
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Pinch Punch, this and that . . .


 When I went out
the sun was hot.
It shone upon 
my flower pot.
And there I saw
a spike of green
that noone else
had ever seen!
On other days
the things I see
are mostly old
except for me.
But this green spike
so new and small
had never yet
been seen at all!
~Barbara Baker

Take heart dear friends.  Spring is well and truly on it's way.  I see it everywhere.  The camelia by the front door is all in her glory at the  moment and green spikes of daffodil are plunging up through the ground all over the place.  The narcissi are in bloom, and the crocus too . . . 


 The season of yellow is about to burst upon us.  I can feel it in my bones.  I feel like Lorelai Gilmore when she smells snow . . .  except I can smell Spring!  And it is in the air.   It doesn't matter that just two days ago we were sitting in our friends house in the Welsh Hills watching goose-down feather snow flakes fall . . . Spring is coming . . .  and is almost here.

 In North America it may be the Robin which is the harbinger of Spring but here in the UK, it is the bumble bee and as soon as we see them bumbling through the garden, we know Spring is on its way.

But March . . .  will it bluster in like a hoyden bursting boisterously into a quiet room?  Well, so far it is behaving itself.   Yesterday was blustery and cold and the rain fell in great torrents . . . the wind blew down the Chimney brest, howling like a banshee.  The two Missionary sisters stopped by to warm their hands.  We warmed them with hot cocoa and Mitzie did her best to make them feel welcome.

This is Sister Taumalolo from Sydney, Oz.   yes, her last name is a bit of a tongue twister.  She is so lovely and I know that she feels the cold, but it doesn't get her down in the least. 


 And Sister Carle from Idaho.  She is a lovely girl also.  Being from Idaho, she is more used to the cold.  I have so much admiration for our young Missionaries as you know.  They stopped by yesterday to see how we were doing and how Todd's first radiation treatment went.

It went well.

He was home a lot sooner than we expected him to be, despite the ambulance being late to pick him up, his appointment running a bit later than anticipated, etc.  There are always hiccups, but so long as you get there in the end, that is what counts.  One down, nineteen to go.  We can do this.  I feel guilty saying we however, as it is really just Todd who has to do this.  I am just here for support and to help him through it all, the best that I can.  It felt odd . . .  me staying home while he went off to face his treatment on his own.   I was on pins and needles the whole time, and even Mitzie was a bit restless, but I had a good dinner awaiting his arrival back home, and Mitzie was there with welcoming snuffles and cuddles. 

Today is another day. 

As well as being the first of March, today is also St. David's Day.  St. David is the partron Saint of Wales and represented by the Daffodil.  It is the national flower of Wales, which is another country you know.  It is not a part of England.  It is a country in its own right, the same as Scotland, and Ireland, etc.  We are all a part of the British Isles, the United Kingdom.   People get a bit upset when they call the Queen, the Queen of England, because  yes, although technically she is the Queen of England, she is so much more and properly known, she is the Queen of the United Kingdom.

We have not seen much of her
or Prince Philip
since well

I have gotten four chapters finalized in my cookery book thus far.  Only eight to go.  I can do this, and this time I am talking only about me.  Its fun though and I am enjoying the process. I had to go back and re-do all of my earlier chapters because nowadays they don't want two spaces in between sentences. Its changing a whole lifetime of learning. I need to consciously make an effort which each sentence to just leave one space. Its hard and I often forget and then have to go back and redo. Its called progress.   

 photo 1911670_432336873574324_883954390_n_zps5f638866.jpg

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today . . .

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*Smile at each other, smile at your wife,
        smile at your husband, smile at your children,
           smile at each other - it doesn't matter who it is
                 and that will help you to grow up
                    in greater love for each other.
                          ~Mother Teresa  
.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Spiritual Enlightenment


Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken & Rice.  This is simple, delicious and quite healthy.  We love it.

Have a fabulous first day of March!  I hope its not too blustery for you!  Don't forget along the way . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Love the meal. I wish you a wonderful day. Today was our first day of autumn and it went over 36. It was hot.

    God bless.

  2. I hope Mr T has absolutely no after effects..and that the next 19 go smoothly and that he is healed.
    Take care MR T and Marie.

    And you go girl on that book!

  3. That poem is delightful. Glad the first treatment went well. Great progress on the book.

  4. That's wonderfully encouraging news regarding Todd's treatment yesterday! Praying for the other 19 to go as smoothly. This will be but a memory before when summer is here and Todd feeling so much better.
    Summer will also have that wonderful book completed. I can hardly wait. Wonderful progress my friend.
    It's RDF here today. But I'll take the mist and wet over snow any day. Still, old man winter is not yet through with we Blue Nosers.... more white feather forecasted for Tuesday next. Enjoy the green and yellows. It's a precious time of the year.But then, aren't all times of the year special? Love to you. xx

  5. My goodness I have got in..that's twice in the one day, even far...the letters are coming up as they should...I am so glad to get the news about Tod..I was thinking of him all day yesterday, I now have the answer as to how he is getting to hospital, they are sending an ambulance, I am really very thankful for that just in case he gets a bit weary after the treatments.....I'm glad to read that the book is coming along so well do you have to work to a deadline ? Sometimes it's better to have a deadline. I know some people just have to finish something as soon as they start it...whilst others like my sister would leave whatever it was till just before the deadline then would go at it all guns blazing !!.....
    Well better make a move. Mary and I are of to church for bible study and a short communion service for Ash Wednesday...the start of lent.Yesterday we missed very much our pancakes, E every year our dear neighbour Marjorie used to bring us over pancakes complete with sugar and seemed strange not to get the phone call to say...I'll be over in 5mins ok...I could almost hear her voice...

  6. We can only take life one day at a time as not to have it become too overwhelming. I'm thankful that transportation is being provided that would be very helpful. Who know that a single space is now what is required - not I. Life keeps changing. Hoping today is a wonderful Wednesday!

  7. Funny thing about the double space after a sentence. I think it started when desk top publishing came into vogue, and the rule changed. At the time I thought "did I remember my typing lessons wrong" as it came natural for me to double space. I'm glad someone else validates my recollection. ~Elaine

  8. Oh dear 36 Suzan, I could not stand that! Far too hot for my blood! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks so much Monique! Two down and 18 to go, plus we applied for a grant yesterday that will give us some money towards a respite holiday at some point. Only drawback is we have to take it within the UK, well, England,Wales and Scotland, so we will see. Mr T says hi back! xoxo

    Thanks Linda! I do my best work under pressure! xoxo

    Oh, Noelle! I do not miss the Bluenose Winters! lol I only miss snow at Christmas time really. The rest of the time I am glad it is not here! I agree with all times of year being special. Life is just special. Love and hugs, xoxo

    I do have a deadline Sybil, the 28th March, so its crunch time. I will be alright however. I have it in hand! I am so sorry you did not get your pancakes this year. ((((hugs)))) If I lived close I would have made you and Mary Pancakes. xoxo

    You are right about that Pam! One day at a time is the best way to look at things! Sometimes I can't keep up with change! Like one space instead of two! Its all a learning curve! xoxo

    You are right Elaine, I was taught two spaces and I struggle to keep it to one. I am having to make a conscious effort! (And most of the time I am failing because well, old dog/new trips, 40 years of doing two spaces! haha xoxo

  9. I just found you when blog hopping. You have such lovely spiritual pointers and thoughts and so I am following. Your pretty blog has inspired me to bring out my paint brushes and dush them off, thank you!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!