
Thursday 23 February 2017

My favourite things . . .


These are a few of my favourite things . . . maybe you like the same things too?

Run, run as fast as you can.  You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!  I love Gingerbread Men.  I have a killer recipe that I have never posted.  Must rectify that this year.  I loved the story when I was a child.  I had the Little Golden Book one, which reminds me of another one of my favourite things  . . .

Little Golden Books.  I loved/love them.  This was my favourite one.  I loved the story of Heidi.  I had it for a very long time.  There is a photograph of me napping with my father and I have it in my arms.

In fact here it is.  I think I was probably about 3 years old in this because we were still living in Germany.  This photograph is another one of my most cherished and favourite things.  I think I need to upload it to my family tree.

The film, "Meet Me In St Louis."  I love musicals and especially vintage/older musicals and if Judy Garland and Margaret O'Brien are in them, so much the better.  There is nothing nasty about them.  They are just nice, nice.  I don't find them corny at all.  I love them.  Old films.  The only ones I am not overly fond of are the Laurel and Hardy ones and The Three Stooges.

This image is from a fascinating book. Fictitious Dishes: An Album of Literature's Most Memorable Meals  by Dinah Freid.  A coffee table book which is filled with lovely little vignettes of meals from some of literatures most compelling novels.  This one is the cheese toast that Grandfather fed Heidi.  I love it.  These types of things and books fascinate me.

This is the one from Alice In Wonderland . . .  fabulous!

Outlander, I am still enjoying the re-runs.  I love this series.  I can't wait for the next one.  It is a classic.   I used to love romance novels when I was younger, especially time travel ones.  I suppose there must be a little part of me that would like to travel back in time.  However knowing my luck I would end up in a Workhouse, so maybe I will just stay where I am and count my present day blessings for what they are.  ☺

Being tucked up indoors all cosy and warm while a storm rages outside.  It's a miserable day out there today.  Blustery, windy, raining . . . I am grateful for my warm little house, my slippers and my fire.  And, Hot Chocolates will be in order at some point!

Swing Music from the 1930's and 40's.   Sometimes I think I was born too late, but then again, I would be a very old woman now if I hadn't been born when I was.  I do love the music of that era though.  I could listen to it for hours.  I also love the crooners  . . .  Bing, Frank . . .  Michael Buble.  Did you know that Bradly Walsh has just put out an album of that kind of music.  You can listen to the whole thing on YouTube.  I was listening to the whole thing yesterday afternoon as I worked. It was lovely. That man has many talents. I really like him. Love him in Law and Order.

Still pondering and thinking about this  . . .  I know.   If only I was younger, thinner . . .

Unicorns and dreams. “Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” ~Henry David Thoreau  You have to have a dream to have a dream come true.

Speaking of dreams . . . I didn't want to wake up this  morning.  I was having a wonderful dream just prior to waking up.   I was with our Amanda, my youngest daughter,  and it was as if nothing was wrong.  There was no distance between us.   We were friends and all was well with the world.  Oh how I wish . . . we were close at one time.  I don't know what happened.   I wish I did so that I could fix it.  I miss her more than she knows, or probably even cares . . . I long so much to have a relationship with her.  It breaks my heart that I don't.  Dear daughter do you not sometimes think of me as I think of you.   I wish . . .  I would trade all of my talents and all that I have and all that I have achieved in life just to have that  . . .

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride  . . .  

I best get on with my day. 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*"If one advances confidently 
    in the direction of one's dreams, 
      and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, 
           one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” 
              ~Henry David Thoreau    •。★★ 。* 。.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Baking in The English Kitchen today, a bit of nostalgia with Grape Nuts Bread.  I had not made this in a long time.  Am so glad that I did.

Have a wonderful Thursday.  Don't forget!

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 And I do too!



  1. Oh Marie I understand not wanting to wake up from a dream. I had one of those dreams on Sunday but I could not talk about it as my mother would cry. If only life was as easy as some dreams. Maybe one it will be.

    Isn't it funny that you need to hunker down and stay warm due to a storm while I am trying to remain cool? I would love a fireplace and the heater in your home was as close as i was to one om my whole trip. You r home is snug and welcoming. I would love to visit and have another long talk or so with Todd.

    Well I am miles behind and need to have much done by Saturday week. I need to develop muscles of steel, a focused brain and household pride quickly.

    God bless you and keep you. I actually wrote that Aaron's blessing from Numbers into my bullet journal as I love it so.

