
Friday 28 April 2017

Thursday Tea Parties

The day dawned bright and beautiful for our Tea Party yesterday. Actually it was a bit showery here and there, but we were going to be indoors so that was fine.  Poor Lura, however, woke up feeling quite poorly with an upset tummy, etc.  She spent the morning in bed trying to recover.   I got the tea things set out (because the trooper that she is did not want to cancel.)  I baked the Victoria Sponge, and went to the shops to get a few last minute bits and set everything up.  Thankfully by noon she had started to feel a lot better.  Whew!

Well, I am really moving out of my comfort zone this visit.  Me, who hates having her photograph taken is being snapped and snapped!  That is from left to right, Tina, Carolyn, Miriam, Moi and finishing off with Shirley.  What a fun bunch!  Lura was taking the photo here.

We talked and talked and talked and laughed and laughed and laughed.  What a great bunch of ladies!

We really did have a great time and everyone got on like a house on fire.  We talked and had a good laugh about the difference in English "English" and American "English," and all sorts.  I don't think there was a subject we didn't sort out!

There was far too much food. (There always is.)  We had scones, clotted cream and raspberry jam (of course), a Victoria Sponge filled with yet more clotted cream, raspberries and jam, carrot cake, a bakewell tart, small quiches, brownies, sandwiches, sausage rolls, French Fancies and macarons, oh and I put some potato chips out just because.  I know they are not regular tea party fare, but people like them. It was all so good.  We also had an assortment of beverages.  They all laughed at my tea pot with the tea cosy I knitted for it.  Especially since we are all Mormons and none of us drink real tea, lol.  I told them I knit the cosy and then had to buy a tea pot to put it on, which is true. 

What can I say?  
I love tea cosies and
I love Teapots.

But then you all already know that! The macarons were so easy to make.  Did you know you can buy not put together macaron bits?  You can!  I discovered them yesterday when I went to the shop.  A box filled with macaron halves, lime, strawberry and lavendar ones.   I put them together with bits of jam and buttercream.  They worked out beautifully!  I put lemon curd and the buttercream on the lime/green ones, strawberry jam and butter cream on the pink ones and blueberry jam and buttercream on the purple ones.  Everyone loved. 

And there was plenty leftover to feed the 
guys with when they got home.
The End.

The most important thing was that we all had a lovely time and Lura got to meet and socialise with some of my good friends over here in the UK.  Oddly enough she and Miriam are both flying over to SLC at the same time next week.  Small world eh?

I am not sure what we are going to do today.  It is quite overcast at the moment so I expect we won't be going very far, and of course a lot depends on how Lura and John are feeling.  Todd and John spent the whole afternoon in town yesterday and walked their feet off taking in all the things there are to take in in Chester, the museum, the Groves, the park, the abbey ruins, roman garden, ampi-theatre, etc.  We were all pretty zonked last night.  I hope they slept well!

And that was Thursday!
Oh, I am so going to miss her
when they leave on 


  1. Hi Marie. What a perfect tea party, excellent food and beautiful friends! I'm sure you'll have another good day today, whatever you decide to do

    We're off to Morecambe today for a funeral, one off George's colleagues has died. I think it'll take a couple of hours to get there. I haven't been since I was about ten!
    Enjoy your day, although I'm sure that's a given! Lots of love xxx

  2. I hope Lura awakens and feels well today.

    Your tea party sounds fabulous. I wish I could have snuck in a stolen a piece of cake. How I miss and love cake. I will carefully choose some next week and enjoy it.

    Please have a wonderful and beautiful etc day. Lots of love and God bless.

    Kate I am sorry that you have a funeral to attend. It is always difficult to lose a friend.

    1. Thank you Suze that's really kind of you. I don't know why but I seem to have been to a few funerals this year. It's probably cos I'm just getting older! Xxx

  3. Oooo...sooo WONDERFUL! And such beautiful food! That Victoria Sponge is grand on it's high stand! Love your teapot/tea cosy story... so sweet! ;) So glad you've been having some fabby days with Lura and friends, Marie! It's been so lovely to see/hear about! Happy Days ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. I am loving hearing all about these happy events that are taking place with your friends. It makes my heart happy! LOvely deposits into your memory bank.

    The tea party sounds such fun and delicious, every bit of it! And that cake Marie! My taste buds were going mad just looking at it. Enjoy the rest of your visit, I am praying that Lura is feeling much better today. Sending love and hugs from a grey Dartmouth this morning. xoxox

  5. Wonderful friends and good food, what more could one ask for ! So glad you had a great tea party!

  6. You are such a hostess Marie..a tea party the Queen would have loved.
    How beautifl everything is..
    I've never seen macarons shells here..
    I found a similar mini sponge cake pan I think..I just have to figure out if I need another pan:)

    I did give Caroline most of my 12 cavity things..
    I do have a mini one like yours and a square one..HMm..decisions:) Is clotted cream like crème fraiche?

    A fun bunch of friends!
    Glad you are having such a ball..

  7. Thanks Kate! So sorry to hear about George's colleague. Funerals are always so heartbreaking no matter what. Hope it all goes well. Xoxo

    Thanks Suzan! She is fine it has a cold. We are having a quiet day today. Xoxo

    Thanks Tracy! It was a lovely cake. We will be finishing it off today. Xoxo

    Thanks Noelle! I would have a tea party for you too! Xoxo

    Thanks Pam! God bless you! Xoxo

    Thanks Monique! Xoxo

  8. One thing I've always loved about visits is just hanging. Sitting around with our favorite beverage and chatting. My friends always say they like me to visit because I don't need to be entertained. Feed me, give me something to drink, and I am happy. I am soooo easy.
    Never been to a real tea party. Would love to someday. I, too, love teapots, and have a small collection. Never made a cozy, though. Maybe I'll crochet one. Knitting is beyond me. Far, far beyond.

  9. WE had a very easy day yesterday. Just hanging. Today is their last day so I am not sure what we will do. They are off and back to the coach early tomorrow morning, so I am sure some of the day will be spent in packing. The tea cosy was such an easy knit. I just loved the colours! xo

  10. This was such spectacular Tea Party. I loved that Lura could meet and be with your friends. So fun! I actually gainned weight just reading the list of all the goodies you had. It sounded so good. You do know how to throw a good party. Love and hugs for all!
    I do love all the men did too. It sounds like they had quite the day, too.
    Hugs for them!!

  11. If you came over LeAnn! I would do the same for you! Love and hugs! xoxo


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