
Friday 4 August 2017

My Friday Finds


A few of the things I find each week that tempt me to want to think, cook, create, do, read, etc. Maybe they will inspire you too . . . 

Sassy and Sweet.  I love these pretty skate ornaments. Not a tutorial, simply inspiration.  

Molly Makes.  Retro Bauble Ornaments.  Cute!  

A wire hanger, a slinky and some peanuts and voila, you have a bird feeder. I could not find a source for this.


In the Playroom.  Mix and match stone snowmen.  Simple. 

It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken.  How to make vegetable broth using vegetable scraps. No waste.  


Homemade Cough Drops.  Echinachia, Lemon and Ginger. Simple. From Hearth and Vine.


From Buzz Feed.  Games to play with the family in the car.  You don't even need a car. If you have a house full of kids and are wanting to do something together.  These could help there as well.  All simple. All fun.

Clay Pot Fountain Tutorial.  Video also. From The Whoot.  

Top Crochet Patterns.  Downloadable free pattern for adult animal slippers.  

Granny Ripple.  A free pattern from Rescued Paw Designs.   

From the Tip Toe Fairy.  A DIY Laptop bag.  

Tea Rose Home.  Stickable Bottle Cap Pin Cushion.  Complete tutorial.  cute.

Purl Soho.  A pattern tutorial for a simple linen apron.  

House to Home, a cute DIY Peg Bag tutorial.  

 Pretty Things for You.  Free floral banner graphics. Love these.

12 free Fonts for the Hopeless Romantic.   We Lived Happily Ever After

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope there was something here that piqued your interest, or that you find useful! 

A thought to carry with you  

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 *.˛.° ˛°We will never have pure enough motives,
or be good enough, or know enough in order
to pray rightly. We simply must set all these
things aside and start praying.
~Richard J Foster  •。★★ 。* 。


My Big Fat Greek Salad . . . in The English Kitchen today.  Delicious!
Have a great Friday.  Be blessed and don't ever forget  . . . 

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and I do too!


  1. Hello my darling Marie,

    I am not sure where my dinner set is. Inside the house we have at least five different sets of china. Some are small and other large.

    I also love the felt ornaments. I miss skating on ice. I miss the escape from heat and humidity. I love breathing the cold, cold air. I love the crunch of my blades as they cut through the ice. I miss the fleeting feeling of speed and balance. Watching those more nimble perfecting their moves.

    I am struggling I have so much to finish for the baby and it just sits.

    God bless you today and always.

  2. Oh dear Suzan, we all have days where we feel like we are struggling. Praying your day got better as it went on. I find that when I feel overwhelmed with all I have to do, I just go it one project at a time and forget about the rest until I am done that one. Otherwise if I look at the whole picture I can't seem to begin anything! Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Alicia has a skate pattern:)
    I may remake some so disappointed w/ my new not Alicia patterns..thing is I am a crochet maniac now:)
    I love We lived Happily ever after things and I saved those and I think the above..she had a darling Paris set but you had to join
    Cute cute things and I know I would love your salad!

  4. I like Alicia's skate pattern Monique! I love all her patterns! I have one of her books from way back when! I hope you do like the salad if you try it! Xoxo

  5. Some great ideas as always dear Marie. I think it's so lovely of you to find everything every week it must take you ages.....mind you I expect your like me.....we are so alike in most go looking for one thing then get engrossed in something else and before we know it we have to stop and start again after we have done important things like cooking lunch or dinner !! Just wish I could crochet properly as I like these steppers I'm sure I would find simeone for them. Mary can't wear slippers as she has to have shoes for support and I can't either as i have to have a certain hight of artificial leg does not need slippers !!!......sorry I am late tonight getting in my's been busy but good. Lyn and I got the plants for the pond and four fish..more news about them once they settle into their new home bed calling very soon now. Isn't amazing how quickly dark it is getting. Past time when I should put on the light and it's not 9.30 yet..night night God Bless xx

  6. Marie I have reread your post because I am eating a very late breakfast. Any old how I really like the quote about prayer. I truly do. God bless your sleeping everyone.

  7. Todd and I were just remarking on how much earlier it seems to be getting darker these days Sybil. The nights are beginning to draw in for sure! Its been lovely and cool in the mornings also! I can't wait to hear more tales about the fish! Enjoy your adventure! xoxo

    I am just up and beginning my Saturday Suzan. So much to do, so little time. xoxo

  8. Loved your quote on prayer! We have found in our missionary teaching that there are individuals that don't pray because they think they have to be a certain way inorder to pray. It's true; just begin to pray.
    You always have fun finds. I especially enjoy the ones that are for crocheting. I hope to do more of it in the future. It is relaxing to me. I'm not really good at it; but with practice maybe I can get better.
    I like the graphics and the fonts. I want to learn how to do more of this.
    Well, my friend have a sweet weekend. Love and hugs!

  9. Thanks LeAnn. If we waited to be perfect to,pray none of us would be praying would we! Hope you had a lovely weekend! Love and blessings! Xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!