
Sunday 4 June 2017

And so it goes . . . again . . .


 I have no words. My country is under attack from within again. We knew it would come. When we sat there watching the flickering images on the television of the attacks in Germany and France and America, and Brussels  . . .  we knew even then that it would come, eventually . . . and now it is here, my heart breaks. I struggle to be able to contemplate or understand such an ideology, such hatred towards others that are different, this intolerance, this barbarism.  It is not of God, or from God, not in His name . . . it has nothing to do with God.  It is the weakness of man, the evils of man, the twisted thinking of man. 

Oh how He must weep when He looks down upon
His children and sees what they do
to each other, again
and again
There is no justification for such acts.

 They will not win. For I believe in the goodness of God, and whilst I may cry today, for a moment . . .  I have a hope in a brighter tomorrow. They may make life more difficult for us, but they cannot break us.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
~Jeremiah 29:11 

A friend of mine posted this on her facebook page  . . . 


"Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love." 
~ Mother Teresa

 Let our hearts dwell on all that is good.  Seek after it. Look for the light, be the light. Remember . . .  for all that is bad in this world, there is much, much more that is good.  It is just that the bad shouts louder.  All that is good speaks with a small, still voice, but it is there.  We just need to close our ears to the shouting and listen for the whisper.

 Never forget . . .

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And I do too . . . 


  1. Marie I am sad that it is even necessary to post about the terror attacks yet again. It is incomprehensible. It is all too sad

    Today I pray the you and Todd find comfort in each other and church.

    Lots of love and God bless.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about the attack. is not the world we grew up in. I pray for world peace.

  3. Thanks Suzan. I hate that also. The saddest part is that we know it will only get worse before it gets better. God bless. xoxo

    Thanks Dee, I do also. xoxo

  4. We do need to hang on to our beliefs in these sad and horrible times. Praying for your country and all around the world. We never know when terrorist will attack. Keep the faith. This too shall pass.

  5. Everytime something like this happens Pam, our world gets a tiny bit scarier. Thank goodness for prayers and faith. Love and hugs. xoxo

  6. My heart goes out to you and your country! When is all this heartache and sadness going to end?
    My prayers are being sent your way for your country, that they'll soon be peace!

  7. Yes Marie we are living in sad sad times, but we must always speak up all the good that is being done the everyday people in Manchester who offered help, free beds, free taxi service, and last night in London again people who tried to physically stop these horrid evil men...yes GOOD will win in the end....God Bless. Xx

  8. Thanks Monique. Very sad. One of the dead is a Canadian. Xoxo

    Thanks J. I don't believe it will end now. I believe it will get worse and worse, especially if you study Bible prophecy. It's all happening. Thankfully we know the end of the story. Xoxo

    Yes Sybil. There are many positive stories coming out. They will not win. Xoxo

  9. We do pray for all those affected by these cruel acts in your blessed country. I too feel so bad about how wicked our world is becoming. One bright note is that we are in the last of the last days. Elder Christensen recently made this statement at a mission Presidents seminar. We can prepare, pray and look forward to the 2nd coming of our Savior. Meanwhile, we have to make it through all of these kinds of horrific events.
    I loved your quotes and graphics. May we continue to pray for our world and our dear Prophet who is the prophet to the world.
    Blessings and hugs for this one dearest friend.

  10. How wonderfully positive that you were able to hear that message from Elde rChristensen! I am preparing daily so that my lamp is filled,a nd I do prayer for our beloved Prophet also. Love you! xoxo


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