
Sunday 7 May 2017

I wander as I wander . . .

Dare I sit here grieving in a dream-world of my own,
thinking back across the years of happiness once known,
when outside the window on this bright and lovely day,
miracles are happening, the miracles of May;
the hawthorn in the hedges and the bluebells in the wood?
Can I now dely that life is sweet and God is good?
~Patience Strong

I don't think there is a much prettier sight in May than  a bluebell wood. The music of nesting birdsong tickles your ears as dappled sunlight flickers across your face whilst a million tiny tinkling bells rustle beneath your feet . . . . what a brilliant spectacle of the delights of spring!

We have bluebells in the garden, but I know not how they got there.  They just appeared one year . . .  some along the base of the hedge and others in the strawberries.  Each year we are treated to more and more as they seem to spread . . . . it is said that fields of bluebells are dangerously enchanted by fairies and that humans which enter a bluebell wood become so enchanted that they are quite unable to leave . . .

We walked within an ancient wood 
Beside the Heart-of-England way 
Where oak and beech and hazel stood, 
Their leaves the pale shades of May.

By bole and bough, still black with rain, 
The sunlight filtered where it would 
Across a glowing, radiant stain— 
We stood within a bluebell wood!

And stood and stood, both lost for words, 
As all around the woodland rang 
And echoed with the cries of birds 
Who sang and sang and sang and sang…

My mind has marked that afternoon 
To hoard against life’s stone and sling; 
Should I go late, or I go soon, 
The bluebells glow— the birds still sing. 
~Felix Dennis

Spring, spring, spring  . . . it begins with the peek of snowdrops, followed by the crocus and hyacinth, which give way to golden primrose and daffodil . . . then brilliant tulips, who grace us but for a short time, but the most beautiful of all is the dainty bluebell.  Can you believe that I had never seen one before I moved over here?  I know!  I must have been living beneath a rock.


Todd asked to me last night, why do I always respond with the same answer when I am asked which part of Canada do I come from with the reply, "The Best Part?"   I said, "Because its true."  And yet so many people miss this little gem, instead choosing to travel to the West, believing that Canada starts in Toronto and moves West to the Rockies and Vancouver.  It is true that the West Coast holds a certain allure, but the Maritimes hold my heart, especially Nova Scotia with its Celtic roots.  No matter how far away from home I travelled in my youth, as soon as I returned to Nova Scotia and had crossed  the Isthmus of Chignecto, I was home, and my heart swelled with a feeling which defies description.  In the warmer months the feeling was accompanied by the sounds of the bagpipes as a Piper played you into the province at the border.  I wonder will I ever see it again.

I sure hope so.  No matter how far
I stray from my Nova Scotia home,
it beckons me back.

The beauty, the people . . . the Valley.  They lay deeply entwined in the roots of my soul. Funny how that goes  . . . I used to have an accent, but I think I have lost it now.  I just sound North American.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛°Kindness is in our power,
even when fondness is not.
~Mark Twain  .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Spiritual Enlightenment


Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon & Cheese Puff.  Delish!

Have a beautiful Sunday.  We won't be going far as my knee is still giving me gyp.  Don't forget along the way of your today  . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Your part in Canada is truly beautiful.
    Hope you experience it again soon

  2. Those blue bells are enchanting. We just don't have those flowers where I live unless you are a skilled gardener and plan to hibernate your corms and bulbs in the fridge over summer.

    I think that PEI and the maritimes are lovely and hope to visit there one sweet day.

    Enjoy your Sunday and God bless.

  3. Hi Marie. I love bluebell woods too, but my favourite spring flower is without the daffodil.

    Your part of Canada is really beautiful. I'm hoping to go to Canada one day, it's on my bucket list!

    We're heading home today. Pete has had his operation and is feeling much better every day. He goes to see the consultant on Wednesday and may go back to work after that. Thank you so much for your prayers. We will really miss Christian even though we are totally exhausted! You forget just how tiring toddlers can be!!

    Hope your knee feels better soon. Lots of love xxx

  4. I cannot imagine living in your heat and humidity Suzan, but I know I always say that! I hope that you do get to visit that area of Canada one day. It is beautiful in very many ways! xoxo

    Thanks Kate. I do love Daffodils. They are a real ray of sunshine after winter aren't they! I am glad that Pete's operation went well, I am praying all ends up well in the end. I can imagine how tired you must be after caring for a toddler like you have. I think there is a very good reason we have our children when we are young! They require a LOT of energy! xoxo

  5. You must be feeling a little nostalgic and perhaps a little homesick today. I have adopted this place as my home and sometimes feel like I should have started out life here but then maybe I wouldn't have given all the other spots I moved to over my lifetime a chance. I live just below where those photos were taken and experience the feeling you describe every time I return to the top of the valley and see the cliff at Blomidon. I hope you get your wish to return some day soon, not just for the province's beauty but for your children and grandchildren as well as your parents. I'm certain that is a big part of your roots still being here.

  6. I agree with you Marie, Eastern Canada is lovely. I have been lucky enough to travel two three times now from East to West and I do think there is something magical about the Maritimes. I enjoyed staying in Lunenberg, and also quite a few times in Halifax, We drove once from Halifax with a friend all the way up to PEI.......the the uninitiated..Prince Edward Island. I think that drive was one of the most beautiful ever.....on PEI I was amazed to see so many Japaneese Tourists, all heading for Anne of Green Gables house, apparently there's quite a Anne cult over there.......
    I hope you do return one day, I'm sure you will. Have you heard if your daughter is still coming over ?....
    It's a lovely warmish afternoon down here have sat out for a little while. We are supposed to be going to a BBQ later this afternoon, but I'm not feeling 100% so I will wait and see....
    Hope you have had a better day and that your knee settles down soon...

  7. What a beautiful area of the Valley you live n Colleen! I know it well. You are right about that view just below Windsor when you cross the Minas Basin and can see Cape Blomidon in the distance ... it is magnificent for sure! My roots run deep in the Valley with my Micmac Ancestry and then with the early settlers and yet again with the Loyalists. I love England, but Nova Scotia holds a large portion of my heart for sure. Xoxo

    The Japanese have a great fascination for Anne of Green Gables for sure Sybil! It is so funny to see them. Did you get to Woodleigh Replicas near Kensington? It's quite fascinating. Todd and I have always said if we won the lottery we would build a house in Lunenberg which would be far enough away from certain people that I wouldn't gave them constantly in my face, and yet close enough I could see my kids whenever I wanted to. Hope you are feeling better now! Xoxo

  8. I enjoyed your pictures and quotes in celebration of bluebells, they are indeed the most beautiful sight. I am lucky to have ancient woodland around me here and have been walking in the woods enjoying our bluebells, especially their fragrance, for the lasat few weeks, they are beginning to fade. This weekend I spotted a wild orchid among the bluebells, the icing on the cake!

  9. I can see why you answer "the best part" :), and I like the poetry/bluebell quotes and photos.

  10. Oh Wood fairy, what a fabulous find! I am not sure if I have seen a wild orchid or not! You are truly blessed! Especially to live near an ancient woodland! xoxo

    Thanks Terra! xoxo


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