
Wednesday 19 April 2017

Wednesday this and that . . .


 Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel tired?  And I don't mean physically tired, or bone weary  . . .  I mean soul weary.  That is how I feel this morning.  Soul weary.  I am sure I will shake it as the day goes on.  I always do.  Perhaps I just need a change of scenery.

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Sunny, with a clear blue sky, nary a cloud in sight.  I decided it was time to change our beds to our summer bedding.  Take off the blankets and quilts and move to a duvet which is our summer wear.  I threw open all of the upstairs windows and let the breeze blow through and bring in all of that fresh new air.  I washed everything and hung it out on the line to dry.  I sorted out the spare bedroom, made the beds, aired it out, all in preparation for our guest's arrival on Saturday. I hung clean towels, etc.

I went through the house with Mr Sheen, buffing and puffing and polishing  . . .


 We went to the shops and I picked up dog food.   Wainwright's Dog's Best Friend, less fat.  A case of the wet and a huge bag of the dry . . .  for small dogs, because Mitzie doesn't like big things in her mouth, and yes . . .  we cater to her.  But then she gives so much love in return, we don't mind.

While we were out getting the dog food, we stopped at McDonald's and had a hot chocolate. They have changed things in there yet again.  Nothing stays the same.  Whereas when I was young, nothing much changed.  Nowadays nothing stays the same.  I like same.  I am a creature of habit . . .

Sometimes I think I have turned into my mother  . . .  with this love of routine I have.  With this love of sameness . . .  this dislike of change. We always knew what day of the week it was by what was on the dinner table. We did not need a calendar . . . each day also had specific chores.  Like Laundry on Mondays and Fridays . . .  hoovering on Thursdays, shopping and washing floors on Saturdays . . .

I'm not that far gone . . .

 Sometimes I sit and wonder about things  . . . like why was I born in the place I was born, and yet others are born into mansions, and then others still again are born into abject poverty.  Is this all by chance?  How did I get to be so blessed to be somewhere in the middle?  Oh yes, I think it is a bit of a curse to have everything you want, without effort.  What do they have to hope for, to reach for . . .  how can you appreciate what you have always had if you have never had less?  Oh, and to never have had anything  . . .  to have to struggle even for one . . . grain . . . of . . . rice.  To always be, feel, desperate.

What a blessing to be
caught somewhere in
the middle


Even she has no worries.  Everything is always there for her.  A roof.  A cuddle. A safe and warm place to sleep.  Food in her bowl.  Treats.  Love. In abundance.  All of it.   We take so much for granted.   There are many, many in the world who have not even a fraction of this, or of what our dogs/cats/pets have.  Who would gave what little they do have for just a portion of what we take for granted.  That is a humbling thought  . . .

Todd had to go into town to shift some things around, move some money from our savings account into our main account.   I thought, how blessed we are to have savings . . . two years ago we did not have savings.  One year ago, we did not have savings.  Today we have savings.  And even taking some of it out and putting it into our main account, we still have savings.  That's called progress. That is abundance.

I found my brother on messenger and we talked for a bit.  He thinks he finally has a job.  I am so pleased for him.  This is a real answer to prayer.  He has been unemployed for over a year now.  At age 56 that is scary and hard.  But he has remained positive and faithful. God is good.  He is learning to fly.  Seriously.  In a plane.  Nothing to do with his job. He just thought he would like to learn and he is.  Life is too short not to pursue some of your dreams.

I have not painted in months now,
today I need to dig out
my brushes 

 I have stories still in me to write, songs yet to sing.  Flowers to smell and rose buds to gather. And yet, sometimes I get afraid that I will never get all the things done that I want to get done before its too late.  I get distracted too easily.  Today I have brownies to bake.  A gift for a Sister Missionary from her Grandmother.   I love to be able to do things like that.  Things like that make me happy. My paint brushes may have to wait another day, or two, or three  . . . we'll see.

So will the change of

A thought to carry with you through the day  . . .

