
Thursday 9 March 2017

My favourite things . . .

These are a few of my favourite things . . .the art of talented women . . .

The Art of Danielle Donaldson. I have her Creative Girl book and it is fabulous.  I have not had time to play with it for a long time.  Once I finish the cookbook, I am looking forward to getting down and creative again.  If you are a budding artist, the Creative Girl book is amazing.  Trust me.

The Embroidery Art of Michelle Holmes.  This one is entitled Betty Feeds the Chickens.  I know it is done by machine, but I think it is amazing.

The Textile Art of Maria Walker.  Her work is amazing  I got to see her exhibition "The Lightfoot Letters" a few years ago, which was inspired by a bundle of letters she found in Widnes, written by a working class family.  I also took a craft class from her, on button bracelets.  She is an amazingly talented creative woman and such a nice person.


The art of Sam Cannon.  Her work is wonderful. Truly.  She incorporates words and quote into some of it, and not into others.  I love her style.  Her animals and birds are amazing.  I am in awe of what she does.

The art of Hannah Dale, Wrendale Designs.  I have one of the Wrendale Design mugs with a pretty robin on it.  Its gorgeous.  All of her work is gorgeous.  Another very talented woman.

The watercolours of Kaye Parmenter.  I love her loose style.  It has an ethereal quality.

The art of Tascha Parkinson.  Tascha is a Toronto Artist.  I love her work too.  I have taken several of her classes and have learned a lot from them.

Russian Artist Maria Pavlova.  Her work is gorgeous.  Very vibrant.  A lot of cats and flowers.  I love it.

The art of Angela Morgan.  Angela is an artist from British Columbia.  She does a lot of women in hats.  I love her style of painting.  It has texture.  It's bright and colourful.

The Illustrations of Bonnie Leick.  Her work is also inspiring.

All different styles. All different artists.  All inspiring and so very talented.  All so very much younger than I am.  In a multitude of mediums.  I am in awe of each of them.  they are just the tip of the beautiful creative iceberg composed of talented female artists.  I have so many, many more artists whose work I love and whose work inspires me. Susan Branch. Mary Englebreit. Diane Duda. Stephanie Fizer Coleman.  Just to name a few.   My work pales in comparison, and I know that as good as my family might think it is, it really isn't art when I place it next to the many talented people I see out there in the world, but that's okay because being able to create brings me joy unimaginable.  It is days like this that I wish I had been allowed to go to Art School back when it might have counted or helped me to be a better artist!!  No, this is not a plea for attention, simply a rude awakening and perhaps a wake up call for myself, a poke to move myself back from La La Land and into reality.

7 days of Radiation done now, only thirteen left to go.   Still waiting for the side effects to kick in, so far so good.   Yesterday the transport was an hour early arriving, so it was a bit of a rush for Todd to get out the door, no time for a proper goodbye, but it also meant that he got it over with earlier and was back early, with no wait on the other end.  We were able to pop out and visit our friend Doreen who we had not seen in quite a while so that was nice.  I am hoping that he slept better last night.  He was awake most of the night before.  He seems to have to go to the bathroom every five minutes.  Perhaps that is a side effect.  I don't know  . . .  Thanks very much for your continued prayers and happy thoughts.  They mean the world to us.  They strengthen us and uphold us.  We appreciate them so very much.

I have had to remove no less than six HUGE snails from our acquarium this morning already, and I think I took about that many out yesterday.  Those little blighters are a real pest.  Once you get them in your tank, they are almost impossible to get rid of   We tried getting a new tank completely.  Boiling our tank decorations to kill any eggs, etc.  And still they come.  They told us in the petstore to put in a slice of cucumber.  What a waste of a good cucumber because they totally ignore it.  Sigh . . . most annoying.

A thought to carry with you . . .

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛A woman is the full circle. 
Within her is the power to create, 
nurture and transform.” 
~ Diane Mariechild     .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Spiritual Enlightenment 

 photo DSCN1382_zpsflbp8eed.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken with Apricots and Almonds. 

Have a great Thursday!  Spare a kind thought to our friend Pam who is moving house.  A stressful occasion for sure!  Bless you all!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. What beautiful artwork. I love it all.y ours is terrific too.
    Bathroom going gets very frequent. Darn nuisance, especially at night. He should mention it anyway to his doc.

  2. Thanks for that Linda. I have told Todd and he is going to mention it to his Doc when he goes for his treatment. His taxi is only 1/2 an hour late now. It was an hour early yesterday! There is no telling when it will show up! xoxo

  3. I just discovered Angela Morgan...I have not stop pinning her work since I found her a couple of weeks ago.

    And Michelle Homes..found her last year i think..and be still my heart..
    I just finished 2 little Danielle Donaldson of the best fun art books I have ever bought:)

    Yay for Mr far so good..:)

    Don't say that about your 's a whole different style,and not to be compared..equally lovely!

  4. These artists are all so amazing Monique! I just adore all of their work. I could have gone on and on this morning. There are so many that I admire and am inspired by. Your work is amazing too. everything I have ever seen of yours has been so beautiful. You are so talented. As soon as I finish my book, I am going to get back to my paints, etc. I have itching fingers. Mr T says Hi back. He is still waiting for his taxi to the hospital which is over an hour late now! He gets very frustrated by the waiting and lateness of people. He is an on-time kind of guy and hates to be late to anything. I keep telling him patience. xoxo

  5. I think all the artists that you showed us today Marie are all wonderful in their own way...just as you are in your own way.......I am so glad that Todd is getting through the treatment with no significant side effects, an answer to prayer for sure....I hope that you have had the kind of day we have had. We have had sunshine from early morning till sunset..very little wind altogether a perfect spring day. Mitch my brother in law came over for a wee visit which was lovely..I think he is starting to feel his age and was complaining that he has no energy...however at 84 he will be 85 Xmas Eve.....I think that he has really done so well since Margaret died, he is lucky he has a very good neighbour a younger woman a nurse at Bristol children's hospital who checks on him most days and usually once a week will trot over with a nice dinner. He also rings me every morning around 9.20 just to let me know he is well.....Well it's almost bed time so I had better go.
    Much lov flying north. A nice pat for Mitzie and a hug for you and Todd. Xxxxx

  6. Marie as an artist who inspires me, I think I understand what you are saying. You can not compare what you do, to someone else though, your style is unique and different to the ones you chose to show. I can not call myself an artist. I love to draw and paint and I know I can draw. I know I have a limited talent with painting and like you, I do so wish I had gone to art school. Trouble was, that although my art teacher tried to encourage me, there was no insight given as to what I could actually DO as an artist. To me painting a picture did not add up to making a living. Had I been told I could illustrate childrens books or record albums maybe I would have gone. Now I am 70 and still have no idea what to do with my "art" or how to put it to good use. I love what you do. I love your style and your imagination.

  7. We started off with a brilliantly sunny day yesterday Sybil, but it was overcast by the end of the day. No rain for a few days however, so I am hoping it will dry things off a bit! Your brother in law is the same age as my mother. He is so lucky to have a kind neighbor, and you to visit once a week and speak to each day. My mother is lucky to have my sister. I hope that I am so lucky when I reach that age, if I do at any rate! haha. I might be long gone! God bless! xoxo

    Thank you very much for your kind comment Janice! There was a Commercial Art course at our local tech school I really wanted to take. I am sure a part of that would have been learning how to source out jobs, there must have been a call for it or they wouldn't have been offering the diploma. Nevermind, we can still both do it in our spare time and enjoy what we create irregardless! Have a great weekend! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!