
Sunday 26 March 2017

Sunday meanderings . . .


 Thanks so much for all of your lovely comments and support yesterday. I really do have the best friends. Yes, I consider you my friends, and in some ways family. My blogging family. When hearts touch, beautiful bonds are formed.  So thank you!  Actually that person on the chicken post returned, deleted their comment and then added another one . . .

silamb27 has left a new comment on your post "Chicken Savoyarde":


 Yes, it does take all kinds . . .

What a beautiful day it was here in this area of the UK that I live in yesterday.  The sun shone all day and the temps got up into the double digit teens.  It won't be long before the ants are back marching two by two through my kitchen, so I better get some traps!  Todd mowed the lawn yesterday. The first mow of the year. I wasn't sure that he should, but he insisted. And then he went out and brought me back these.

 Some lovely red roses.  For Mother's Day. It is Mothering Sunday today and he wanted to mark it for me in some way. I love them, and he's just the best husband in the world, next to yours of course!

I did not work on my book much yesterday.  Bad me. I wasted half the day cooking a new recipe I wanted to try for a Sheet Pan Easter Dinner in an hour. Oh boy. I don't want to diss another person's recipe but if you see a recipe for that proceed with caution. The potatoes are gorgeous, but the carrots ended up undercooked and not glazed much, the asparagus was overcooked (WAY over-cooked) and the ham was burnt. The instructions were somewhat ambiguous.  I had already put things on the wrong baking sheets when I discovered that it was not all supposed to go on the way I had put it on, and the timings were way off.  I would have partially cooked the carrots first (Like you had to do for the potatoes) and the temperature was far too high for the ham, also the asparagus should only have been added the last ten minutes.  I knew that, but still I went with the recipe. Don't you hate it when you know something is wrong but you shrug your shoulders and go along with it anyways because you want to do what the person said to do?  More fool me.  IN any case, we ate it, and enjoyed the potatoes very much.  There are no photos.  It was not photo worthy.  I might try it again, but doing things my way next time around, because I think the concept is great.  Easter Dinner on a sheet pan, in an hours time.  We will see.

 We watched Red Nose Day that we had recorded and had our hearts broke a bazillion times. There is so much need in the world and Britains dug deep to the tune of over £71 million! You go UK!  (And that's not the final total.)  We are a very generous lot over here in the UK, and that makes me happy.  My favourite part was Jame's Cordon's Carpool Karoke with Take That, but no surprise there as I love, LOVE Take That!  You can watch that on You Tube and it's great.  For those who don't know Take That were a very popular Boy Band over here in the UK in the late 1990's and they are still making music and still Number one in my books.  For me their carpool Karoke was the best one ever and I even loved it more than the sequel to Love Actually which showed at the very end of the program, which was also very good, but not quite Take That if you know what I mean. Oh, and Britains favourite biscuit which took top place was the Chocolate Finger, but in all fairness it must have been a very close race because, come on  . . .  Hobnobs?  Chocolate Digestives?  Custard Creams?  JAFFA CAKES!  Whew!  What a choice! I love them all!

But I could not help thinking as
I watched a person sitting
in a tub filled with
baked beans 

That wouldn't half feed a lot of starving children   . . .

 But that is just me.  They probably also raised far more than the beans were worth and it all went to a good cause.   Now I must dash. Our clocks sprang forward last night and I need to get ready for church!  (Oh I do with they would leave things as they are and not change our clocks twice a year!)


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cookie Crisp French Toast Sticks.  Todd loved these, and I confess I did too.  I am only human . . .  I did partake of them.

Have a brilliant Sunday.   Be blessed!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Wasn't Todd just the sweetest to bring you those flowers? He is a lovely man. I know you dread the time change. Hopefully by tomorrow is better.

    I am pleased to read that the Red Nose day was successful. It saddens me that much is raised and many still help. Every little bit should be allowed straight to the charity.

    God bless your day and I love you. Happy mothering Sunday.

  2. Happy Mothers Day. So nice of Todd to get you flowers. They are lovely! Enjoy your special day!

  3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Hope I made you smile..

    he mowed the lawn? We still need the snowblower..Oy..

    I love how commentors are so anonymous there are no links to them:(

    How sweet the man that brings flowers home.

  4. He is a sweet man for sure Suzan, and I appreciate him so very much. Love you! Hope your day has been a good one! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! It's not been too bad. The sun has been shining all day! xoxo

    Haha Monique, you do make me smile. I love my husband. I suspect that he and J are cut from the same cloth! xoxo

  5. PS - Monique, it is easy to be mean if you are hiding behind the screen of anonyminity! (Did I spell that right? I don't know!)

  6. Hello Marie!
    I didn't know you had this blog too! Why in the world would someone leave a mean comment to you about a recipe? What????
    I am so sorry, my dear. You have the BEST the BEST the BEST recipes in the world! Delete them and forget them, I say! Take Care!! xxx

  7. Happy Mother's Day Marie! I love ur roses that ur Todd gave you. I bet they smell so good too. Oh, I love cookie monster too! Let's all hope that it's the last of zzzzz! Lol. Jan

  8. Thanks so much Kay! I do try them all myself and the photos are the proof! You don't see the faiures! haha Yes, this is my other space where I vent and write about all the other stuff in my life! Mostly good thankfully! xoxo

    Thanks Jan! Oddly enough they don't smell at all. I am not sure what is up with that! xoxo

  9. I loved the lovely Roses, your Todd got for you! You do have a royal love. Happy that you are having a Sunday and that spring has sprung. Our's is starting to look a little greener. It has been raining almost non stop; which is helping to green things up.
    The Cookie Monster quote is just so awesome. Happy Mother's Day for yesterday and sorry you lost an hour of time. I don't understand that one either.
    Blessings and hugs~

  10. Thanks LeAnn! I do have a sweetie pie. He is at hospital again today for a hearing aid repair! He can't stay away from that place! Love and hugs. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!