
Sunday 4 December 2016

Sunday morning this and that . . .


The other day I put my name into Google Search just for the heck of it to see what came up.  It was a very interesting exercise.  Tons of stuff came up.  Some of it related to me, and some of it not related to me.   For instance, I am an artist who likes food.  That's good.  But there is also someone with my name who is a child murderer and another person with my name who was arrested for doing naughties in a hot tub.  The mind boggles.  There were interviews I had done for a variety of food sites, as well as my facebook page, linkedin page, etc.

There are boards with my name on them on Pinterest, and calling me an artist.  That is nice.


To be considered an artist, that is . . . .

 There are obituaries and all sorts.  It's an interesting exercise to do.  The images are even wilder.

There's food, there's art, there's a few pictures of me, there's a half naked woman barbequing chicken . . .  there's this.

I can tell you . . . I've looked worse. 

Don't get me started on the news.  Clearly I am common, or at least have something in common with people I don't want to have anything in common with!

You see some cute things on facebook.  This is one I saw yesterday.   Cute little kitty gif.  I like that it sparkles and snows and the cat is being naughty.

I had never seen a hotdog fly . . .  but now I have.   Clearly I have too much time on my hands . . .

But it's not all bad.

There's some pretty nice stuff also . . .  I love the silence after a heavy snow  . . .  or even better when the snow is actually falling heavily.  Just to stand outside the door and let it collect on your nose and eyelashes . . . have you ever heard the term deafening silence?  That's it . . .



Some things make me smile and even laugh at times.   Probably because they speak to that part of me that can't be trusted around an open bag of potato chips or a cake that's been cut into.  Heck, I can't even be trusted around a cake that hasn't been cut into  . . .

There are videos that make you think.  Videos that make you laugh.  Videos that make you cry and smile and everything in between.

I tell myself I have it because I want to stay in touch with my children . . . but that's not really true.  You could take the children completely off there and I would still be there because I have friends.

855 friends.   Umm . . . not sure I know all of them, or where some of them came from.  But they are there all the same.  My mother would call it a great time waster and she is probably right.  It is.  But I like it.  MOST of the time.

Don't get me started on one of the greatest time wasters of all . . . . Pinterest.  I could spend hours on there . . .  looking and saving . . .  collecting.   Its a safe and cheap way to collect things.  You are free to obsess and compile your obsessions in categories galore.  If you love it, you can have it  all tucked away in a multitude of boards that speak to what?  Our whimsical side?

I prefer to think of it as whimsy rather than gluttony.  But in all truth, it is a bit gluttonous.  I will never ever have enough time left in my life to cook all the recipes I have collected on there, or make all the crafts, or  . . .  well, you get the point.

But it's fun.

Family Fresh Meals.   I can't eat corn anymore, but if I could I would be loving this.  It looks so good.   Drool and click.  You don't really need cookbooks anymore do you?  Its all there for us to look at and collect in a place where you don't have to dust it or step over it.

And I have other fetishes . . .

Not to mention Downton Abby, Cranford, Little House, Waltons, Midwife,  anything even remotely tied to Christmas or cheese  . . .

Cooking.  Crafting.  Daydreaming . . . oh, I do know how to waste time in the most deliciously delightful  ways.  What are some of your time wasters?


Actually I have never met a salad I didn't like . . . 

Its hard to believe that in just 10 days time our mission will be finished.  The 18 months has gone by rather quickly.   It seems like we were only just beginning it and now here we are looking at the end of it.  The time is right however, with Todd's illness etc.  We have enjoyed it very much however and would do it again in a heartbeat.  I am not sure how much we accomplished, but the ways in which we have grown are immeasurable.  And I am thankful for that.

This is the first Sunday of the month and I promised I would bear my testimony on the first Sunday o the month throughout my mission and since this is the last time I will have the opportunity to do that here it goes  . . .

I love my Heavenly Father very much.  Knowing that I am His daughter is amazing.  Believing that I am His daughter is life changing.   How could you ever be the same person once you come to believe that is true?  You just couldn't.   It somehow gives you a strength and a courage you never knew you had.  It  brings endless possibility into your life . . . it morphs you into this amazing creature who can do anything and be anything, but mostly can become the best that you can be.  It is empowering and inspiring.  I am so grateful for this knowledge.

We are all His children.   Knowing that we are all His children helps me to look at others in a different light.   To see their potential as He sees their potential, to love them even when they can't or don't love themselves, and even when they behave in ways that are hurtful or sad. 

I love my Saviour Jesus Christ.  I am forever grateful for His great gift to us in the Atonement.  Because of Him, I can return to my Heavenly Home.  By Following His example and teachings, I can be a better me.

I feel of my Heavenly Father and Saviour's love every day of my life.   I cannot explain it.  It is not something I can give anyone else, but something which they have to want to find for themselves.  I wish everyone could feel the way I do.   It does not mean that I am not sometimes sad, or that I don't sometimes think life is unfair, or unkind . . . or that I don't have moments when I want to crawl into my mama's lap and have a good cry, but it does mean that I know I am never alone and it brings me hope.   I know that even if today is dark and sad and if I am hurting, that tomorrow can be and will be brighter, if I can just hang on that little bit longer, even if it takes a lifetime.  That despite any sadness I might feel, I can also feel an immeasurable amount of light, which can overwhelm the darkness into oblivion.

God is good.  God is just.  God is merciful and kind.  He loves us.  All of us.  No matter what.  No matter when. You cannot sink lower than His infinite capacity to lift you up.   He knows each of us by name.  We matter to Him in a way which is incomprehensible, and yet . . . it is true and unchanging.  I am grateful for that.

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Everyday Maple, Bran and Sultana Muffins.  Seriously tasty.

Have a beautiful sabbath day.   Be kind.  Be blessed.  Be happy.  Know that  . . .

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And I do too!


  1. I am very late tonight. We have had a tough day with dad and how happy I am so happy to be home and reading your wonderful post.

    God bless.

  2. I am so sorry you have had a difficult day with your father Suzan. My hat goes off to anyone who has to deal with another (especially a loved one) who is suffering from dementia. It is hard I know. ((((hugs)))) xoxo

    Thanks Monique! You too! xoxo

  3. I had a good laugh at what Google search found out about you...for sure you are an artist and a very good one too, and although I havnt actually tasted your delicious recipes I know just know that everything would be for the photograph that really had me smiling !! I have never really fathomed how Pinterest day when we meet up you and I will have to have a lesson or two. I don't know anyone around me that collects the Pinterest pages etc. I just often look up things you have found for us.....
    Your testimony is just lovely Marie. We are so fortunate to know how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father and that we are never at church we had the second of our monthly lunches. Our church worker came up with the idea that lots of people on their own don't like Sunday's and so we asked around and found someone willing to cook a lunch two course for £7 today we had Sheppard pie with carrots and broccoli followed by fruit pie with cream or custard.i didn't have the pud. But Mary did and said it was very nice...we had 22 people I think there were at least 10 visitors plus Elizabeth our minister , her husband and the two wee ones...I think it was a success, so I am happy for Helen.....hope you have a good night Night night God Bless xxx


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