
Sunday 26 February 2017

Paper Clip Moments . . .

This is a true story.  One of our Missionary Sisters was on the bus recently with her companion.  She noticed some shiny new paper clips on the floor of the bus and thought to herself, how very odd.  She heard a small voice in her head which told her to pick them up, but she thought to herself, how very silly  . . . what a strange thing to do.

Then when she and her companion got off the bus, she noticed  more on the ground at the bus stop.  Shiny new paper clips just sitting there.  Again she heard a small voice in her head which told her to pick them up and again she ignored it.  

All through town that morning she kept seeing shiny new paper clips scattered here and there. The voice ket telling her to pick them up and she kept ignoring it, thinking it was a silly thing.  They were just paper clips, after all . . .


It wasn't too much longer when they came across a woman sitting on a bench with a sheaf of papers she was trying to sort out.  She looked a bit upset so they stopped to see if they could help her.  She had a course she was teaching that morning she said, and she was trying to sort out the materials for each student.  She then showed him a small empty box.   She told them somehow her box of brand new paper clips that she had needed for this lesson had opened up and emptied in her walk through the town and she had only a few left in the box.  She had lost most of them.

The sister missionary felt a bit chastised.  She knew that by ignoring the promptings of the spirit to pick up those paper clips she had probably missed out on a really special teaching opportunity.  At best now all they could do was to help the woman sort her papers . . .

Yes, they still could share the Gospel with this sweet lady, but they could have really had a more impressive lesson had this dear Sister Missionary not ignored the promptings of the spirit to pick up the paper clips as she saw them . . .

As I listened to this story I was prodded by the spirit myself and I thought, how many sweet experiences in life do I miss by ignoring the promptings of the spirit.   How many times am I prompted to give someone a call and I don't . . .  or how often does the spirit tell me to say hello to someone and . . .  I don't.   I tuck myself into that safe little box and refuse to leave my comfort zone, to open my mouth, to reach out . . .  to listen to what the spirit is telling me to do, or to act on what it is telling me to do.

How many special Paper Clip moments do I miss in doing so?  Food for thought.

As children bring their broken toys
wih tears for us to mend
I brought my broken dreams to God
because He is my friend.
But then, instead of leaving Him
in peace to work alone
I hung around and tried to help
with ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried,
"How can you be so slow!"
"My child," He said,"What could I do...
you never did let go." 

 Look at this beautiful Six Year Old creature I found.  How utterly delightful.  I love it.  What a terrifically sweet photograph of dear little Maryn at her Birthday Party yesterday.  She looks well pleased with herself.   Of course I am biased, but I think she is the most adorable granddaughter ever!

My friend Valerie always posts the most thoughtful things on Facebook.  I always look forward to what she posts.  They are always uplifting and positive.   Things which make you think, smile, sigh with longing.   Things that make you go ahh . . .

Must dash and be about my morning now, the time is fast waning and I have so much to do before I leave for church.  Shall I leave you with a thought for today.  Why not!

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*Endurance is not just the ability
   to bear a hard thing . . .
        but to turn it into glory.
            ~William Barclay   •。★★ 。* 。 

Spiritual Enlightenment

 photo SAM_1083_zps3fda1626.jpg

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . . . Squidgy Prune and Ginger Cake.  Scrumptious!

Have a wonderful Sunday.  May your day be blessed with love, peace and joy.  I love Sundays!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Merryn looks delgihtful. I hope she enjoyed her birthday.

    Today Pip has been unwell and we spent 6 hours at the hospital while she was on a drip.

    I like your story. I hope the teacher managed to share her lesson as planned. It is all to easy to ignore those tiny prompts. Thank you for sharing your story.

    God bless you and Todd today.

  2. I love Littles w/ face paints..enjoy your day!

  3. I think she really enjoyed her Birthday from what I can see Suzan! I was so grateful my daughter posted this photograph. It really made my day! I am sorry about Pip. I hope all has turned out alright. God bless. xoxo

    I know Monique, they are so charmed by it and in turn they charm us! xoxo

  4. I love paperclips! Apart from using them, one can `doodle' with them, straighten them, re-bend them to a different shape...very therapeutic! xxx

  5. I like paperclips also Bunne. You can do so much with them! Xoxo

  6. This is my second attempt...the first one's. So annoying...there is something wrong with the typing tonight. Each time I tap out a word it's a second or two before it appears.....anyway I was just saying I am certainly as guilty as anyone at not acting on the many prompting S I hear...then I of course regret. it....must go hope will be better tomorrow...they typing i mean....

  7. I love your thoughts on this one. The story of the Paper Clips is an awesome one. Do you mind if I share it sometime; maybe in our district meeting. I know that I ignore prompting sometimes and I am trying to get better not doing that. Your little granddaughter is an adorable one. She looks like she enjoyed her special day. I also loved the poem about not letting things go so that Heavenly Father can do His work. Loved this one dear friend! Sending big hugs your way~

  8. You are more than welcome to share LeAnn! It was shared with me and the more people it helps the better! I am sure your Missionaries will get a lot from it! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Oh, I hate it when that happens Sybil! Love you! xoxo


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