
Saturday 22 April 2017

This and that on a Saturday . . .


 I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree.

A tree whose mouth whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast.

A tree that looks at God all day.
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear,
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
~Joyce Kilmer

I have always loved this beautiful poem by Joyce Kilmer.  Joyce Kilmer was an American poet who was mainly remembered for this poem, which was first published in the collection, Trees and Other Poems in 1914.  Kilmer was considered to be one of America's leading poets of his generation, but was killed in WW1 by a Sniper's bullet at the young age of 31, leaving behind a widow and five children. I can remember having to memorize this poem when I was in Grade School and it has been with me ever since.

Today the whole world shows its interest in and care for the planet. People plant more trees, recyle, take steps to prevent environmental problems and, more importantly, think about how they themselves can make a change for a better future for this very beautiful and fragile place we all share and call home.  Happy Earth Day! 

I got the most delightful package in the post yesterday from my friend Mary who lives in Georgia.  It was stogged full of surprises.  There was even something for Mitzie and for Todd.  Thank you so much Mary, from the bottom of my heart!!  You are so very kind and did not have to do that.  (Sugar free chocolate goodies! YUM!)  Look at those beautiful notecards.  I was just saying the other day about how much I love stationary!   I love everything and it was a very lovely gesture on your part.  Keep an eye on your own mailbox as you never know what might be winging it's way to you in return. 😉

Today is the day when I get to see my dear friend Lura and her husband John again!  It's been over 8 years since we have seen each other and so much has happened during that time.  Lura is a dear, dear friend that I first made contact with via my blog A Year from Oak Cottage. We just started visiting back and forth at each other's blogs (hers was called Grammy's News) and made a special connection.  I flew over to Utah in 2009 and spent a week with Lura and her family in the SLC area.  Lura and I also got to go up to Idaho and watch my eldest daughter Eileen compete in the International Special Olympic Winter Games, with our good friends Lenis and Dick McDonald. Dick was our driver for that special trip.  (He and his wife had served a Mission where we lived down South and that is how I got to know them!)

What a wonderful trip that was!  Oh how I miss the McDonalds!  Fabulous people and very dear to my heart.  I am so excited about getting to see Lura and John later today!  And also for Todd's finally getting to meet them in person! 

I just know he will love them as much as I do!  In fact, he already almost loves them as much as I do, so he won't have far to go.    If I can only give them back a portion of what they gave to me in 2009, then that will be good.  They were so kind to me on my visit to them.  Everyone was. I had such a great time.  I have a great week ahead planned.  I hope its not too cold for them.  Coming from California as they do, I am sure they are just freezing to death already.  They 've been at Sybil's for the last couple of days and will be with us for the next week. We will be picking them up at the bus station this evening.  All is ready for their arrival.  I just have to go and get some groceries today.

We have a great week ahead planned, and I hope the weather co-operates!  And even if it doesn't we will make the best of it irregardless.  Monday night Sheilagh and Ralph our friends from Runcorn are coming for FHE.  Sheilagh plays Scrabble with Lura on FB.  I know she is excited to finally be meeting her in person.   I also have a Tea Party planned for next Thursday with some of my girlfriends from church.  We will kick Todd and John out that afternoon. They can go into Chester and do man stuff.  Those are the only two definitive things we have planned, but we do hope to go and see some castles and stately homes, and some of the beautiful scenery here in the North West.  Its far too cold to do the seaside I think, although it would be lovely for them to see what a British Seaside is like.  We might risk it. We shall see.  The Great British Seaside is the ultimate experience when one comes here to the UK, with fish and chips and rock and ice creams.  Athough to be sure it is a bit early in the season to enjoy an ice cream. Brrrr . . .

 Both Todd and John have not been well.  Todd, as you know, has been battling Prostrate Cancer and John was diagnosed with Leukemia in December last.  So a lot of what we do will depend on how they are feeling also.

It is sure to be a lot warmer than it was the last time
we got together!!!

I probably won't be able to get on much for a chat over the next week, but I thought to try to at least post one photo each day of what we are getting up to and share it with you. We will see how that goes.  Wish me luck!

A thought to carry with you through the day  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛Your body hears everything
your mind says. Stay positive!
~Unknown.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Spiritual Enlightenment 

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Golden Harvest Muffins.  Delicious!

Have a wonderful Earth Day.  Be blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. I wish you the happiest of reunions. May love and laughter flow. The two guys might be happy to share quieter male activities. Lots of love to you always. God bless. This tropical girl survived Brighton in January so perhaps you will be blessed with a day to enjoy the seaside.

  2. A wonderful poem. Sort of poetry you want to remember many years later.

    Hope your cup runneth over with joy when your friends I know it will. I'm sure they'll have a terrific time wherever they go. Just eating your great cooking will be enough!

  3. Enjoy the visit with your wonderful friends!

  4. I am excited for you ..I remember the trip to see your daughter:)
    You are wonderful dear friends and I think this visit will be memorable:)
    I hope you do get to post a pic a day:) And no worries about blogging..let it go:)

    Have a ball..and what a kind gesture from Mary in Georgia..I think I see REAL grits!!:)

  5. Really hot and sunny here in Snowdonia today, Marie. Hope next week's weather is kind to you and your guests, and you get to see the lovely fresh green scenery xx

  6. So glad you will be able to get together with your friends. Enjoy the time together and have a great weekend! Love from AZ!

  7. Thanks everyone! They arrived safe and sound. Lots of hugs all round. I will try to get some photos today. In a dash now for the bathroom before everyone gets up! Four to get in there before we leave for church! Love and hugs to you all and thanks for your lovely comments! xoxo

  8. Hi Marie. What a wonderful week you will have! Enjoy! Lots of love xxx

  9. I hope u have a fantastic time with ur friends! Don't worry about ur blog, it will still be there next week. Just live in the moment and enjoy yourself to the fullest Marie! You deserve it!

  10. Thanks Kate and J. We are having a ball so far! With more to come! xoxo

  11. I do love this wonderful world; this earth of ours is so lovely in so many ways. We should take better care of it. I think our earth is such a beautiful creation of our Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. I loved th poem; is it lovely.
    I am very excited about your visit with Lura and John. Do enjoy the moments on this one. Give them hugs from me. I am hoping myself someday to meet Todd and you. I have loved the moments I have had with Lura and John. Since our mission I haven't been able to get with them. I will hope too after our mission are maybe this summer when they come to Salt Lake.
    I will love following the photos you take of your adventures.
    I loved the photos of your trip her with them.
    Sending loving thoughts your way and hugs too! Hugs for all four of you~


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