
Thursday 5 January 2017

My Favourite Things . . .


These are a few of my favourite things . . .

I don't wear them because I don't look good in them, but I adore hats.  Any hat, any century, any ag.  They fascinate me.  I wish I could wear a hat and look good in it, but alas I cannot.

Vintage Greeting Cards.  Well, I like cards full stop anyways and could spend hours perusing them in the shops, but I love Vintage ones most of all. Todd and I have an ongoing argument about cards.  I keep special ones forever and he doesn't see the value in that.  Is it because he is a man?   I dunno . . . I love getting a card, me.  The fact that someone took enough time to choose or make me a card thrills me to no end.

I would have loved to have gotten one like this when I was a girl because I adored paper dolls.  I still do.

Door Knockers.  Especially unusual ones.   I love them.  This one is really cute.  I have seen door knockers that are hands holding balls, elephants with the trunks that knock, birds that peck, etc.   Your front door is actually the first impression many people have of your home.  How wonderful to have a knocker on the door that reflects your personality completely.   Hmmm . . .  what would I like mine to be . . .maybe a rolling pin?  or an artists paint brush?  Ohhhh   . . . a fairy!

Vintage Barbie and Ken Dolls and their clothes.  Those vintage Barbie outfits are adorable to me.  I am not so fussed about the modern ones.  To me, there is much more detail in the vintage ones.  I had some favourite Barbie Outfits when I was a girl.  First there was one I had bought for my doll which consisted of a bright orange one piece strapless satin pant/top combination with a gold lame overdress that split open at the front revealing the orange pant outfit beneath.  My sister also had a Dutch Girl costume for hers that I coveted.    I would so love to be able to buy myself a Silkstone Barbie and then design clothes for her.   Oh, the dreams on a little girl trapped in an old woman's body . . .

Stained glass windows in the home.   Especially if they are like this and let the light through, actually particularly like this.  I wouldn't want dark ones in my house, but these here are just perfect.  I have seen stained glass framed panels that you can hang in a window that I like as well, but have never been able to afford to buy one.  Instead I dream.

In heaven I will have stained glass window panels.

Knit stockings . . . . these remind me of when I was a child and wore leotards.  I didn't like it when they got old and nubby, but I love the feel of heavy stockings on my legs.  These are particularly beautiful, but it would take a truckload of wool to knit me a pair and more years than I have left in me! haha

Vintage Ceramic Kitchenalia.   I have an old Majolca (sp) lady pig cookie jar and some black mammy and pappy hanger hook thingies.   These things had such charm.

One of my favourite books when I was a child was Pippi Longstocking.   I used to save up my allowance to buy books at school from the Scholastic Book Service.  This was one that I had bought.  I about wore it out reading and re-reading the antics of this fascinatingly eccentric red headed girl who was bold and exciting and had such wonderful adventures.   As an adult however, I feel a bit sad about her.  She must have been very lonely.

Listening to the ocean  . . .  it has been a very long time since I have done that.  It's magical.

Lace Table Cloths  . . .  lace anything.  I love lace.

I also love pink  . . .

Vintage Cookbooks.  I love them, and especially community cookbooks.  My mother has an old red one put out by the Co-op in her hometown way back when.  It is falling apart.  I love going through it whenever I am home.   Our newspaper back home used to put out a recipe insert once a year when I was growing up.  They would give prizes for the best recipes in a variety of categories and then publish all of the recipes which had been sent in.   I have many a clipping saved from those!

I was just saying to a friend the other day how local businesses used to all give out Calendars for the New Year as a form of advertising.  That doesn't happen anymore.  Sad really.  They call it progress . . .  and yet I feel as a species we lose a bit more of our civility with every year that passes.  Pretty soon people will have no standards at all.   And with that I will leave you with a quote for today  . . .

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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛*These mountains that you are carrying? 
         You were only supposed to climb . . . 
              ~Najws Zebian   *。*˚*。*˚

Spiritual Enlightenment

 photo SAM_6577_zpsc6c0a235.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . . French Dip Burgers.  Mmm . . . mmm . . . good!

