
Tuesday 27 June 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook ...

FOR TODAY, June 27, 2017

Outside my window ...

Its dull and overcast. I have had to turn on a light.  We are going to have a couple of days of rain so I'm told, but cannot complain. Its what keeps this country so green!

I am thinking ...

Went to the Doctor I should have gone to the first time yesterday, and finally, I am going to get some help for my knee.  I have a torn meniscus and will be starting physio on Friday.  He spent a lot of time manipulating it, and checking it out, and actually listened to me.  It felt good to be treated like a person with a problem instead of simply another fat person who shouldn't have any rights, coz I'm fat and well, fat people's feelings don't count do they?

In the kitchen ...

Spicy Chicken Burgers.  Quick and simple to make and delicious.  Did I mention that they are pretty healthy as well?  Winner/winner!

On my "To Cook" list ...

Courgette (zucchini), Onion and Cheddar Tart. From Delicious Magazine.  This looks fabulous.

Good to know ...

I am creating ...

From Krokotak.  A simple bird kite that kids will enjoy making and playing with.  Adults too!

I wish I had a pound/dollar for everytime I heard the words "I'm Bored" through the years!  I'd be rich! A Bored Jar might have helped.  From Frugal Family.

A free Bottle Scrubbie Pattern.  From Totally Snappy.

Are you flowing, getting image transfers in your art journal.  Great tutorial!

Pails of Paint. An art lesson on how to draw a cow. This is a fantastic art blog!

I am reading ...

The Black House, by Peter May

DS Fin Macleod of the Edinburgh police is mourning the death of his young son and the breakdown of his marriage. He is sent to the Isle of Lewis, the place where he was born and raised to see if a recent murder in Stornoway is connected to a similar killing in Edinburgh. Fin hasn’t set foot on the Isle since his aunt’s funeral years earlier and the trip is infused with memories from the past and an event that caused a savage break with the island.

There is so much going on in this book that it’s hard to know when to stop with the precis of the plot. It is rooted firmly in the crime fiction tradition. There is a murder, with a possible link to another event and an investigation that takes many twists and turns. The detective has many of the characteristics that we would expect from a lead character, although interestingly no side-kick.

The story is wonderful. It describes an upbringing in a time that is almost lost. It wasn’t idyllic given the tragedies in the young boy’s life but the narrative effectively conveys the friendships and feuds that make up a childhood in a small rural community.

Its been a long time since I have enjoyed a book as much as I am enjoying this one!

I am looking forward to ... 
Seeing my own book in print. It won't be long now!

Dreaming about ...


A house with a veranda across the front  . . .

Owning one of these  . . .  maybe for my birthday I will ultra treat myself.

A porch swing to go with that veranda  . . .  with pretty colourful and bright cushions . . .

Tea towels made from vintage tablecloths . . . if I could only find an old tablecloth . . .

Very pretty pillow cases . . .  these I can do . . .

Something to watch ...

Set in New Zealand.  Top of the Lake.  Re-visiting in anticipation of series 2 which will star Nichole Kidman.  This is great.  Oh, did you know that they have lots of Earth Quakes in New Zealand?  Neither did I, but a couple on our coach trip from Hawarden moved back to the UK from New Zealand because of it!  Wow!

A quote for the day ...

  `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
              ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.
( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..

Makes me smile ...

One of my favourite things  ...

Helping others in whatever way that I can.

Corners of my kingdom ...


Pulteney Bridge, in  Bath.  This is near where Sybil lives!

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
 ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!!



  1. Glad you are getting some help for you knee, Marie... and being treated for it well--as you should be! :) Fun art links today...I need all the help I can get there! And LOVED seeing Pulteney Bridge! So long again when we visited Bath--one of the most beautiful places in Britain...hope we can go back one day. Be taking good care there, and hope you are feeling better soon! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  2. I didn't see this bridge. Another reason to come back to England. I loved the two hours I spent in Bath. England is such a special place.

    I am glad to see that someone is doing something for you poor painful knee. I pray that physio helps. Pip sends you sympathy. The poor girl is suffering from pain in her sacro-iliac joint. Yesterday we tried the pool and I think she overdid things. Today I took her to the doctor because she was crying. He told there is nothing more to give her but to stick with panadol, hot packs and the pool. So we went to the pool again. She said her back felt better so we braved it for an hour. The pool is heated to 30 degrees or so. It was quite cold when we got out. I was thankful for hot showers and the heaters.