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛Kindness is free  . . .
  sprinkle that stuff everywhere.
    ~Unknown   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

 Spiritual Enlightenment


 In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Old Time Chicken Roast.  For some reason Blogger isn't recognising pictures that I have stored in Photo Bucket. Lots of my recipe posts have lost their photos.  I am having to redownload them onto the computer and upload them onto blogger.  This is quite a chore.  This is one of those recipes whose post lost its photos.  But its a delicious recipe worth repeating.  The www is a strange place at times  . . .

Have a great Wednesday whatever you get up to!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, yes I to often have these kind of feelings, daft really when we have as you so rightly say so much, whereas many many millions have so little. I have felt very lazy this week, just can't seem to get myself galvanised into doing things that I should be doing. However when Peter and I go down to Southampton tomorrow Lyn is going to come in and put the Hoover over, wash floors etc to make everything fresh for when our friends arrive. I must go today into the butchers I want to get some stewing steak to make a casserole for dinner tomorrow, I might even make it this afternoon as I think,second day stew is nicer.....Marie a question I know you don't drink tea, what do you think John and Lura will drink instead ?....I don't think we will do anything tomorrow afternoon the drive up,from Southampton will be enough. I plan to take them,into Bath on Friday.praying that I can find a parking spot.....Hope your heart feels less heavy as the lovely sunshine steeps through us today.....God Bless xx

  2. Good morning Marie. I understand soul eary I really do. I think you may need to schedule some down time before your guests arrive. Please consider this as you want to enjoy this precious time.

    I have often said if reincarnation is a reality I want Miss Nimbus's life. She is totally spoiled.

    I wish you a blessed day and send you lots of love.

  3. Hi Marie. Yes you are definitely not alone in feeling soul weary. I too, like Sybil, have lazy days when I just can't get motivated to do anything. But it always passes. I think Suze is right too, you need a little chill out time before your lovely guests arrive.

    There's not many things I miss since moving into the flat, but hanging washing outside is one of them! I used to have a big garden but to be honest the only thing I used it for was hanging out the washing!! I just love the smell of fresh air dried washing!

    We got back from London last night so are back to normal for a little while. I think we're going back the Bank Holiday weekend which isn't far away. It's lovely to see Christian who is now 16 months old, but the traveling is tiring.

    Hoping you're feeling better as the day progresses, lots of love xxx


  4. Of course I have.

    Of course I have.

    And yes..I have had those thoughts..about where someone is

    rich..abject poverty..


    picture of health..picture of illness..

    kids that jump and play and in wheelchairs w/ head supports..

    pain free..chronic pain..

    happy as a clam..depression..

    so many things are not that the proper word?

    I have no clue..

    but sure as heck ..nothing is at par.
    I am overjoyed you will be having changes of scenery..soon.
    Don't forget you have just been through a long period of many mnay events..

    Take care take care ..take care..

    and KUdos for all the pluses!

  5. Sybil I have sent you a private e-mail to answer your question. Like you I am excited about seeing our friends! I am praying you to Southampton and back in safety! Yes, second day stew is always much nicer! I wish I could be there with you to enjoy it. I am getting very excited now! It's going to be so much fun! Glad you enjoyed the cards! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan, I will be sure to rest a bit! Yes, our pets are very lucky to be so cherished, but there are a lot of animals in the world who are not, so that makes them double blessed! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Like you, I find travel tiring Kate, especially the driving. (And I'm not even doing it!) That's why I am glad we are taking a coach up to Scotland. This way we will both enjoy the journey. Todd because he isn't driving and myself because I am not stressing over Todd's driving, lol! You are so lucky to be able to spend this time with wee Christian. it is hard to believe he is already 16 months! xoxo

    I guess we won't know all the answers Monique, until we get to the other side. I think then it will all be clear. So much here has to be taken on faith. I am grateful that I have some! Your grandsons are all so very handsome! All four of them! How wonderful that they are so close in age as well. Do they get along well together? It looks like they must! That is sweet. Love and hugs. xoxo

  6. They do! The 3 across the street are devoted to each other♥

    And when Noah is with them..Oli is smitten!

    Yes they do get along;)

  7. That makes it even more special Monique! I think all of my grands get along with each other also! xo


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