
Tuesday 10 January 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, January 10, 2017

Outside my window ...
Its dark and cold.   Yesterday was quite drizzly which put a bit of a damper on our activities, but it ended up being fairly clear and dry last night.  They say an artic front is moving in for the weeknd, so we better break out the woolies!

I am thinking ...
About the absolutely most lovely day I had yesterday with Suzan and her daughter Beth.  Two fabulous people, which only goes to prove that what I say is right.  Only the BEST people read my blog and I have the nicest readers in the world.  It was so fun to meet in person finally after I don't know how many years have passed.  I don't think we ever shut up!  Now I love her even more! ♥♥♥

 In the kitchen ...
  photo SAM_8688_zps5f57260c.jpg

In the English Kitchen today, Crispy Potato Roast.  Two of my favourite things.  Potatoes and crispiness.  Scrumptious!

On my "To Cook" list ...

From Flavour the Moments.  This chicken looks so so good.  We do eat a lot of chicken in this house and I think we would both love this.  I will really need to be tempting Todd's appetite over the coming months.

Good to know ...

From Martha Stewart.  

I am creating ...

Loving this Irish Bloom Bonnet from Balls to the Walls Knits.  Free pattern.   I really, really like this, but doubt I have the skill to master it.   We will see.

I love this Triple Puff Granny Square pattern.  From Creativities.

I really love this cardigan. Love the length and the pockets. From Ravelry.  Not free, but not expensive either.  Downloadable PDF.


I really like this one as well, but cannot find the pattern.  Sigh ...

Shabby Chic Cath Kidston knobs using paper napkins.  From Kaela Elliot.

An ear phone holder made from an old mint container.  From Make It Love It.
People are so smart they amaze me!

I am reading ...

Sisters One, Two, Three by Nancy Star

After a tragic accident on Martha’s Vineyard, keeping secrets becomes a way of life for the Tangle family. With memories locked away, the sisters take divergent paths. Callie disappears, Mimi keeps so busy she has no time to think, and Ginger develops a lifelong aversion to risk that threatens the relationships she holds most dear.

When a whispered comment overheard by her rebellious teenage daughter forces Ginger to reveal a long-held family secret, the Tangles’ carefully constructed web of lies begins to unravel. Upon the death of Glory, the family’s colorful matriarch, and the return of long-estranged Callie, Ginger resolves to return to Martha’s Vineyard and piece together what really happened on that calamitous day when a shadow fell over four sun-kissed siblings playing at the shore. Along with Ginger’s newfound understanding come the keys to reconciliation: with her mother, with her sisters, and with her daughter.

At turns heartbreaking, humorous, and hopeful, Sisters One, Two, Three explores not only the consequences of secrets—even secrets kept out of love—but also the courage it takes to speak the truth, to forgive, and to let go.

I am looking forward to ...
Getting the show on the road as far as Todd's radiation treatments go.   I just want to get them done and over with, so we can then begin the piecing together of the rest of our lives.  I know we have to be patient, but its like sitting in a Dentist's chair waiting for the appointment to be over.

Dreaming about ...

Pink dressing tables  . . .

Vintage Picnic Tins  . . .


Tea pots  . . .

New Mugs  . . .

Ceramic berry boxes . . .

Something to Watch ...


Thoroughly loving That Girl on Amazon.   Loved it when I was a teen.  Love it now.  Her clothes are fabulous!

A favourite Quote for the Day ...  

 A picture one for this week . . . I fell in love with this.  It was so me and Todd  . . .  finding each other late in life.

Makes me smile ...

My DIL Sara . . . this is such a beautiful picture of her.  She is such a nice girl.

One of my favourite things ...

  A bowl of rice crispies with bananas sliced on top.  I love LOVE it!

Corners of my Kingdom ...

A street in Canterbury, Kent . . . 

And that's my daybook for this week!

