
Wednesday 17 May 2017

This and that on a Wednesday . . .


"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date."

 Oh I do love to see the hawthorn blossom in May . . .  this is what I dreamt about sitting beside the warm glow of winter's fire, in the bitter and bleak days of fog and frost and snow  . . .

 Tis what I pictured through the steaming window panes . . . when all seemed lost . . .  that warm and sunny days would never come . . .  when all was cold, cold rain  . . .

 Lupin days . . .  rainbow tinted amassed in flower bed.  Blazing groups of gold and rose and red tulips dance at the gardens edge. They don't last long, but what a glorious show they put on as they frolic to and fro  . . .

 T'was my hearts deep longing when the sky hung with dark, grey clouds . . . this glorious May garden. Peonie and iris . . . . wildflower by the path . . .

 Oh yes . . .  tis this which kept me going while snoozing by the firelit hearth  . . . tis what I imagined all the winter through.  This golden dream I dreamed . . . and now, my dream has come true . . .

Lovely are the lanes of England when,
the hedges are in flower ...
May has waved her magic wand,
all the world
is young

 My week is busy once more.  Today we have Chris and his wife coming for their supper. It will be so good to catch up with them and so remininsce about his days serving in the Chester area.  Then very early tomorrow morning my friend Corine is coming to do a photo of me for my book.  She is a great photographer.  I am not sure my selfie will do the trick . . .

 This was the most popular of them all.  I think I am just used to seeing all these younger women on the jackets of books, and I look so old . . .  when did that happen?  It seems to have happened overnight.  I blinked . . . lol  Lesson learned . . .  Don't blink, no matter what. Things change in the blink of an eye.

 This showed up in my memories on Facebook.  I did this fun little picture back in 2014.  wow, that was three years ago now.  Time flies when you are having fun.  Apparently I am having a ball because the time is passing by like sands through the hourglass . . . and there now appears to be more sand in the bottom of the glass than the top.

Doing edits on the book.  Counting down the days, it won't be long now.  I have do do a short bio, and that is proving more difficult to do than the rest of the book was. It is hard to write about yourself without sounding conceited.  Well, I think so at any rate. 

Best be about my day . . .  a thought to carry with you.

 A picture one for today.  Wise words.  I think Maya Angelou was a very wise woman.

Spiritual Enlightenment 


 In The English Kitchen today  . . . Pineapple Sweet and Sour Meatballs.  Easy Peasy.  Delicious too, but then I always say that.  That's because I only ever show you the delicious stuff.

 Have a great Wednesday!!  Don't forget along the way . . .

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and I do too!


  1. Hi Marie. The garden pictures are just gorgeous. Have a lovely day with your visitors. I'm off to the Podiatrist now as I've got bursitis on my left foot and plantar fasciitis on my right!!! Although they have both improved since I saw him last week. Lots of love xxx

    P.S. I haven't seen Outlander, I'll have to try and find it on IPlayer or whatever it's on. Xxx

  2. Once again no pictures.

    I hope you have the best lunch and time with your friends. It is lovely that the young people are so happy come to you for a visit.

    I would love to have you have one of your paintings at the beginning of the book. It would be a lovely thing to share.

    God bless your day and love to you always.

  3. It's a GREAT selfie!!

    I don't want to hear that word..OL..nevah..:)

    Have fun today!

  4. Good advice about the blinking. Things do change fast. We went from having heat on in the house and today we'll be at the point of almost needing air conditioning. I've owned the windows this morning while it's still quite pleasant out. Have fun with the pictures. I'll be looking forward to seeing them.

  5. Opps! I did mean open the windows to let some fresh air in.

  6. Amazing flower pictures and a wonderful photo of you. I love sweet and sour but hardly ever make it . This looks easy and tasty

  7. Kate, I am going to have to look up Bursitis! I can sympathise with the Plantar Fasciatis. Have suffered with that on and off for years. It's no fun! Outlander is on Amazon Prime, plus you can buy the DVD's. I have the DVD's. xoxo

    There are some paintings scattered throughout the book Suzan, not people ones though. Just food. I am getting excited about it. I wonder why my photos don't come through for you? The myeteries of the WWW. xoxo

    Thanks Monique! You are going to laugh. About an hour before dinner, I realised that it was today they were coming not yesterday! Oh Vey! What am I like! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! I have been leaving my back door open in the mornings to let in the fresh air. I love that we can do that! God bless! xoxo

    Thanks Linda! I hope you try the sweet and sour! It's very good! xoxo

  8. I am sure you enjoyed the dinner with your friends. Being with missionaries you have know is the best. I always enjoy your writings on seasons and landscaptes. You have such a lovely way with words. Your photo is lovely and I am anxious to hear about your book release.
    Blessings and hugs!

  9. I am really anxious to hear about its release as well LeAnn! It's been a long time coming! We are down to the finishing touches now! xoxo


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