
Saturday 27 May 2017

Saturday wanderings of the mind . . .


 Ahhh . . . Chester.   I think I live in one of the most beautiful cities in all of the UK.  I know that residents of other towns and cities would beg to differ, but we are all entitled to our own opinions are we not?   This is the place I came to live 17 years ago when I moved to the UK and this is the place I missed every day of the 7 years that I lived down in Kent.  Its just a beautiful city filled with beautiful people and architecture and spirit. It has so much to offer.

 You can walk into its centre any day of the week and it is alive.  There are buskers making music, and people walking arm in arm, shoppers galore, young and old.  I just love this city.  Its filled with history . . .  it reeks history.  Most towns and cities in the UK do . . . admittedly, but again  . . .  I love Chester.  Always will.

The city recently opened one of it's newest structures.  It's been in the making for several years now at the cost of over £37 million.  It houses a new Cinema, Theatre and modern/up to date Library. Its just beautiful.  Inside and out.  I went into town with Todd the other day for my eye test and he took me on a tour of it.  He's been in to it several times now.  Its phenomenal, but then it better be for the money it cost!  Red carpeting throughout, a lovely children's library, plenty of armchairs throughout for people to sit and read on, lots of technology for the tecchies, coffee shops and bars, and of course the cinema and the theatre where people will be ale to see both film and live theatre productions.  This will be a great asset to an already great city.

This is a sight I thought I would never see in my city . . . policemen armed with guns, heavy duty guns.  Patrolling out streets.  Outside the town hall.  After the atrocity in Manchester earlier this week our country is at a Critical level re terrorism, meaning that another attack is expected imminently. Scary stuff.  Troops are also being deployed to help police the streets of all major cities, centres, events, etc. in an attempt to keep our citizens safe.  I am not sure it is entirely possible to keep our citizens safe, but we can try.

We are living in a bad, bad world.  I was reading this morning that dozens of Coptic Christians have been killed and injured in an attack on a bus in Eygpt.  Attacked whilst on their way to church, by armed gunmen, wearing masks . . .  because they are brave like that, these terrorists.  They like to wear masks.  Despicable.

I don't know what to think.
Its all quite frightening.
All of it.

 I have this big beautiful family and all of these lovely children and grandchildren and I worry about their future. About the world they are going to have to deal with, live with, survive . . . .

I guess that is where faith comes in.  We need it now more than ever.  I don't think things will ever get any better, not this side of the millennium . . . they are only going to get worse.  Peace comes from our faith in and of the Saviour.  Read the scriptures.  Pray.  Hope.  Love.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ~John 14:27 


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.~Proverbs 3:5


These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. ~John 16:33 

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.~Isaiah 12:2

I believe that ultimately Good will prevail.  The man in the white hat will win. Evil will be defeated. I may not see it in my lifetime, but it will come.  I have no doubt, and that is how I go on.

“Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. … Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:34, 36).

The sun has deserted us this morning.  It is showering.  We have had a glorious few days however, and I think even these showers will clear. Its been almost too hot to sleep and we had to dig the fan out of the cupboard.  Todd was saying last night that he feels literally exhausted.  He's been trying to get some work done in the garden, but it takes all of his energy to do it. I want to ask the young men/elders quorum in our Ward to help, but he doesn't want me to do that.  Too proud I guess!  Our shed doors need scraping and painting. One of our patio chairs has disappeared?  It must have blown away in a wind storm and we didn't notice it being gone until now. 

The Clematis and Honeysuckle are going mad and are filled with bees . . .  buzz, buzzing.  It's lovely.  The Honeysuckle smells beautiful. Our roses are filling with buds and our strawberries are covered with flowers.  We should get quite a few I am thinking, if the slugs don't get there first!

I have not heard from my Editor this week.  I will have to e-mail him and ask him what's up.  I haven't received any advance yet, which I thought I was supposed to receive when the finished manuscript was submitted, but maybe that meant with all the edits done.  That's probably what it meant.  I am so not in the know with how these things work!

I am babbling so I will end this now with a cheerful thought for the day, enough doom and gloom!


