
Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook ...


FOR TODAY, January 17, 2017

Outside my window ...
 its dark and wet and cold.  That's winter in the UK folks!

I am thinking ...
 some low life stole the bicycle of a friend of ours who had it chained to a drainage pipe on his house.  Broke the drainage pipe to get it.  This is our friends only means of transport back and forth to work.    His work is caring for the elderly.  You could not meet a nicer, more caring kind person.  I suppose the thief didn't think about that however.  They just saw a chance and took it.  Now not only does he have to find the money to get himself a new bicycle, but he also has to repair the pipe on his house.  Despicable.

In the Kitchen ...
 photo SAM_4945_zpscc49703b.jpg

 Stove Top Spaghetti.  A most delicious use of leftovers.   Yum!

On my "To Cook" list ...

Teriyaki Salmon Bowl.  From Eating Bird Food.  This looks mighty tasty!  I love vegetables and I adore avocado.  Salmon is okay, this looks good however with it's teriyaki glaze!

Good to know ...


 Every little helps!

I am creating ...

 I really love this album created using the Graphics 45 Home Sweet Home Papers.  You all know how much I love them.  From Annes Paper Creations.


 I love, LOVE the color combinations in this afghan.  It is from Etsy, but I had to show it to you anyways.  Its a pattern download. Don't you just love the colours?


 From Mollie Makes, a DIY Felt iPad Cover.


 Miniature Handbag. Janet Granger.  They are kits you buy.  There are oodles of them.

Forest Blooms Bag from the Sewing Directory.  Complete instructions.  So beautiful!  Our friend Tracy used to make beautiful bags.  I have quite a few of them.

 Double Scoop Snuggle Sack.  From Cool Creativities.  Cute!

I am reading ...


  Sisters One, Two, Three by Nancy Star

After a tragic accident on Martha’s Vineyard, keeping secrets becomes a way of life for the Tangle family. With memories locked away, the sisters take divergent paths. Callie disappears, Mimi keeps so busy she has no time to think, and Ginger develops a lifelong aversion to risk that threatens the relationships she holds most dear.

When a whispered comment overheard by her rebellious teenage daughter forces Ginger to reveal a long-held family secret, the Tangles’ carefully constructed web of lies begins to unravel. Upon the death of Glory, the family’s colorful matriarch, and the return of long-estranged Callie, Ginger resolves to return to Martha’s Vineyard and piece together what really happened on that calamitous day when a shadow fell over four sun-kissed siblings playing at the shore. Along with Ginger’s newfound understanding come the keys to reconciliation: with her mother, with her sisters, and with her daughter.

At turns heartbreaking, humorous, and hopeful, Sisters One, Two, Three explores not only the consequences of secrets—even secrets kept out of love—but also the courage it takes to speak the truth, to forgive, and to let go.

I am looking forward to ...

Its my father's birthday today.  He is 84.  I am going to try to facetime him a bit later on to wish him  a Happy Birthday.  My sister had him over for supper last night and was making him a Salmon Pie (his favorite).   I love my dad.  I am looking forward to hopefully talking to him a bit later on!

Dreaming about ...

Garden gates made from old screen doors  . . .

Shepherds huts  . . .

Hollyhocks . . .

Visiting Martha's Vineyard  . . .  one day  . . .

A gingerbread-house to call my own  . . .

Something to watch ...

Endeavor.  Inspector Morse as a young man.  We both really enjoy this series.

A favourite quote for the day ...

 `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
                   ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..

Worrying means you suffer twice.
     ~Newt Scamander

Wise words.

Makes me smile ...

The love of a mother  . . .

One of my favourite things ...


Lemon Puff biscuits  . . . . love, LOVE them.

 Corners of my Kingdom ...

 Haworth, the Pennine village where the Brontës lived and wrote.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Hi, Marie! Such fun things here today... Although, NOT fun your friend having his bicycle stolen. :( Hope the culprit is found... and maybe the bike returned?! We can but hope, and pray! That salmon bowl looks sooo delicious! And LOVING that blue embroidered bag. It's so beautiful though, I'd be almost afraid to take ia out and mess it up... LOL! How CUTE is that cupcake snuggler??!! HAPPY DAY to you Dad :) Those kittens are sooo sweet... *sigh*... And Martha's Vineyard is on my list too! ;) Happy week, dear friend ((LOVE & HUGS))

  2. I fell in love w/ those gingerbread houses also..rarely available we were told..they tend to stay in the charming Marie..we went for our 25th it will soon be 20 yrs..maybe we will go for a few days..accomodations are so darn pricey.
    I am looking..
    I hate that about the bike..a nice story..a dad wrte on FB that his son lost a $50.00gift card to Amazon I think..and a $25 for somwhere Walmart..if anyone finds it..please return..not 7 comments into the post someone wrote I will pay the $25.oo one..That same day and anonymous envelope was left at their door w/ $ Jack..and a sweet note saying and buy a wallet;)

    Love those stories.
    Lots of cute stuff as always.
    I like how you love BOTH parents:)

  3. I love the idea of using a screen door for a garden gate. Never seen that idea before. Happy Birthday to your father. Hope you do get to talk with him. Hope your Tuesday is terrific!

  4. Hi Marie!

    Shame on the person who stole the bicycle! Nothing makes me more angry than theft. I hope they find the culprit who stole it... :0(

    Love your, Day Book! So many wonderful things to look at and think about.

    Seriously, Marie, you live in such a gorgeous part of the world; I would love to visit there someday!

    So many photos of flowers and summer - I can hardly wait until it's warm!


  5. Thanks Tracy! I have learned to use the things I love, even if they get broken, or dirty or whatever. What is the point of having something, especially if you love it, if you aren't going to use it! Happy day friend! xoxo

    I love those stories also Monique! Thanks for the smile! God willing Norman will get his bike back or at least a substitute! I love both my parent's even with all of their weaknesses. Perhaps I love them even more because of that. xoxo

    Thanks Pam, I did! xoxo

    Thanks Barb! I am indeed blessed! xoxo

  6. Always, always love your daybook entries; so fun. I liked all the crocheted items; I wish I was goo at it all and could read patterns. I hate that their are people who would still this man's bike; so heartless. The food looks yummy! I like th metabolism list for losing weight. It should be easy; I like all the items listed.
    You always seem to choose great books to read. I do like Martha's Vineyard and a story from there is always tempting. Too bad I don't get any novel time.
    Hope you had a sweet birthday talk with your Dad. I love Facetime for these lovely moments.
    I liked the photos of places and especially loved the last one of the cats; so cute!
    Big hugs and blessings~

  7. Thanks LeAnn! Hugs and blessings right back! You will have novel time soon now I am thinking. Right now enjoy the blessings from being on your mission! xoxo


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