
Tuesday 18 July 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook


FOR TODAY, July 18, 2017

Outside my window ...
The birds are singing, the sun is shining. Its going to be a beautiful day.

I am thinking ...
I don't want to be that person who complains all the time about my aches and pains. I promise to shut up about them, and stop focusing on them. You don't need to know about them.

In the kitchen ... 

Salmon Stuffed Baked Potatoes, inspired by the Salmon Pies of my childhood.  VERY tasty! 

On my "To Cook" list ...

Raspberry and Coconut Cake.  The Kitchen Alchemist.  This looks and sounds amazing! 

Good to know ...

Apparently massaging your feet before you sleep is critical for your good health.  Who knew?

I am creating ...

Quick Little Bag.  A free pattern from Jessie at Home. Love things like this that leave you hands free. 

How to paint a dog portrait. Found on Snap Guide. I suppose you could apply these principles to any pet.

How to sew Piping. From Make It Love It.  

How to make fabric buttons.  Found on Indulgy.  

Polka Dot Tiered Planters from Positively Splendid.   

I am reading ...

All He Ever Wanted, by Anita Shreve
Etna Bliss has just moved to the New England town where her uncle teaches college when her life is transformed in a single stroke. She is dining in a hotel downtown when a fire forces her to escape to the snowy streets outside. Amid the smoke and chaos of that night she is glimpsed, standing under a streetlight, by a man who was dining in the same room-a man who is so overwhelmed by the sight of her that he rebuilds his life around a single goal: to marry Etna Bliss.

 That man is Nicholas Van Tassel, and All He Ever Wanted is his account of how two lives changed from that tumultuous night forward. A proud and orderly man, Van Tassel is ill equipped to deal with the ferocity of love. But he is determined to have Etna no matter what the cost. Riding a train south many years later, he unwinds his memories of the years that followed and struggles to understand the mystery his life became on that night.

This is no ordinary tale of obsession. It is a story about different kinds of love, different ideas of what love is, and how lives can be strained to breaking over those differences. It is a powerful exploration of the music and silences of family life, the unhinging forces of desire, the wrenching power of secrets unrevealed, and the bewildering territories of betrayal and loss. Written with the maturity, beauty, intelligence, and grace that are Anita Shreve's hallmarks, this is a story that powerfully conjures another time and place-peopled by unforgettable characters as real as the emotions that bring them together.

I have only just started this book, but so far so good.

I am looking forward to ...
We were suppose to go on a picnic on Thursday with friends but that has been canceled now. Maybe we will go on a picnic by ourselves. We shall see.

Dreaming about ...

Pretty floral arrangements and antique table cloths  . . .

Garlic Bread Grilled Cheese  . . . Bon Appetit . . .

Budapest . . .  I have heard it is probably one of the most beautiful cities in Europe . . .


Strawberry Rhubarb Pies . . .  I have everything in . . . perhaps today  . . . 

Colourful Beach Huts  . . .

Something to Watch ... 

The Sound of Music . . .  it never gets old . . .   

A quote for the day ...

  `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
              ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
Don't trust what you see  . . . 
       Even salt looks like sugar . . .  
( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.. 

Makes me smile ...

Always  . . .  no matter what.  Love this little girl . . . 

One of my favourite things  ...  


The film "Grease".  Time to dig it out and watch it again methinks. That and Peggy Sue Got Married and America Graffiti. Timeless, feel good classics.

Corners of my kingdom ...

Peg Porschen, London  . . .  you know when the daughter of the Big House got married, all her cakes were from Peg Porschen and they were gorgeous.  All the flowers on them looked real.  Beautiful sugar work . . . sweet peas, lily of the valley, roses.  And the cake was delicious as well.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!! 



  1. Today we drove to Redcliffe. I would have liked lunch by the sea as today was summer warm and the bay was sparkling. We had sushi instead. Mum lost a fair bit of a front tooth. That was repairable for now. Pip needs a small filling to repair a filling. This will be done after the baby is born.I was told no fillings required and I felt great until the dentist announce I needed work on one of my crowns. This will cost so much after my health refund rebate. So I am unimpressed for now.

    Sadly my very favourite coffee shop has gone. A charity has taken it over. The drive both ways was very easy so I am thankful.

    Mmum's watch battery died so as soon as we got home I drove her down to the local shops to buy one. One of the ladies at quilting has lost interest in a baby quilt. So she donated it to a suicide cause and I was given it. I will make a donation on Thursday. No money left after today.

    God bless and enjoy your day, Love to you all.