Todd has a call coming from the Cancer Hospital today.  A pre-assessment via the telephone before he goes in for his procedure in about a weeks time.  He starts his radiation on the 3 Feb.   The way they do things today is amazing.   Have a great Thursday!  Don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!!


  1. Thankfully my Church still gives out calendars every year and It's the only new one in the house. Mainly I keep my dates on the computer calendar any way so really don't need one, but this year I'm keeping track of what I do each day and am writing it on my new calendar. Things are being done very differently in the medical field these days. Changes are a constant and thankfully many cures for things that were once hopeless too.


  2. I still think your town should buy your calendars..and say..w/ a puchse and so..they can get a calendar:)) more and more poeple would know what an artists they have in their midst.
    ♥♥♥♥Barbie..Ken..Midge..Skipper..Scooter and Ken's friend..was it Pointdexter?
    Anyway..all vintage..todays leave me cold,The red swing coat pillbox hat..etc etc..their shoes..the pink housecoat w/ kind of pleats and the bow:)
    I pretty much like all you do.:)
    Bon courage for the months ahead.

  3. How wonderful that your church gives out calendars Pam! That's amazing! I like to have a couple of real calendars that I can write on. It's always fun at the end of the year to look at them and see what has gone on through the year. xoxo

    You and I are like two peas in a pod Monique. I think so at any rate! I am in love with anything vintage really. I would have it all in my home if I could. Thanks. Any courage at all is needed I think, but we will do whatever we have to do. There is no easy way out of it. xoxo

  4. I am in Brighton and exhausted. Speak to you all soon.

  5. Hi Marie!

    Oh my goodness, everything you posted today, is something I love as well. You can certainly tell we are the same age... :0) I love cards, and yes, I keep almost all of them! I have some really old, Valentine's cards that were my fathers when he was a child. I would probably date them to be around 1930-35, they are priceless treasures to me.

    I have that exact, Pippi Longstocking book, it was one of my favorite! And Barbie and Ken, oh my, such memories!

    Lace, pink and vintage cookbooks . . . love them all! Thank you so much for sharing today, it brought back some really wonderful memories for me!!


  6. Whi Marie, firstly hope Todd got the phone call from the hospital and that all is still in order for the treatment to start in February...down here I was hearing on TV that Baths Royal United Hospital will be forced to close to any new admissions from tomorrow..this is because to many people have the termidity of getting really sick at this time of the year...and bring their germs into,the hospital...leaving no room,for ....really. I poorly folks....I have told Mary she mustn't have a fall this weekend or I will have to leave her where she falls LOL..was another very frosty start to the day it was almost midday before it began to melt...I didn't go to,the coffe morning at tchurch, refuse to get myself frozen trying to get the ice etc off the car etc. Hope your day has gone to,plan. Night night, God Bless

  7. Glad you got there safe and sound Suzan! xoxo

    Not surprised we have so much in common Barb! Must be our age partially and the rest, well I don' tknow! Only glad it is! God bless! xoxo

    He did Sybil. Our health care system certainly needs some working on! I hope nothing happens to Mary either! It was very cold here yesterday and again this morning although the thermometer says it is warmer. hah! Love and hugs. xoxo

  8. I love all of your favorite things. I really like hats too. I don't look great in them either. Broadbrimed ones are best. I really like vintage anything in general. I love lace and pink. I too have a collection of recipe books form wards in different areas we have lived. A favorite in one of my husband's mom's. It has favorite recipes of the prophets which is fun. I didn't play with Barbies. That probably ages me a bit. I loved baby dolls the most and have two that are in mint condition. I am a doll lover. In fact, I should do a blog on my dolls; that would be fun.
    We do still get some calendars that have advertisements but not as many. We don't see many door knockers here; but I think they are so unique.
    Well, I loved this one; bit hugs for you sweet friend and blessings too. I am continuing to pray for the two of you and for Todd's treatments.

  9. I would love to see your dolls LeAnn! I really would. I think community/ward cookbooks are the best. I have a few of those and they are real favourites! Love and hugs and thanks for the prayers. Much appreciated, and reciprocated as well! xoxo


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