
Monday 17 April 2017

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

We were not able to get to church yesterday because of Todd's giddiness.  I am hoping he got a better night's sleep last night, but I am not sure. I know he woke me up a few times going to the bathroom.   We just have to get through this and I know things will be better.   Although we couldn't go to church that didn't mean we were not fed spiritally.  We chose to listen to conference talks on the iPad in the place of church.  The first one we listened to was by President Dieter F Uchtdorf, Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.

I don’t believe God wants His children to be fearful or dwell on the evils of the world. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” He has given us an abundance of reasons to rejoice. We just need to find and to recognize them. The Lord often reminds us to “be not afraid,” to “be of good cheer,” and to “fear not, little flock.”

Another one we listened to was  How Does The Holy Ghost Help You, by Elder Gary E Stevenson.

Unexpected events in all our lives cause sadness, pain, and disappointment. Yet, amid these trials, the Holy Ghost serves us in one of His important roles—as Comforter, which is actually one of His names. These peaceful, reassuring words from Jesus Christ describe this sacred role: “I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.”

We were also able to study the scriptures together and talk about what we had learned from the talks we had listened to.  Athough we were not able to get to church, we did not allow it to take away from the spirituality of our Sunday, or to distract us from the real meaning of Easter.

Todd is going to have a Priesthood Blessing this morning.  I have faith that he will begin to feel better after this.

As a special Easter Treat, we gave this little madame a special dinner rather than her normal yesterday.  She was treated to a bit of ham and some cauliflower cheese, green beans, peas and carrots.  I looked into the kitchen while she was eating it and she was laying down on the floor with her bowl cradled in between  her two front paws savouring and enjoying every morsel.  It made me smile.  Simple pleasures.

I collect little white cherubs and every  time I look at them, they make me smile.  I have them secreted here and there throughout the house.  Love them . . .

Having a kitchen and bathroom that sparkle at the moment.  It feels so good!  I am so glad that we had the cleaner come in and help us.  Now all we have to do is change the beds in the spare room and put out a few odds and sodds and we will be all ready for our company.   I can't wait to see Lura and John.  I love them so much and I know that Todd will love them too!  Sybil, you are in for a real treat!

I have a tea party planned for Thursday week, when Lura is here.  I figure Todd and John can go and do some man thing while we are enjoying our tea party.  It will be fun.

Sunday talks with mom.  I love them. I am so grateful that she is still with us and that I can still spend this time, however far away that I am from her, with her.  I wish that she was more technologically minded so that we could facetime like I get to do with my father from time to time, but that is who she is and I wouldn't change her for the world.  We usually talk about the same things.  She has been talking more about her father lately.  My sister says that she doesn't do much these days.  She used to do a bit more about the house, but she's been slowing down somewhat.  I love my family so very much.  My brother (in the back right) is flying down to see them this next weekend I think.  At least that is what my mother said.  I wish that I could too  . . . but, I am grateful that I live in a time and age where I can at least communicate with her almost instantly and not have to wait months or years for a letter to arrive.

All of you and your lovely comments and e-mails.  They always cheer me up to no end.  I hope you know how very much I appreciate each and every one of you.  You bless my life in countless ways!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . .

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛°. . Happiness is letting go of what you think 
your life is supposed to look like  . . . 
and celebrating it for everything it is.
~Mandy Hale   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Spiritual Enlightenment   

In the English Kitchen today . . .  Funeral Potatoes.  I love these.   Seriously tasty.

Have a beautiful week.  May it be filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!!

PS - Please keep Pam (On the Bright Side, Ma) in your prayers as she has just lost her oldest son to a devastating illness.   God bless you Pam. Our hearts and prayers are with you and the family at this time. xo


  1. I will remember Pam and her family.

    I hope and pray that the blessing will bring ease and hope to Todd and you.

    God bless you today and always.

  2. Thanks Suzan, I know your prayers will be very much appreciated. I hope you are feeling better today! xoxo

  3. Such a tragedy:(

    I hope Todd feels much bettter soon..I look forward to hearing about your visit:)

    It will be lovely..yay on the cleaner!

  4. Poor Todd and you, I do,hope his blessing today will help him, I am sure it will. I hope he is not worrying about Lura and Johns visit.I am sure they will be happy just to sit and chat with the two of you. If Todd dosnt feel able to drive you can always take a bus into town etc.
    I have Ma in my prayers, she is so lovely, it must be a sad time for her....
    Take care and God Bless
    Love nSybil and Mary xxx

  5. I do hope Todd get's to feeling much better. Always prayers for you two!. I loved the talks you listened too. I think your MItzie is just so adorable. I'm sure she enjoyed her treat for Easter.
    I like your little white Cherubs are so cute.
    I too love a clean kitchen. I am so excited for you to have moments with Lura and John. Enjoy every moment with them. I always love Lura's positive attitude. Give her hugs from me! I'll tell her the same thing if I can.
    Keep enjoying those sweet conversations with your dear Mother. I'm happy you can talk with her often. Hope she is doing well.
    Sending loving thoughts your way! Hugs~

  6. I cannot imagine losing one of my children Monique. As a parent we condition ourselves to thinking we will go first. Yet Todd has lost all three of his children. We know first hand the pain. Last night he was up only twice, so that is progress! xoxo

    Like you Sybil I am thinking this must be a very sad time for Pam. She has not posted since. I wish I could wrap my arms around her. You would not have her address would you? xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! A visit from you, even on here is always a blessing to me. God willing one day it will be in person! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!