
Sunday 30 April 2017

How to spend a Saturday . . .

They say time flies when you're having fun and this past week has flown by like crazy.  I am not surprised as we have all been having such a great time.  Its been so wonderful for Todd to get to know Lura and John in person, and it has been so lovely to be able to spend this time together.

We decided to have another lazy day yesterday.  Lura was recovering from a bug she had picked up and to be honest I think both John and Todd were feeling it.  They did remarkably well all week with all of the activity.  On Friday evening we had introduced Lura and John to a show called Line of Duty on Netflix.

Todd and I have been watching the latest series of it on the BBC, and had not realised that there were any previous series.  We discovered that there were several the other day and on Friday Night we had watched the first episode together.  There was nothing for it now but to BINGE watch it before Lura and John went home and that's what we did yesterday!  We binged on it.  It was mesmerizing.  We watched episode 2, thinking they could watch the rest when they got back to California, but we were hooked, lined and sinkered and we just kept watching one episode after another.  It was totally mesmerising.  You need to watch it if you can.  You will be totally hooked, I promise!

Then last night we did the totally British thing for a Saturday night and we went to an Indian Restaurant for our supper.  The Amantola Restaurant is very near to where we live and they have an Indian/Thai/Chinese buffet and we decided to give it a go.  Todd and I had not ever been there, but we had heard some good things about it.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I think Todd and I will definitely be going back.  The food was delicious and the staff were so lovely and accomodating.  We all really enjoyed it.  It was really, really good.

This morning saw us up bright and early.  I got up at five so I could make them a packed lunch to take on the coach with them, and then everyone was up and eating and getting ready and before we knew it we were in the car and on our way to the coach station and what was a beautiful week was now over.   *sniff *sniff*

We thoroughly enjoyed having Lura and John with us this past week and we hope that it won't be 8 years until we get to see each other again!!  I hope they have a safe and uneventful journey back to their home, and that John doesn't pick up Lura's cold.  (Todd either for that matter!)

And that is how you spend a beautiful week.
Back to Normal


  1. I've so enjoyed reading about your week, Marie. You all have a huge capacity to enjoy yourselves, and what stamina!
    I too am looking forward to the final episode of Line of Duty tonight. I read a preview which said we shall be kept in suspense until the very last minute!xx

  2. After such a wonderful week I imagine that the getting back to normal won't be easy for you but you certainly have some wonderful memories. Hope your Sunday is a blessed one!


  3. I enjoyed reading about it all too..unfortunate a "bug" appeared..but being so comfy w/ each other no one felt te need to buzz about here and that.

  4. We get the show! Yay..something new to watch at night;)

  5. Hi Marie. What a wonderful week that was! And now you have wonderful memories to look back on. Wishing Lura and John a safe journey home.

    Line of Duty!!!!! What can I say!!! Absolutely amazing!!! We started watching it when it first started, it used to be on BBC 2 and then moved to BBC 1 when it got more popular. I don't want it to end tonight!

    Thank you for your prayers. Pete seems optimistic which is good. We've just come in after walking along the Thames with Christian for a couple of hours. He's flat out now! But it's given Pete and Ashley some time on their own. I don't think we'll know any more news till Tuesday/Wednesday.

    Lots of love xxx

  6. We are exhausted after our 3 bus 🚌 dive to Bath but Sybil and Peter whisk us home for a good dinner. I've been looking at our pics and reliving each wonderful moment with you. We both felt we were with family. We love you both. I'm so sorry I got sick. I'm praying Todd won't get it. Thanks again for a dream vacation (except for my bug😩) Hugs 🤗 💕💕Now it is your turn to visit us😘

  7. It sounds like a wonderful day to spend the day. After all travelling can be exhausting. I really loved my quiet time with you. Stay well and safe journeys Lura and John.

  8. Thanks Bunny! We did enjoy it, even the watching television bits. We really enjoyed introducing Lura and John to One Foot in the Grave and Line of Duty. We have the best television over here! xoxo

    You are right Pam, we have certainly made some beautiful memories! God bless you. You are still in my prayers. xoxo

    Yay Monique!! You are going to love, LOVE it!! xoxo

    I am sure they appreciate the wishes Kate, and my prayers will continue for Pete until this is eradicated completely! xoxo

    I have loved the photos Lura! I wish my phone took such great photos! My brother just started working for Blackberry. Hmmm... haha I am sure that you have had a lovely dinner with Sybil and will get to enjoy some Bank Holiday rain fun today! It would not be a bank holiday without rain! Wishing you both a safe trip back home tomorrow! xoxo

    We loved seeing you Suzan! the time went far too quickly! xoxo

  9. Again, I am so happy that you were able to spend some quality time with them. I think the idea of a down day watching a good series; is awesome. We would love doing that. I'm sorry the Lura got sick; I did like that she received a Priesthood blessing and felt better. I so believe in the power of the priesthood. Loved following your moments with Lura and John. Blessings and hugs~


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