
Friday 18 August 2017

My Friday Finds


A few of the things I find each week that inspire me to want to create, do, read, think, be . . . better, wiser, etc. Maybe they will do the same for you!

A complete tutorial on how to make a Pom Pom Wreath for any occasion.  Found on  The Spruce.  Christmas is coming.  This would be great done in reds, greens and white . . .  oh and sparkles!


How to cover a bag with colourful fabric yoyo's so easy to make.  Its in Spanish, but there are links to a yoyo necklace also.   Cute!  Find this here. 


I discovered these yesterday at  one of the cheap local home shops.  They sell everything in there from soup to nuts.  

Puff pastry filled with a strawberry lemon flavour filling.  Crazy tasty.  Naughty.  Yum!


Little Golden Book Birdhouses . . . from Books and Whatnot.  Seems a bit of a sacriledge to do this with a book, but sooooo cute! 

From Crochet Treasures.  10 free crochet Christmas stocking patterns.

Jelly Wares.  Crochet Christmas Star tutorial.  Pictorial.  

Crochet Christmas Light Garland tutorial.  A great way to use up some of those yarn scraps!  I can't find a source for this, can anyone help???


I did find this berries and blooms garland, a free pattern from Craftsy. Its felting.

How to make a reversable Swifter sock.  From  Crafty by Nature

Crochet covered sponges.  What a novel idea.  From Ravelry and Sylver Designs.  A free pattern. 

Roasting times for vegetables.  A handy lists from She Knows.  

How to Cook a variety of grains.  Very handy to know.


DIY Origami Shirts.  The uses for these are somewhat endless. She knows.   I can remember some Missionaries who made little Missionary shirt cards as thankyou cards for us having them for dinner a few years back. It was such a cute idea!

Back to School Survival Kit, from Pizzazzerie. What a great idea for those teens going back to school to keep in their locker!


 DIY Simple Made Pretty Homework Caddy Stations. Clever idea.  

And those are my finds for this week!

My heart and prayers go out to Spain in the light of the Terror Attacks yesterday and last night.  When will it stop.  So sad.  What is wrong with these people.  God is love and this is not love.  Crazy.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛No work or love will flourish out of guilt,
fear, or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans
for the future can be made my those who
have no capacity for living now.
~Alan Watts   •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today . . . Waffled Grilled Cheese.  Scrumptious!

Have a fab Friday.  Don't forget, despite what the world says . . .  

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And I do too! 



  1. Hi Marie. Lovely finds again.
    The attack in Spain is just dreadful. All this terrorism is just heart breaking. My daughter and fiance where in Barcelona about three weeks ago. Its absolutely terrifying. The world has gone mad.

    Off to London to see Christian tomorrow. Ashley has been skyping with him a couple of times and he is so pleased to see us on her phone, smiling and waving shouting gan gan and nanna!! It melts your heart but also makes us feel guilty that we don't see him enough. We tend to go every three weeks but if Pete and Ashley had their way they'd have us move down there and look after Christian full time! No chance!! We're exhausted after two days!! Enjoy the weekend, hope your eye improves. Lots of love xxx

  2. It is rally sad and scary Kate. One doesn't know where they will hit next and with what force or means. The skies the limit. My heart breaks. Oh, how wonderful that you are going to see Christian this weekend! I hope you have a LOVELY wonderful time! Love and hugs and Happy Weekend wishes! xoxo

  3. Hi, Marie! Goodness, is it Friday already! But it wouldn't be Friday without your happy posts--love your Friday posts! :) And LOVE, love, love that yo-yo bag!! I wish I'd thought of that... LOL! Bisca makes some lovely biscuits--those strawberry cream-filled ones look dangerously good! What a cute idea of old Golden Books. We had Golden Books as children. They don't make books quite like that anymore. The crochet star is very sweet--I have to try that! I see many of them made up into a festive Christmas bunting. I like the DIY Swiffer sock! Those Swiffer sheets are bag for the environment, so nice to have alternatives. :) Oooo... that Waffled Grilled Cheese is calling may name! We don't have a waffle maker at the moment...hhhmmm... Happy Weekend, my friend! LOVE YOU ALL LOTS!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. Kate enjoy your weekend.

    I woke to the news from Spain. They say they will have technology to prevent any vehicle from being driven like this. Sadly it is said to be ten years away.

    I loved the birdhouse book. I have some old books I bought to craft with. Maybe I could do some for Turtle?

    Loved the look of the waffle. I invested some time this afternoon and cooked mum a fish pie. The best bit was the tomatoes I roasted to go with them. We had some old bright red toms. So I halved them and covered them with flaked salt, pepper, garlic, chilli, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. After 20 minutes they were wonderful.

    I hope your eye is improving. God bless you all.

    1. Thank you Suze, you'll be enjoying grandma time too soon!! Lot's of love xxx

  5. I feel like Tracy!Friday already?!!?!How I worjked for almost 30 yrs I'll never know,
    Started a book last night that is making me smile..I don't read funny this one is and I like would too and it was a nice momentary distraction .
    Tragedy again.

  6. These days it gets harder and hard to look on the bright side of life, but you do a good job of it with all your finds. Prayers for all...for peace in the world.

  7. I love Friday and all the wonderful ideas you come up with..they are so good. After I have finished commenting I am going back to click on some if not them see what clever folk have made for us to are you doing with the photographs ? Can you get them back now ? I noticed some remark you made yesterday about them being back...the photographs I there a way you can at least grab Eileen's wedding ones as well as any others ? there anything I can do ???...please let me know, you know the know what true friends are for......night night. God bless. Xxx

  8. I know Tracy! This week just flew by. Its almost frightening how quickly the weeks pass us by! You need to get a waffle maker. I have one that makes heart shaped waffles. Love you lots too! All my best to TJ and Luna! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. Oh, if they are old children's books, save them for Turtle and reading times with grandma Suze! I wish I had all my old Little Golden Books. They were treasures to me. I am not sure I could ever deface one in this way, but loved how it looks! Your tomatoes sound lovely! Love you! xoxo

    Now I am curious about what book you are reading Monique! I shall have to go and take a look! I don't know how I got everything done when I worked full time either! xoxo

    You and me both Pam, prayers for the world. I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better. :-( xoxo

    Thanks Sybil. They appear to be back temporarily for some reason, however I am not able to sign into my photobucket account for some reason, so have been unable thus far to lift them. I will keep trying! God bless. Love you too! xoxo


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