  2. Oh Todd would love that too Suzan. You are one of his favourite people. He is still in bed at the moment. He will not like the weather today, for sure. God bless you also. Love you. xoxo

  3. Keep the blues away on your rainy day. You have lots to smile about !

  4. What a touching photo of you and Amanda..

    makes me wonder why some people have been neglected by their parents..and yet adore them?

    Not the case for you.
    I am sorry to say she may have many regrets one day.For the past 44 yrs I would have loved..just one more day.

    Concentrate on your book:)
    Her mom is a famous author now.

    Hi Mr T.

  5. Thank so much Pam, you are right, I do have an awful lot to smile about. Most of the time I don't think about the sad stuff, it then I come across a photo like this and my heart breaks all over again. I guess it's just a part of being a mum. We love so much and with that love comes the potential for great hurt. God bless you
    , xoxo

    Thanks Monique, I think you are right and that almost distresses me more because you know as a mom you would move mountains to make sure your have happy lives, and I getnupsetnto think,of the regrets which might come one day. But that is out of my hands. I am here if she wants or needs me. I am working hard on the book. It is a welcome distraction from everything else that is going on. Mr T enjoys your daily greeting! What a dear friend you are! Xoxo

  6. Sorry I missed yesterday Marie, I seemed to have visitors one after the other....none of them expected so it was lovely but hectic at the same time.....anyway as always love your beautiful words....
    I hope that the dreadful gales we had overnight and most of today have not done any damage to you up in Chester. There was quite a lot of damage around here but thankfully except for Lyns fence that decided to take itself away for a wander ! And most of our bins deciding that perhaps next door would be a better place to live !! Thankfully kind neighbours retrieved the coffee and chat this morning one of our helpers Lin came along despite having had a bad fall last week and breaking her wrist She had been to hospital on Monday when the found she had a break in the bones around her wrist and arm.they didn't have a bed so she had a light cast put on and sent home...she has been waiting since for an operation each day she had to wait till aftern10 before she could eat anything as they were going to,phone whenever they could luck would have it, they called this morning so i was able to take her home to collect her overnight things in case they kept her in and I was able to drive her into Bath....I am now on call to bring her home probably tomorrow was quite a scary drive as so much rubbish, polythene bags, etc was flying around....Thankfully all is quiet now......I must go take my pills I forgot before I started writing !! Night night. God Bless xx

  7. This is my favourite post of the week. ♥ I love gingerbread, and gingerbread men especially.

    I too love being all tucked up warm while a storm raging outside. Funny that because as a young girl and woman I would be out the door in a flash and just walk and walk in whatever was falling(except thunder and lightening. That I would respectfully watch from the indoors) it worried my mum to no degree I'll tell you!

    And then onto the bit of your post that breaks my heart. I pray that Amanda will not have to wait until you are a memory before she sees how fortunate she is to have you. I lost my mother when I was a young woman and to spite ups and downs I promise you, I would give all I own and am to have her back with me. I know you're a wonderful, loving and fun mother. And I feel sure the children have wonderful memories of you. I'll pray for this situation. Love to you and Todd this day. xx

  8. Oh dear Sybil! What a scary drive that must have been. It was crazy here yesterday. Such wind and rain. Our back garden is a tip at the moment! Todd has a lot of work to do today to get it sorted. We have only a few days now to get things sorted before he starts the radiation. We are almost panicking because there is so much to do. All will be well. I keep telling myself that. If you dream it, it will come true, lol. Love and hugs. xoxo

    I was like you as a girl Noelle. I can remember walking down our street in Greenwood with rain tipping it down, and a lightening bolt hitting a tree not 10 feet from where I was walking. Scary stuff. That same summer one of my friends lost her brother to a lightening strike. I pray daily for Amanda, and all my kids really, but especially for a resolution to whatever her problem is with me. I know God answers all of our prayers in time. She will have to go through whatever it is she needs to go through and not until then will it be resolved. I may never see it on this side of the veil, but one day it will be resolved. I have no doubt. I trust in that! Love you! xoxo

  9. I remember reading Heidi as a child and Pippa In Switzerland before going on to animal stories that became my preference. Family, so strange how relationships grow and change. Who knows why, personalities? I didn't have a close relationship with my Mother. Now as an adult I understand her more, too late now. You have time yet. Keep on keeping on.
    Wonderful post all the same

  10. I love animals Janice, but never got into animal stories much! My husband loves them however. Especially the James Herriot stories. I keep persevering and I have a great faith in answered prayers! Xoxo


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