
Thursday 30 March 2017

My Favourite things . . .

These are a few of my favourite things . . .  maybe you like them too.


When I was a younger woman, I used to really, really love Historical Romance Novels.  It started off with Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor.  That was the first historial novel I read of the romantic type and I was hooked.   I really loved books with Vikings or Scottish Lairds in them.  I don't know why.  They started getting really raunchy however and I found myself having to skip over pages and pages of them.  I never liked the raunchy bits, I'm a romanticist.  Once that happened I lost interest.  Not interested in reading porn, and to me that's what they were.  I want a story with a romantic interest.   I went on then to reading books by LaVyrle Spencer which I loved.  Romance but not raunch.  Now, in my dotage, (LOL), I like mysteries and who dunnits.  Oh, I also went through a Steven King phase.

I know they are so naughty.   I know they are nutrionally unsound, despite what it says on the box. But I love Pop Tarts. And it is a recent thing.   I never ever ate them when I was younger or when my kids were growing up. We favoured Toaster Strudels.  In particular I like these ones and I confess . . .  S'mores ones.  I know they are the epitome of junk food, empty calories, coma inducing sugar fests, but I do like them.

Magicians.  And I don't mean the pull the rabbit out of the hat types of magicians. I like the illusionist-modern-however-did-he-do-that type of magician like Dynamo. They seem to defy the laws of physics and are quite compelling to watch.  I used to love watching Kreskin.  Well, he wasn't a magician I don't think. I'm not sure what he was, but I liked watching him anyways.  I love being dazzled and mystified!

Broccoli. Next to the potato, it is my favourite vegetable. In fact I love every member of the cruciferous vegetable family.  But Broccoli, it's my favourite. I love it in soup, raw (But raw doesn't like me anymore because of my diverticulitis), steamed, stir fried, etc.  I love it any way I can get it.  I think its rather good for you as well. Its not a vegetable we ever had when we were growing up. My father hates all of the cruciferous vegetable family. My mother cooked to please him, and rightly so. Oddly enough Todd is not overly fond of Broccoli either, but he loves cauliflower and cabbage.  The only way I don't like it is if it is way over-cooked.  But then, I don't like any over-cooked vegetable!

Winter Farm by George Callaghan

I love Primitive Folk Art.  I love Primitive anything actually.  Decorating style.  Carpets.  Furniture. Art.  I used to day dream about having a house all done in Primitive everything.

Penny Rugs. I love them. I love making them. I love looking at them. I would love to have more.  I need to go to a charity shop and find some wool to shrink so I can make another one.

Vintage Sewing Machines.  I love everything about them.  The way they look, smell, feel. My mother has an old Singer Sewing Machine.  It worked with bobbins to change the stitches.   It was her pride and joy and we were only ever allowed to touch it after we had already taken sewing at school. As an adult I completely understand that.  I can remember my grandmother allowing me to help her use her sewing machine. It had foot pedals.  Good times  . . .

Fairy tales and Happily Ever Afters . . .  which reminds me. Now that Todd is finished his treatments, maybe I can drag him to Beauty and the Beast  . . .  do ya think?  Maybe not.  We will probably have to wait until it comes out on DVD.  That happens rather quickly these days.

Chester, the city I live in.  I can't wait to show it off to Lura!  I hope we have some good weather when she and John are here!  Only a few weeks now to go!

Cities at night.  They take on magical qualities.  When I was a child I hated going in the car, unless it was at night.  In the day I would always get car sick, at night I never would.  I loved seeing the lights. As an adult I loved to walk through the neighborhood at night and look at all the lit windows and think about the people that lived in the houses.  Every home has a story to tell.

And those are my favourite things for this week.  What are some of yours?

I changed the settings/theme on my food blog yesterday.  I did save the old one to a word document, not that it does me any good because I don't know how to put it back.  Sigh  . . . trust me to mess things up.

A thought to carry with you . . .

