
Tuesday 25 April 2017

Monday with Lura and John


 Hi Everyone!  We had a lovely day yesterday.  It began with me making my Hot Cross Bun French Toast for everyone, which went down a real treat!  (No surprise there as it is really good!)  It was quite a cool day, sunny and dry, but with a cold wind.  Thankfully I have an extra coat that is heavy so Lura was able to borrow that and so we were both toasty warm.  We were going to be going to catch the bus and go into Chester to have a little tour.  Lura and John are just bowled away by the history that they are seeing over here, first in Bath and then up here in Chester.  Of course the Cathedral was top of the list and we spent almost the whole morning in there, which is very easy to do, as it is stunning and filled with antiquities!

 This is a selfie Lura and I took of ourselves in front of my ancestor (Sir Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, the first Duke of Westminster.)  I call him Uncle Hugh, lol  We were trying my friend Di's advice on double chins in photographs, and had a good laugh about that.  Of course the coats help!

 Here is a closer look at the profile Of Sir Hugh.  He was quite handsome man I think!  Its too bad some of his money didn't filter down to me as he was very wealthy and the present Duke of Westminster is the richest man in the UK!  

This is a not very good photo of Lura and John in the cathedral.   My phone wasn't taking that good a shots yesterday for some reason.  In any case they both really enjoyed the cathedral very much.  I am not surprised as it is completely stunning.

We also took a walk around Chester, on the cobbled streets, showing them some of the finer points, the Victoria clock, the Cross, etc.  The wind was cold though and we didn't stay outside for long.  We ended up having Fish and Chips at Blackstocks which was really delicious.  I did not know they did a baby fish and chips and so that is what Lura and I had.  I will order that from now on!  It's a lot cheaper and had just the right amount of chips and fish.

After that we came home  and John and Todd had a lie down each, and Lura sat and crocheted her socks.  (She makes the most amazing socks with beautiful crochet trim and beading on them.) 

We had invited our friends Sheilagh and Ralph over for Family Home Evening, so I got busy making some sandwiches and deviled eggs for that, and before we knew it they were here and we got on with the business of a thoroughly delightful evening spent with some of the people I love most.  We played a really fun game called Apples to Apples, which Lura showed us and we all laughed and laughed when we were playing it.  It was a delight.  And then we had refreshments and just talked and well, we just had a really, really good time! 

Sheilagh had brought a gift for each Lura and I, naughty girl.  She had made us each a beautiful pack of cards and they are just gorgeous!  I love them!  She is just so talented. 


What a laugh we had.  It was such a great time.  Here we are, all of us trying to look thinner for the camera and laughing.  I think I was saying "Suck it in Girls!"  when this one was taken, lol  If this is sucking it in, I dread to think what we would have looked like had we let it all hang out! haha

We just had a really, really
good time.

I am enjoying having Lura and John here very much and so is Todd.  We are hoping to go for a drive into Wales today to show them some stunnning scenery!  The sun is shining so far so fingers crossed it will continue!

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments yesterday.  I haven't been able to respond to each one individually, but do know that I loved and appreciated each and every one!  Love you all to bits.  Blogging friends are the best of friends.  We were just saying yesterday how we had never met anyone from our blogs that we did not love, and that includes each of you.  Maybe we are just lucky that way.  You do hear horror stories but that has never been our experience.  But having said that I think I am very lucky (And Blessed!) because I just have the bestest blogging friends ever!


  1. Hi Marie, what a wonderful day! Hope the sun shines for you all in North Wales! Lots of love xxx

  2. Your day sounds absolutely wonderful. Did you have morning tea in the cathedral? I am glad the serving of fish and chips is available in a reduced size. I can truthfully say the fish shop was one of the best meals I had in England. Family Evening sounds like it was great fun. How I would love to try your faith for a week in your home. Could you take a photo of the marvellous socks? I am intrigued. I have put buttons on socks but never beads.

    God bless you with the best day ever.

  3. How lovely to see the smiling faces. Glad you are enjoying such a great time there.

  4. You're having a ball and that is so great!

    You were so looking forward to it..
    you are such a great hostess Marie..lovely lovely!

    Girls..just wanna have fun;)

  5. I can tell ur having a great time bc of all the smiling faces! I hope the rest of the wk is great too Marie!

  6. I am so happy you're having such a wonderful time with your friends. They look like lovely people. They would have to be though if you love them so much.

    Looks like the weather has finally turned here and it is been lovely and sunny. +20'C forecasted for Saturday... Yay! I hope you continued with sun today and enjoyed your visit to Wales. I am already looking forward to the photos. Sending you love and prayers. Xx

  7. Kate, we had a fab day with only a few sprinkles of rain! It was cold though! xoxo

    Happy memories of our time together in the cathedral together Suzan! We did have hot chocs and muffins in the cathedral! And the dean stopped and was talking to us for a time. He was a lovely man. We actually got to hear a prayer in the cathedral also. Apparently he recited the Lords prayer at 11 am and at 12 am. It was lovely! I will try to get a photo of the socks! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo

    Thanks Monique. It is even better because Todd and John seem to be getting on very well together! xoxo

    Thanks J! I hope so too! xoxo

    Thanks Noelle! They are great people! How wonderful you are finally getting some warm temps! Congrats on the new job, it sounds a dream come true! Blessings from heaven! xoxo

  8. How I love being here at last with you. I've dreamed about it for so long.... and here we are! It was an amazing day from start to finish. So glad I got to Meet Sheilagh. It is so nice to be here. Hugs 🤗


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!