    I love New Zealand and I have travelled most of the country by bus and I think four times by sea. AS an adventurous young lady I was so upset that I didn't experience one tremor. We even stayed in one place that was famous for having many tremors each didn't happen while I was there. But I have trips that have had to be rearranged because of earthquake damage.

    God bless you today and always.

  3. Hi Marie. So pleased you've finally seen a doctor who cares about your knee. Hope the physio helps. At least it's a step in the right direction.

    Reading your last couple of blogs I see you have a couple of dilemmas. It's incredible how things which should bring us such joy are often tinged with doubt and sadness. You and Todd must be ecstatic at finding a long lost grandson but I can understand your reservations about Todd getting hurt. Also how amazing that your daughter wants to come for a month but the worry that comes with that too. I think taking things slowly and see how they develop is the best way. Who knows what another twelve months will bring. Does your daughter still see her siblings? Do they know what's going on? It's so difficult when one of your own is hurting, I feel for you Marie.

    I love Bath! Sybil, you're so lucky living there!

    Suze, I hope your daughter is feeling better soon and that the pool helps her. Love to you both.

    We're back to London on Friday, grandson minding, and then going straight to Scarborough for a few days next week. Hoping the rain doesn't last too long!! Look after that knee! Lot's of love xxx

    1. P.S. Forgot to say, have you watched Toast on Netflix? It's about Nigel Slater as a young boy. It's good but sad!! Xxx

  4. Wow I would love to watch a series about Nigel Slater's childhood. I am quite sure it would be a very sad story. I have no idea why.

    Pip just has to weather this pregnancy. She is still dealing with morning sickness at 27 weeks. The first 20 weeks were just awful for her. Even going to the pool is a good thing for her I am quite sure.

    I am wondering how the day is unfolding. It is on the way to 11pm and I cannot sleep. Many thoughts about how everyone's day is progressing.

  5. Great to hear something is being done for you knee ! Hopefully treatment will have you good as new soon.

  6. So happy you have a good doctor..what a difference!

    On the road to recovery:)x

    Have a beautiful day!

  7. There is something about a veranda, isn't there? Not quite outside, shaded from the sun, I'd love one.
    My cousin Ed lives in NZ. A retired sheep farmer, he has moved north from South Otago, and closer to the earthquakes!
    Good to hear there's some action on the knee XX

  8. WHO ARE these people who figured out that chocolate CAN BE STORED for 2 years/3 years??!!?? If I live to be 120, I cannot imagine a time I will wonder, "Hmmmm...wonder how long this chocolate will keep?" :D

  9. Thanks Tracy! One day I will get to see that Bridge and meet Sybil in person also! Its on my bucket list! xoxo

    I had no idea that New Zealand had so many earthquakes Suzan, but this couple had been quite traumatized by it. In fact the wife suffered from PSTD because of it! Hope that Pip starts to feeling a lot better sooner rather than later! xoxo

    Kate, what a blessing you get to spend so much time with your Grandson! Thanks for all your happy thoughts! I have seen toast a long time ago, but must watch it again. I have also read the book. I think each life has some element of tragedy in it if you really think about it. some more than others. But I don't think anyone escapes it entirely. Enjoy your week! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, I am ever hopeful! xoxo

    You too Monique! It is just nice to be told it is something which can be worked on! xoxo

    haha Maryann, I am sure that they must be talking about cooking chocolate, because eating chocolate in my house never lasts longer than a day or two! xoxo

  10. Here I am at last, sorry I missed this yesterday, ( I actually came in to read today's blog Wednesday, but as often happens I don't seem to get it often till next day oR late the same day )'s quite odd really. Anyway im visiting now, oh if only you were able to visit us in Bath it would be lovely. Pultney. Bridge is right in the centre of town just along from Bath Abbey. As you know I love New Zealand even though they are prone to earthquakes, more on the South Island remember when Christchurch was devastated a few years ago, perhaps that is where the people you met on the coach came from, it must be awful when so much damage is done around you. I have a laugh though and when I went to NZ the first time I thought I would like to feel an earthquake....just a small one.....well I was staying with a friend in Wellington and one morning my friend said was I ok ? Yes, I said why ? Didn't you feel the quake last night ? No, I said thinking they were kidding me on....but no sure enough in the newspaper was the report of a quake hitting Wellington around 3am it was a force 5 addmittedly not too strong but enough for others to be aware of ? I slept throughout....I even cut out and still have the bit I cut out of the paper.....
    I'm away now to make my first cuppa, Mary is up in Edinburgh for next couple of weeks so can just suit myself as to when I start my day xxx


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