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
Please hear me girl:
The world has enough women who know how to do their hair.
It needs women who know how to do hard and holy things.
~Ann Voscamp•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

Spiritual Enlightenment

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Banana Chocolate Chip Bread.

Have a great Thursday.  I'm off to Costco with my friend Tina! Can't wait!  Don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Enjoy your day Marie.

    Bethany and Pip, along with every teacher and student have been given an extra two days holiday. This is because the police and the premier do not want people pf the roads unless it is essential. The tropical storm is now a severe rain depression and it is pelting down. Our land mass is huge and there are 4 million people or so in the area. early this afternoon there were over 250 roads underwater and more than 3500 calls for help. At this stage we lost the tv. So who knows.

    Enjoy your shopping in Costco. Bethany tells me she needs to go. I love to go there but it is difficult to not spend.

    Lots of love to you and Todd. A special huge hug for Mitsie.

    God bless.

  2. Wow, that sounds very frightening Suzan! I hope you will fare well through this storm. Saying a prayer for you all! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Thank you. As of this moment I know my three "kids" are safe. William will call me when he reaches his new home.

  4. I made all my maternity tops on a treadle sewing machine. took great granddaughter to see Beauty and the Beast last week. We loved it.


  5. Surprisingly..:)
    Not a Pop Tart fan..nor Historical Romances..LOL

    Yet I like Love ;)
    Never knew of penny rugs..
    Chester looks beautiful..and you are due for Lurafun.
    And Fairy Tales.. I like to believe they CAN happen:)♥

    I noticed your looked pretty..and fresh..but a lot of icons etc..were not appearing..

    so that's what happened?
    Oh marie..I tried something too last week and was I stopped..

    let me go see..

  6. Oh, I must go and see it Linda. The previews look so good! xoxo

    Suzan, I am hoping that William got home safely! xo

    I never was a pop tart fan until recently Monique. I am not sure why I like them now??? I am being very naughty. I am still playing with the blog. For some reason Blogger no longer likes Photo Bucket. I am going to have to reload alot of my food photos using something else. It's annoying to say the least! Oh, I am so not a fan of change! xoxo

  7. Hi last something you and I don't agree on LOL..those pop tart things, I hadn't even heard about them till Maggie came over from Texas and that's mostly what she ate..that and ONLY PIPERS Coke.!...and I can't say I like broccoli very much and definitely not cauliflour !...otherwise we are the terrible twins !! Never heard of penny rugs they look super how do you make them..I agree with you about Chester I do think it is a lovely city...and I know Lura will love it. It's hard to believe three weeks today they will be here......How is Todd hope he is feeling a bit brighter, I know to well how you both want to be for their long awaited visit..I am praying that you are ALL well...
    Take care...night night nGod Bless....PS forgot to ask ...did you manage to look at the Lochs and Glens holidays to Scotland, they are good and reasonably priced....

  8. 🕉Mary has just come in and I was reading her what I had written to you and she is standing here laughing her head of at me..apparently the drink is DR. PEPPERS !!! Nothing to do with PIPERS ...HOW DAFT CAN I GET ,

  9. I alwys love your Favorite Things posts. They are so fun! I too love a good historical romance novel. I know what you mean by raunchy. I won't read anything like that. I always like to learn of a authors that don't write like that. Pop Tarts taste so good and I hav ehad then for Grandchildren now and then. Now for Broccoli. As a youth I didn't like it at all and now I really do. Just recently my hubby said he doesn't like it; but I think it is because he got sick after eating some.
    The rug is lovely. I really love the sewing machine. I gave my newer one to a daughter and I know have my Mother's old singer which is usually only needed for repairs. I don't sew much anymore. I love her Singer.
    I am so excited for you to have Lura and John there. I think you will have such a good time. I wish my hubby and I could join you all. I think we would have such a good time. I would love to visit your precious England sometime.
    Blessings for you all!


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