favourite fork because I have one of those.  A favorite fork.  Its heavier than the others. I like it.

Marks and Spencers sent me a gift this morning.  I got to pick two of my favourite offers.  That doesn't happen every day.  So I have to spend some money to get it.  That's ok.  I don't mind.  The thought is what counts, right?  ♥

Todd brought me a ring sizer home from town yesterday and I know what size I need and so I ordered my ring.  Yes, I went for the cross one. I couldn't find the crown. That's okay, I don't need a crown to prove I'm a princess.  

 We've had lots of belly rubs and will have a few more when I get done here.  I love early morning belly rubs.  They're the best. ☺


I get to go to church today and partake of the Sacrament.  Its not every birthday that you get to do that. Only the ones that fall on a Sunday.  So today is extra special because of that!  Yay!   

When I get home from church I'm going to call my mom.  I have talked to my mom on every birthday since I was born.  That is 62 times.  What a special blessing that is!  God is good!

I'm going to get takeaway pizza for supper.  I love pizza and I love takeaway pizza. Mostly because I don't have to make it myself.  If I was at home in Nova Scotia, I would order it from my cousin Hal's place, Pizza Factory (Middleton, Nova Scotia just in case you are interested Its the best.)  I am not home in Nova Scotia, so I will order it from Papa Johns in Chester, because they deliver.  I know its a Sunday and I shouldn't be doing that, but  . . . today I am going to make an exception.

Tonight I am going to watch the Season 3 Finale of Poldark.  It's not every birthday you get to spend time with Ross and Demelza Poldark either.  What a bonus! 

And I get to do all this and more with him.  What a lucky girl I am.  God IS good! 

62 is going to be a truly "Banner" year! 

I just hope I don't tire him out too much!


So grate for my Heavenly Father and all that He blesses me with.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° ˛°Do not regret growing older,
it is a priviledge denied to many
~unknown .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon Drizzle Zucchini Loaf.  So tasty!

Have a beautiful Sunday.  Hope it is extra special for you.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too! 



  1. Happy happy birthday. May you have the very happiest days every I read your letter to yourself and I wish I had read a letter like that through my teens. I also enjoyed your breakfast plans and your determination to make the best of your special day.

    I am sorry that I didn't write yesterday. We were all so tired and today has been a pj day. Most of today has been interspersed with long naps. Beth threw a brilliant party. She was a fantastic and caring hostess. This baby is anxiously awaited now. Seven weeks to go and so many pretty things waiting to be used. Anyway enjoy your special day and ask Todd to give you a huge hug from me. God bless.

  2. Happy birthday. This one sounds as though it's going to be perfect, doing exactly what You want to do. May you have many more happy birthdays.

  3. Happy Birthday Marie! Hope it's wonderful!

  4. Happy Birthday, Marie: it's sunny here in Snowdonia not too far from where you are. Have a lovely day XXX

  5. It sounds like a wonderful day! God is good everyday and he'll bless especially more today I feel sure. Have a fabulously Happy Birthday Marie and I hope you enjoyed that KD for brekkie and the pizza for supper. Dare I ask if there will be cake? ;)

  6. Hi Marie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎁🍕🎂⛪🎈🎉 Hope you have a fantastic day!!
    I'm not far behind you, the big 60 next month! How fabulous to do all the things you love on your special day.

    I stayed up last night till 5 oclock to see the meteor showers (I'm an insomniac so thats not a problem, unfortunately). We're so lucky where we live now. We face the River Mersey estuary and the Irish Sea so I just opened the kitchen window wide and sat there with a blanket wrapped round me! It was amazing, so sorry you couldnt stay awake for it. I'm hoping when we go to the Hebrides next month that there will be lots of clear skies at night to watch the heavens!

    Enjoy the rest of your day and your pizza of course!! Lots of love xxx

  7. Happy Happy Birthday! It's your special day and I'm glad to see you are going to be enjoying it all ! May the dear Lord richly bless you today and always !

  8. I am sure you are reveling in this wonderful day!!
    Enjoy every moment:) !


  9. 2nd time lucky, I go again....hope you got my earlier happy birthday it looks like you were in for a really happy day. I like the ring you have ordered it was my favourite....I hope you spoke with mum I do love that photo of your Mum, it has been a nice sunny day down here, hope it is the same with you. Well even although your birth day is almost over you are now into your 63rd year !..I still want to say have a lovely year ahead,full of love,hope and nice surprises xxxxx night night. God continue to bless you each and every day xxx

  10. Happy Birthday! May this year be peaceful, healthy, and full of happiness for you!

  11. Thanks everyone for your loving Birthday greetings. I had a pretty special day. I felt the love I appreciate each of you so very much. I really do. God bless you all. xoxo

  12. Suzan, these will seem like a very long seven weeks, but just think of the lifetime of love you have to look forward to! Glad the shower was a success! yay! xoxo

    Thanks Linda from Greece, the other Linda, and Dee! All in all not a bad day! oxox

    Thanks Kate! So happy you got to see the meteor showers! Yay! I hope that you get to see the Northern Lights when you are in the Hebrides. I have seen them in Northern Alberta and they are truly amazing! xoxo

    Thank you so much Pam, and MOnique and West Essex! xoxo

    Thanks Noelle, no cake but leftover brownies, which did fine! xoxo

    Thanks very much Sybil! It was my favourite also! xoxo

    Thanks Laura. I am hoping this will truly be my year to succeed and get somewhere! xoxo

    Love and hugs to you all. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!