  2. Ah, Marie... please don't worry about "complaining". Sometimes we hurt, and sometimes we hurt a lot--either physically, or emotionally. And it's OK to talk about it. And you can talk about it here with us. :) Oooo... those stuffed potatoes looks good! I'd like to try those for a Fish Friday. That cake looks dangerously good too... Oh, no there goes my good intentions for NOT baking sweet treats for a while now... LOL! NICE tutorial on sewing piping. I've not used piping in a while now, but still good to know. And love the homemade fabric button ideas. I used to read a lot of Anita Shreve, and I've read this one--good story. I can't get her books here at the library, so I've not read one in a long time. Happy to see Mitzie, sweet girl... American Graffiti is a fave for us too! Hope you're having a good day, my friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. Hi Marie. Wow, that person who left the message about you complaining has really got to you. Don't let her. We all told you that. You tell us your life as it is, not how you'd like it to be. We want to know how you are and genuinely care for you, warts and all! I understand why you don't want to take painkillers regularly, but while you're in this amount of pain you should. If the ibuprofen helped, and they often do with this kind if thing, go back to the doctors and get a type that doesn't effect your stomach. And take them regularly, even if the pain goes away. Have you seen that advert for Sensodyne toothpaste were people complain that their sensitive teeth come back when they stop using it and obviously the answer is don't stop using it. Well it's a similar kind of thing. Keep taking them regularly wether you think you need them or not, at least till you've finished your physio and then maybe reassess the situation. Don't worry about getting addicted to them, you won't, and your quality of life is much more important. Telling off complete hahaha!!!

    I love the foot thingy. Many years ago I used to have regular reflexology and loved it. I was sceptical at first but when she first asked me if I had any illnesses and I said Chronic Kidney Disease, she said 'well this might hurt' and pressed where the kidney location is on my foot for the kidneys. Needless to say she had to drag me down off the ceiling! She never touched there again but it did prove to me that there was definitely something in it and not just mumbo jumbo!! Maybe some form of alternative therapy might help your knee??

    The sun is shining, it's going to be a beautiful day, well at least until the storms come in later!!! Lot's of love xxx

  4. Kate is so correct about pain relief. If you can get yourself pain free or reduced don't stop the tablets. Once pain becomes our of control it is very difficult to control. Lots of love to you.

  5. I have always shared...don't are not are sharing..

    you have always shared..and it is good to do so.

    Be yourself:)
    That's all we can be.
    Take the medicine that makes you feel better.

    Did you finish Beartown?:)

    This one sounds good..
    PP looks BEAUTIFUL.

    ONJ is sadly facing breast cancer again..but being so brave and stoic..lovely gil..

    Little purse so cute!!

    I have that cake in a folder I think..


    Have a beautiful day:) Take care...

  6. One of my sisters got to travel to Budapest and brought back loads of pictures. It is a beautiful place for sure. I'm not a traveler myself, but I love seeing pictures others take. Hope you get to have your picnic and take advantage of the beautiful weather. Days like this don't last long. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one !

  7. Oh dear, it's always something Suzan. I sometimes think we spend our lives taking three steps forward and two steps back, but at least little by little progress is made. Luck find with the quilt! Xoxo

    Lol Kate, sometimes I reckon I need a good telling off. Back in Nova Scotia my best friend was a reflexologist and did my feet regularly! It was nice! She was also an herbologist and iradologist. She had a beautiful halo of pure whit hair like an angel. I miss her! Xoxo

    Tracy, thanks so much. I read in my kindle and this one was not much fir a change! You will love the potatoes. They are gorgeous! Xoxo

    That is so sad about ONJ Monique. I did not know that. Peg Porchen cakes are the most beautiful I have ever seen! I gave not finished Beartown yet, but I often read more than one book at a time! I get bored really easily. God bless. Xoxo

    I am an armchair traveller myself Pam. It's cheaper, easier and I get to sleep in a comfy bed each night! God bless! Xoxo

  8. That cake looks divine! I must add that to my 'to make" list. Your new book sounds really good as well. I just loved Black House... and yes, the autopsy scene was more than graphic, I skipped over that bit pretty quick. I'm now reading the sequel called "The Lewis Man". It too is a good read.
    I must tell you what I did today in my "What's For Dinner" class at lunchtime... I hope you don't mind. There was an arugula and spinach soup with a yogurt, mint and cucumber garnish on the menu and my chef asked me what I wanted to serve in accompaniment with t. I told her tea biscuits and then presented her with a copy of your mile high buttermilk biscuit recipe. We made them and served them. And the customers loved them. I handed out the recipe and gave you full credit of course and then shamelessly plugged you, the blogs and your new cookbook to the hilt! I even wrote down the names of both blogs for them, so hopefully they'll visit and buy the cookbook when it comes out. I told them all, and truthfully so that I trusted your recipes completely and never had a flop. It made me so happy to talk about my friend the chef, blogger and now author in my class. ♥♥♥ xx

  9. Aw w, loved your daybook for this week. I really must try that Salmon and potato dish; it sounds so yummy. I might fix it for the Sisters who come for weekly lunch and planning.
    I wonder if I can talk my husband it nightly foot massages. I would be happy to massage his. I really love the cute little bag you are making. Very cute polka dot planters; fun!
    Oh, how I can't wait to read a novel. That's one of the first things I will dowhen our mission ends at the end of September. You have given melots ofgood ideas for books to read. Although, I have two series to finish.
    My mouth is watering for garlic bread.
    I always enjoy your photos of things you would like to see or do.
    One of my favorite all time movie is "The Sound of Music". It's been years since I watched "Grease". I know it ison Nexflix; somaybe our oder it at some point.
    Mitzie is always adorable. Yes, I love reading your thoughts on this one. Blessings and hugs!


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