Are you dancing?  

I sure hope so! 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Pull Apart Cinnamon Roll Bread.  This was gorgeous! 

Have a great Saturday.  Don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!


  1. Marie last night before I went to bed I read the last supper chapter in Luke and then early this morning more Luke. I shudder when I read some of the words about how difficult times will become. But the best thing I think I can do is pray and rest in His peace.

    We have been out to visit dad today. He was so calm and relaxed today which was delightful. MUm and I had yum cha and for once I truly enjoyed it because it was not all prawn, egg and pork. I feel sorry for any Asian who shares those allergies because their life must be extremely tough.

    Here is something to share with Todd. Last night I slept with a fan on and the air conditioner was set to bring in fresh air. Next week on JUne 1 we welcome winter and today my car registered 32 Centigrade. Beyond ridiculous in my humble opinion. The heat knocks energy out of some people and especially those who have not been well..

    God bless you all.

  2. I'm with you Marie, we need our faith even more in these troubling times. May God bless us every one!

  3. Chester looks so so beautiful..thses sights are not unfamilair to me..while visiting Paris last June..everywhere.. everywhere..

    :( Montmartre.. for some reason seemed even more armed..

    it was sad.

    I think gardeners feel bad when the gardens cannot get done..tell Todd..I have had such summers..when the mojo/health is bac..not the all but back in some way..the joy of doing it is sweeter.
    I think the young men in your ward should offer.
    :) And insist.
    What's up with that?
    Just do it lol.

    Take care Marie:)

  4. Hi Marie, later today I don't quite know where the time goes...except that I did in all spend over an hour talking to Talktalk about my account, I was exhausted and bemused at one point and said to the girl...who was very nice....I'm sorry I must go I just cannot take any more info in, call me in 45 mins if you like and we can continue our discussion.....I didn't expect her to do that but true to her word she did call and I THINK I am a bit clearer now with regards my account THINK ...I really don't know where my comprehension has gone. I used to pick up things so easy whereas now it seems to take ages for me to get things into my mind..I feel so stupid at times, I'm sure I must be going a slow route to dementia !....quite worrying really..... I was thinking about Todds reluctance to ask for help and it reminded me of something that was pointed out to me once ......and that was by refusing help from someone, I was stopping them from doing a good turn that the Lord wanted them to do...therefore I was being a bit selfish....that view of things certainly opened up my eyes and ever since if someone offers me help ( even if in all truth I don't need it ) I accept with as much grace as I can....that might help Todd if he could think of it like that...
    Certainly been a lot cooler today but sun came out around six tonight but not warm enough to go and sit out...forecast is for more storms in the early morning...we had thunder and lightning around 4.15 this morning. Masy didn't even lift her head !!!....night night. God Bless xxx

  5. Wow! What a beautiful place u live in Marie! Just look at the inlaid roads and sidewalks!
    Soon u will be going into the stores and see ur cookbook displayed on the shelves.
    What a great feeling and accomplishment that will be for u! I hope you and ur Todd are having a fun weekend! xoxo

  6. There certainly is a great peace to be found in God's word Suzan! I will say again, I don't know how you cope with the heat and humidity that you cope with. I could not do it! I know people do become acclimitised, but I seriously think I could not! lol I cannot stand heat. Must be my cold Canadian blood! Love and hugs, xoxo

    Yes Pam, God bless us every one! xoxo

    Monique, we are living in dangerous times I think. Sadly, it will soon be the same everywhere. I think I will be putting a bug in several people's ears re the yardwork. and hopefully someone will step forward! God bless! xoxo

    Oh, having to deal with anything techical over the telephone Sybil, is stressful and exhausting! Thankful that you eventually got it sorted! It was a lot cooler here yesterday afternoon, and thankfully no thunderstorms. We have not experienced one of those in a long time now! Not sure what Mitzie would do! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Jan, we have plenty of those and cobblestones also. This is a very charming city with the tudor buildings, etc. I hope that it won't be long before I see it! (my cookbook!) I will be jumping up and down with excitement! Hope you're having a fun weekend also! xoxo


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