
Thursday 9 February 2017

Raindrops on Roses . . .

These are a few of my favourite things. Maybe you like the same things too?

I love watching figure skating, but it is not something which I get to see very often over here in the UK.  I love the singles and I love the pairs dancing.  I am totally mesmerised watching these talented people perform.  I always wanted to take figure skating when I was a girl, but of course my parents didn't have the money for things like that.  I used to love skating however and used to go anytime I could go and had the time.  The last time I went skating at all it must have been at least 20 years ago and I had not been then in about 20 years.  The field next to the old farm house we were living in had frozen and the kids had been enjoying skating on it, so I decided one day while they were at school that I was going to give it a go.  I borrowed my daughters skates and set off.  By the time I got to the field my ankles were so sore and tired that I couldn't stand and support myself.  I had to crawl back to the house.  haha   That was it as far as skating went for me!  I now consider it a spectator sport only!

Potato Chips and I am not totally picky about what kind although I do have my favourites.  In fact I love potato chips so much that I dare not have them in the house for fear I will eat them all.  Well, fact is Todd hates them, so I would eat them all.  The potato is my favourite vegetable.  Slice it thinly and then deep fry it until it is crisp and I am in love.  Hate, hate the fact that they are so bad for you.  I have tried the baked ones and whilst they are okay, they cannot hold a candle to the real thing.  Back home I loved the All Dressed and the Dill Pickle, but I haven't had one of either of those in years.  Over here they have wierd flavours, but I enjoy them all expect for Prawn ones.  YUCK!  Hate those.

I love reading the scriptures.   All of them.  My favourite books are Psalms and Proverbs.  They read like poetry to me.   The language and imagery are just beautiful and there is so much wisdom there.  I have some music discs of the scriptures that you can sing along to and I love to do that while I am puttering about the house and on my own.  It is a great way to memorise scriptures actually, to put the words to music.

Pretty candy tins.  This is the latest one I have gotten.  Isn't it gorgeous.  I am going to turn it into a fairy sewing kit.  I just love it.  And it is just as beautiful on the sides as it is on the top.

All of the animals are raised.  Look at those mice hiding in the Brambles . . .  the badgers, the bunnies, squirrels, deer, etc.  It is quite simply beautiful.   I need to get another one so I can keep one myself and sell the other.

The world at twilight . . .  it is a magical time.  The light around you is fading and street lamps are coming on . . .  as a child I always got sick in the car, unless we were driving at night.  I love the glow of the setting sun on the horizon . . . the warmth emanating from house windows . . . its just pure magic to me.   Oh, and don't get me started on fireflies.   Love those too . . . 

The National Trust with their Historic Homes and Gardens.    I could spend hours and hours wandering through the grounds and gardens, not to mention the homes.  The National Trust does a wonderful job of restoring and maintaining these beautiful historic places.    I am hoping to be able to get a 4 adult membership before Lura and John come over which will come in handy while they are here so we can take them to some of these beautiful venues in our area and then again if Eileen and Tim come over, or even when some of our lovely friends here in the UK want to go with us.  There are so many to see and each one is as fascinating and beautiful as the last.   We will see how much it costs, a lot depends on that.  The membership is worth it as usually these places can cost up to £10 a person to go in.  It doesn't take long for your membership to pay for itself.

I adore these little rubber German Dolls.  When I was a child, one year for Christmas, my sister and I each got a whole set of these all dressed in a variety of costumes of the world.  I wish I still had them.  You could never remove the clothes, but they were fascinating to me all the same.  Each one only stood about2 1/2 to 3 inches tall at the most.   The Germans make beautiful dolls.  When we were in Germany the last time there was a beautiful doll shop not far down the road from the accomodation we were staying in.  I spent a lot of time oggling the dolls whenever we were out and about.

But then, I just love dolls full stop. 

I like older men.  Its not fair but I think men get better looking as they get older with very few exceptions . . . look at Sam Elliot for instance . . .  that voice . . . amazing.  Martin Shaw  . . . Colin Firth . . .  Brendan Coyle . . . . Sean Bean  . . .

I better stop while I can still breathe. 

Carl Larsson, La Fenetre Aux Fleurs

I love the art of the late Swedish artist Carl Larsson.   He presents such a wonderful window into historic scandavian life . . .  the architecture, style, etc.  I love his view of his world.   The colours.  The feel.  All appears gentle and pastorial.

Pie.  Sweet.  Savory.  In between.  Sweet and Savory.   If it is in a crust I love it.   Well except for maybe Star Gazy pie where you have fish heads peeking up at you.  I don't think I would like that very much.  I would have a hard time to tell you my favourite kind of pie.  They all have their attributes.  The cold wiggle and sweet/tart flavour of an ice cold slice of Lemon Meringue can't be beat . . . . but then again, neither can a slice of sweet and warm apple pie with ice cream . . .  the nuttiness of a pecan pie . . .  a slice of pumpkin with whipped cream on top  . . . ohhh . . . wild blueberry, and don't get me started on cherry.

