
Monday 15 May 2017

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


I had a pretty good Mother's Day.  I actually heard from four of my five children which was a real blessing to me. I felt blessed.  That was one more than I expected to hear from.   I spoke to my oldest son via the iPad for a time, my middle son sent me a lovely message from work which was lovely. I spoke to my oldest daughter on FB and my youngest daughter sent me a message on FB which I got just as I was going to bed. Grateful that they each took some time out of their own very busy days to send me greetings.  I'll take it gladly! Thank you God!  ♥♥♥♥ 

Because of Stake Conference earlier this month, yesterday was Fast and Testimony meeting at church and what a beautiful spirit was in attendance. Tears touched my eyes right from the start.  I was sitting next to a lovely family as well, with six children and the second youngest was right by me.  He had a little alphabet book he was working on and he is just so super smart.  I was so impressed. They are a family that I really love.  I worked with their mum in Relief Society and she has always amazed me with her patience and her example.  She never seems to lose her cool.  Her husband has ME (Chronic Fatigue) and they have these six children ranging in age from about 18 months up to 16.  Only one girl, the oldest one, the rest all boys. Those children are so well behaved in church.  Their oldest boy saved a man from drowning in the canal earlier this year.  They are just an amazing family.  Love them to bits.   All of the testimony's born yesterday touched my heart, but then they always do. I am a Testimony junkie! ☺

Sunday phone calls to mum. I know I say this every week, but every week these calls mean the world to me.  Just to be born in a time when I can be in instant communication with my mother is a blessing in and of itself. No having to wait months and months for a letter to come through.  We always talk about the same things.  The weather. Her toes. My dad. Lately, her own father dying, etc.  I try to jog her memory about old things from long ago.  I think older people like to talk about things that happened a long time ago, because quite often their short term memory is not so good. We just talk, and talk, and talk . . .  the hour always passes by far too quickly.

My DIL Kayla posted this lovely photograph of our Josh yesterday. He is nine years handsome and growing like a weed!  Not sure what he is saying here, but it looks pretty important!

She also posted this photo of our Jake, saying he had taken her to a posh restaurant for Mother's Day.  McD's.  This one is going to be a lady killer I think.  He has those eyes . . .

Love all my grandsons!  They are all lady-killers to me!

When I was talking to my oldest son yesterday, he was making pancakes for the boys.  I love that my sons all love to cook.  He was also going to be making Fettuccini Alfredo for his wife later on.  Their dad liked cooking too, as did their Grand-dad, so I guess they come by it naturally, but my oldest son really loves to cook.  When he was growing up he was always interested in what I was doing in the kitchen, even from the earliest age and was always wanting to stir a pot or something. I think he would have been a great chef.  Last time we were over to his place he made us a great Cassoulet!

Do you remember my friend Eliza?  From Arizona.  She and her husband Ed came over to visit us a few times when we were living down South.  Sadly she lost Ed last year, very suddenly.  She is serving a mission now in the Philippines.  That woman is amazing!  Every e-mail she sends is filled with tales of her Philippine adventures.  Such a brave woman to go on her own all the way to what is pretty much a third word nation to serve the church in the capacity of a Nurse. (She was an obstetrical nurse for years and years.)  She is a great example to me and I cherish our friendship.   You go Eliza!

Getting to spend a really special afternoon with a kindred spirit friend.  Sister from another mother.  Valerie.  What a blessing this was!  The time went far too quickly!

Crafting with friends.   So much fun even if we mostly just gabbed!

Pre-church selfies.  Lura left her selfie-stick for me.  It took me a while to get the hang of it, but I finally got there.   Love my husband.  He is such a sweet, sweet man.  I know I am biased.

I am learning to love myself a tiny bit
My cup runneth over.

A thought to carry with you through this week . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.°Life is not a competition,
Life is about helping and inspiring others
so we can each reach our potential.
~Kim Chase  •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Beer, Cheese and Onion Bread.  This was very tasty!

Have a lovely week.  May it be filled with oodles of small and wonderful things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Hi Marie, wow this brought a tear to my eye, but a tear of happiness. So pleased you got a message from your youngest daughter. Small steps.

    See you've got the hang of the selfie double chins!! Hahaha!!! I'm absolutely hopeless at them, to the point I can't believe it's me in the photo!!!

    A lovely blog to start my week, lots of love xxx

  2. I am so pleased that you had contact with your children yesterday. It is wonderful to feel loved. I love the classy restaurant outing. Sadly my ex thought MacD's was the best ever.

    My day has me exhausted. Pip and I went to college to study. My brain is boggled. Then Beth wanted afternoon tea. WE finally came home and Wills wanted dinner so we drove back to the same mall and saw Beth again and then went to dinner.

    God bless your Monday.

  3. Glad you had such a wonderful Mothers Day. It's a blessingl you still have your mom to talk to. Mine passed away several years ago. Hope your Monday is great one too. The sun is shinning here and it's warming up!

  4. You look great!

    Getting to take natural nice!!

    And what a week of lovely things Marie:)

  5. What a lovely afternoon you certainly had I am so pleased that your children remembered you on Mother's Day. 4/5 is a very good odds I would say, there must have been many many mothers who had nothing at all from their children.....yes you were Blessed....( I used to get a Mother's Day card from Jacqueline I miss her so very much ) ...wonder what you are doing now ..craft wise ? You will soon have to think about your special Christmas cards ! there's a thought, and you havnt even had your summer holiday yet I'm away to watch Emerdale my fav. soap...night night. God Bless

  6. Very late getting to comment on all your lovely comments today. Sorry about that! Kate, yep, no double chins! For this time anyways! McD's has its place Suzan! My ex always brought a newspaper with him to every meal out, so I might as well have been on my own! Even McD's with even a tiny bit of conversation would have been a lot nicer! So Rude! Thanks Pam, hope your Mother's Day was equally blessed! Thanks Monique! Found out later that her older sister had told her to do it, but hey ho, beggars can't be choosers, and at least she did send a message! Thanks Sybil. So sorry you did not get your card this year. (((Hugs))) I am sure you miss Jacqueline dreadfully. My Aunt Freda loved Emmerdale. I have never gotten into it. I think Todd would revolt! Haha Love you all! Xoxo

  7. You better love your self sweet girl; you are awesome! I am so happy that you heard from your children. I enjoyed hearing about your boys liking to cook. My three boys love to cook too. They all like to experiment with spices and etc. They are all good cooks.
    I do love that you are enjoing talking with your mother. I would love to hear my sweet Mother's voice again. I know I will see her again someday.
    I too love testimony meetings. I find that the children that bare testimoies are really sharing true feelings about the gosple. More mature in their thoughts than my children were.
    You do have some adorable grandsons; loved their photos.
    This was a sweet post; thanks for your thoughts on this one!
    Sedning love and hugs your way!

  8. I think men make the best cooks LeAnn! they have no fear! I am so grateful that we still have our mom with us. I would dearly love to see her once more. Love and hugs to you as well. xoxo


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