
Sunday 8 January 2017

You can almost hear the tinkle of the crystals . . .

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A glance out the window this morning as I got up saw the garden covered in a frosted mantle of white . . . sparking glitter glass . . .  each branch and errant leaf and twig, blade and seed pod seemingly dusted with shards of candied sugar . . .

So beautiful to the eye.

The magic lies in what is not seen by the eye . . . the roots and bulbs waiting their hour beneath all the crystal lace which gilds the surface just a few inches above where they lay asleep . . .

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The ground beneath is already pregnant with potential life . . . under this sheath of crystal ice lies all the glory of the spring and summer to come . . .

The blue steeples of  the delphinium, crimson poppies and pink peonies . . . the lupins of May and the roses of June . . . they sleep and wait . . .

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This shroud of glass they wear at the moment . . . it is no shroud of death that wraps the silent garden that sleeps.

A warm feathery eiderdown devised by Nature for her own secret purposes . . .

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Tree has blossomed overnight . . . each twig frozen and garlanded with crystal sprays that sparkle in the light of sun . . . like precious jewels.  Each sprig and leaf tipped with buds of rime . . .

Winter's strange burgeonings . . . as beautiful and as lovely as the tender buds of a springtime display of flowering plum . . . or the cherry petal snow of May . . .

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And on the frosted panes I can trace with fingertip, where silver branches interlace and twine together . . . a fairy orchard white with frost, embossed on pane of glass . . . here but for a moment, and then in the next . . . gone  . . .

Was it ever really here . . .

It's Joshie's Birthday today!  Happy Birthday Josh!  Josh is my middle son's middle son!  That has to be lucky!   Out of all my grandchildren, he is the only ginger in the bunch.    I am sure it is the Scottish in him, as well his paternal grandfather is a ginger and there was always ginger in my ex husbands moustache so there is a recessive ginger gene there.  All I know is he is a delightful little boy and I love to facetime with him!  I can't wait to hear if he liked his pressie ot not!   

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*With the new day comes new strength
            and new thoughts   . . . 
                       ~Eleanore Roosevelt .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Spiritual Enlightenment

In The English Kitchen today.  Hot Cocoa Cookies.  Oh boy, these are good.  Like cookie brownies topped with more chocolate and a melted marshmallow cloud.  Yum!

Have a blessed Sunday!  Stay safe and stay warm.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, just catching up. After reading yesterday's blog and comments I'm sure you realise how much everyone here loves you and thinks the world of you. I hope that brings you some peace. Families can be the most complicated of things and it's comforting to know everyone is in the same boat. Have a lovely Sunday, lots of love xxx

    Sybil, I hope Floppsy is feeling much better this morning, it sounds as if she's in the right place xxx

    Suze, hope you have a wonderful holiday over here and that the weather brightens up for you! Safe travelling xxx

  2. You got some wonderful frosty pictures. It is beautiful to look at. Here everything is coated with snow and the sun shining on it this morning makes every thing glisten. Your little grandson is adorable. Hope he has a Happy Birthday! We have red heads in our family. My dad and my youngest sister and my husband also had some on his side of the family, but none of my children or any of the grandchildren managed to inherit it so far. Hope you have a Happy Sunday!

  3. Gee lady you write like a poet.Truly.
    My dad was a ginger:)
    I like his ice cream w/ sprinkles..and those cookies? Hello I see kids flocking to them;)
    hahaha talk about typos..I wrote hello and the o didn't print..I would have died not rereading it;)

  4. Happy Sunday to you Marie - and Happy Birthday to your grandson! He is sure a cutie! I love your frost pictures. Hope the coming week is a good one for you!

  5. Yes, families are complicated animals Kate, but they are everything. All will be well in the end I know. The family is of God and I have a great faith in His goodness! I love you all my beautiful readers. I do believe I have the best and kindest readers in the world. Just another one of my great blessings! xoxo

    It will probably come out in your Great Grandchildren Pam! It seems to jump a generation! God bless your Sunday! xoxo

    Thanks so much Monique! I have truly laughed out loud at the Hell-o LOL. Hope you're having a great day. Lots of snow in the East! xoxo

    Thanks Deb. I got to speak to him on the facetime. He is having a fabulous day and loves his present! You have a good week also! xoxo

  6. First good news Floppy has made a remarkable recovery. Yesterday there own vet made arrangements for her to go to the Vet College in Bristol, they were waiting for her when they got there and immediately put her on a drip and into intensive care they said next 24 hours would be crucial...( there own vet thought she had lock jaw, but the vet at the school said he didn't think so but she certainly had picked up poison) anyway Beth and Max coudnt wait any longer and called to see how she was at 12 ok..when they got great news that Floppy had made a miraculous recovery and they could come and collect her at 3 ok..which they did. They have just to keep a close eye on her for next 36 hours if they wouldn't !!!...Thank you so much for your prayers, I know that prayers do work....hope you managed to chat to Josh and that he had a lovely birthday ....I know if you saw him that would make a perfect day for you xxxxx


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