I guess I just love pie! 

And those are my favourite things for this week.  What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*Music washes away from the soul 
      the dust of everyday life.
           ~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

 photo DSCN0195_zpstcr80wet.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Sage Roasted Bangers with Mash and Onion Gravy.

Have a wonderful Thursday.  I will have my nose to the grindstone again today, but no worries I am enjoying every minute.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning mu Friend,

    When I was single for most of my twenties I skated. At first it was roller skating as a teen and then a wage and license meant I could skate almost every day. I loved the ice rink. My doctor banned me from skating and my skates which cost a small fortune way back when have finally died. Beth used them and said it was strange. I tried them only to find that the screws holding the plates had died and other parts were not in good condition. I wanted to try in Switzerland so I could fulfill a dream of skating outdoors but it was hockey practice time.

    I love your little tins. Today I went to a Tilda afternoon tea. I spent a small fortune on new material and a bag pattern. I also found some Eiffel Tower fabric and it had to come home too. Today I have not coped at all well. I am tired and thirsty. Not good signs at all and as the local GP says half of the state is dehydrated. So it is soup for dinner and I am drinking a lot of water. The weather is promising to continue as a heat wave and there is lots of time spent discussing power cuts. We are trying to conserve and using fans but the air con goes all day and night in one room. That is mum's.

    I hope you can obtain those cards you desire. If I come to England again I will be better prepared. Those two travelling together cards proved useful for us too.

    God bless your day and I am sending heaps of love your way.

  2. I went skating maybe 4 yrs unsteady I was after quite a few yrs:(Once I got started I could stay up..but cirtainly not doing arabesques made me feel young and old at once..
    THat artts reminds me a touch of my fave CDN artist.TRisha Romance.
    I love Lisi Martin:)
    Love chips more than sweets..pretty boxes too.
    I quite like Kyle Chandler..:)
    Oh and for te sweetest nature..on this is us..Jack..

    have a peek..

    Best dad..husband..

    Milo Ventimiglia..

    I had those small dolls too..a few..maybe a little cabinet..don't know who gave them to me I think my godmother..

    Have a great day!

  3. Two of my grandchildren are very into skating. One is a figure skater and the other a hockey player. Their skill at traveling over the ice at amazing speeds is thrilling for sure. Both are an art form in motion. I do love the Psalms and Proverbs and read them often. The both provide a lot of wisdom for the soul. Hope your busy day is a great one!

  4. Ohhh Suzan, Eiffle Tower fabric, I would not have been able to resist either! I remember that you are a skater! You have that little skater painting of mine! I hope you don't have power cuts. You will be in dire straights if you lost your air conditioning! Love and hugs. xoxo

    I always feel old and young at the same time Monique! Ahh, if I only looked and could move on the outside as young as I feel on the inside! lol Oh, I love that actor. He was in Gilmore Girls. So handsome. I will have to check out This is Us. Haven't watced it yet. I am usually slow off the starting gate and don't discover things until after everyone else has! Hope your day is going well! xoxo

    You are right Pam! My youngest son was a hockey player and now coaches. He was a brilliant skater. Sadly when the other four were growing up we did not have the money to indulge them. The youngest often has things that the others didn't, and especially where there is a gap of 7 years between him and the rest! Hope you are having a great day also! xoxo

  5. I just love your Thursday posts. They make me smile. They also make me stop and think about all the wonderful things that I love so much and that in turn makes me smile!

    Funny, as a small child I never learned to do anything that involved balance. I couldn't skate, nor ride a bicycle. It wasn't till I was into my 20's did I question and they discovered not only that I only had 10% hearing in my left ear but that I had Menaire's Disease. Hence, no balance on that side. And all those years from childhood, I had just learned to adapt as you do often when a child.I always wanted to do both and did try but just ended up bruised and scraped each time. :)

    I am an odd duckling... I love pie filling but not the pastry. I'll leave it on the plate and eat the apples, lemon etc. Whereas my hubby will eat anything provide you put a crust round it.

    I'm ambivalent about chips but have been know to enjoy a fat Humpty Dumpty cheesy a little too much. But anything sweet, I'm there!

    Thanks for reminding me to stop and think about all those precious and yummy little things that make me smile.... like Colin Firth! Oh Mr. Darcy, you are lovely indeed. ;)

  6. You're so welcome Noelle! I am sorry about the Menaire's Disease. Doesn't that also make you cold? I have never had a Humpty Dumpty Cheesy. Are they like Cheetos? Because I am right on it if they are! xoxo


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