
Saturday 28 January 2017

The things we long for . . .

One of the nicest things that happened to me back in 2012 was my reconnection with an old friend. We had been really close at one time, but had somehow lost touch with each other.  I had been looking for her for a number of years. The night we finally connected I was in bed checking my e-mails for the last time before I went to sleep . . . and there it was, a message from her. It brought tears to my eyes and made my heart glad. We've since talked on the telephone  many, many times and we communicate with each other regularly. I vow never to lose her again. We were so lucky to have found each other once more, after all those years . . .

This was quite unlike another experience I'd had just a year earlier when I had found another old friend I had been looking for, for quite a long time . . . whom I'd discovered had passed away from cancer just six months before. I cried then too . . . but for much different reasons.

Have you ever listened to the song sung by Kathy Mattea entitled "Standing Knee Deep in a River and Dying of Thirst?" It's a song about loss . . . about friends we have taken for granted through the years, people we have loved and known . . . and lost . . . and about strangers just waiting for us to discover them, to make a connection with us . . .  but . . .  we turn our eyes away . . .

"They roll by just like water 
And I guess we never learn 
Go through life parched and empty 
Standing knee deep in a river and dying of thirst."

It makes me wonder just how much actually is within our reach . . . within our ability to experience . . . that we miss simply because we are not watching for it, or open to it . . . or take it for granted. How often do we thirst after something we are longing for . . . when it's already all around us. How often are we drowning . . . and yet at the same time dying of thirst . . .

We thirst after happiness . . . whilst drowning in a river of abundance, taking for granted all that we already have received. Failing to appreciate, or even acknowledge at times . . . the many blessings in our lives.

There will always be something which we want . . . something more that we are striving for. It is in the very nature of man to be this way. It's this yearning for more which allows us to discover new worlds and concepts, solutions and cures . . . but if we fail to appreciate what we already have, in the course of looking for something more . . . then we have really lost it all.

To live consciously . . . is to live. Anything else is a waste of a good life . . . and it passes us by ever so quickly.  I think of my mother who is 84 years old . . . and it seems to be quite old to me, but then I am brought up short in my next thought by the realization that she is only 23 years older than myself . . . and the remembrance of how very quickly the last 23 years have passed me by.

Standing knee deep in a river and dying of thirst . . .

Today I will choose to be conscious of who I am and what I have and where I am . . . and to be grateful for it all. I choose to be happy now.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛* "Don't waste all of your to-days 
by waiting for a better tomorrow." 
~unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In The English Kitchen today . . .  Lemon and Ginger Split Seconds.  Deliciously simple!

 Have a wonderful Saturday whatever you get up to!  Don't forget along the way  . . .

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And I do too!  Bisous!


  1. God bless your day Marie and Todd too.

    Our day has been long and most of it seems to have been spent at the local shopping centre. There are better ways to spend a Saturday.

  2. Oh Marie..I am at that stage too when I hear of people passing in their 70'80's..I am not far know how quickly time goes.
    In the friends I have had..I have actually loved a few..but I must say that once I have felt the time is done..I move on..and wish no connection again. i1 in particular.
    I seem to move on..after 1-2-3 events..once shy twice sorry ..3rd time.nope never again.

  3. Sometimes there is nothing I like better than a bit of retail therapy Suzan! Xoxo

    I am with you all the way Monique. Life is too short to waste time with people who don't deserve you. Xoxo

  4. Sorry Marie I didn't coment yesterday, somehow my day was filled making plans for an upcoming visitors !! Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book and write at 5am !!...I have just sent an e mail to you...I hope you have had a good day and will enjoy church tomorrow...I am very tired tonight so must go..night night God Bless xxxx

  5. Your posts are just so deep with wisdom and I see it more than ever before. You reach down deep into my soul with many of your thoughts. I too have search for friends and found a couple of them and it has added so much to my life. It's so sad when we let those friendships slide away; but what joy when they are found again.
    I really loved this one! Blessings and hugs~

  6. Night night Sybil, and God bless. xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! Blessings and hugs to you too. xoxo


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