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
 ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, so pleased you were able to meet Suzan and her daughter, even if it was a short visit, it's amazing how much chat can be packed into a few is the worst part waiting for treatment to start, I'm surprised they have not started sooner, but I suppose they ...the Drs...know best.....Mary just arriving so must scoot...having our hair cut this morning, my niece comes over around 10 ...have a lovely dat. Xxxx

  2. Good morning darling Marie, Todd and Mitzie. It may drizzle sometimes but the company was the very best. Marie and her little house are a breath of fresh air after days of travelling. I loved every moment.

    Onto the blog...once again I am in wonder of all you find. I love the door knobs and I want someone to come and make my life such a beautiful thing...I mean all the shabby chic etc. While I am here I will have to hunt down some of those mint boxes as that is a terrific idea. so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    God bless your day. Tell Todd we plan to catch the 10.30 train which travels directly to London.

  3. Hi, Marie! Such wonderful fun your meeting with Suzan!! It reminds me when we met up, many years ago... I so hope we can repeat that again! :) Such delicious food here today...mmm... And such gorgeous yarn projects! That pink dressing table--*big swoon* I would have wanted one of those when I was a child... maybe even now... Not sure TJ would go along with ALL that pink, though...LOL! Happy week, dear friend! ((LOVE & HUGS))

  4. We have freezing rain following snow here this morning so it's icy out right now. The good news is that it is warming up and the snow and ice are melting. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  5. How nice you met:)
    You needed a great day..
    All this waiting..trsut me..I have learned patience..but was a pain it is..
    get the show on the road and fixed is right..the worry it engenders is brutal.
    Hope engender is a word..

    Cannot tell you how often I come to the computer searching for equivalencies..
    The worst is fan..convection..ugh..

    I have ML measuring cups..and a scale thank goodness..
    I went crazy yesterday organizing..people were picking up things this morning and we took the tree etc thing led to another..and I was washing floors till 4PM..where we store's in a high and dry basement..however dust etc accmulates in back of the bins..sut is not my friend..wheezing during the night..LOL..that's what happens when you go nuts.
    I like all your cute things too..Your cookies are being baked for though we still have Christmas ones..

  6. Sybil, you and Mary will be feeling like the Belles of the Ball tonight. There is nothing like a trip to the hairdresser to boost one's spirits! xoxo

    Oh Suzan I am still basking in the lovely day we had yesterday. Hopefully one day I will be able to come and visit you down under. Dreams can come true! Trusting you got down to London okay. The strikes etc. are disgusting. I hope you were not impacted! Have a great time in London. You will be walking your socks off! xoxo
    PS - you could spend a full day in the Victoria and Albert Museum alone. I am sure you will LOVE it! xoxo

    I hope you don't have to go anywhere Pam! Travel in ice and freezing rain is not fun! Hope your day is otherwise great! xoxo

    You are right about the Worry Monique. You just keep thinking it is in there and growing. But I am hoping our patience is rewarded with a clean bill of health at the end. Statisically 98% of men diagnosed early are still alive 15 years later. Todd says that if he is alive in 15 years time he would be 93 and that would be a blessing indeed. I don't like to think about it. :-( ever. Oh, dust . . . I hope you are recovered fully! Funny how one job always leads to another and to another. I hope that Lucas enjoys the cookies! xoxo

  7. Tracy, that visit you and TJ took to us down in Brenchley is still one of my favourite memories! I really hope we can do it again. I would love to come to Norway sometime. Now that would be just wonderful! xoxo

  8. Hi Marie - I understand your anxiety over your husband's treatments. My six-year-old grandson is undergoing cancer treatment as well. You just want it to be over and everything to be OK. You and your sweet hubby will be in my prayers. I think I would like that book you reviewed. Have a good week.

  9. Thanks Deb, I will be keeping your grandson in my prayers also. It is so much more heartbreaking when it is a child. ((((hugs)))) xoxo

  10. The avgolemono soup is one of the best. I cooked that last week using the carcass of a chicken I had roasted. Delicious. Tomorrow I'm making another avgolemono soup, this one with meatballs.


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