
Friday 30 December 2016

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things I find each week which pique my curiosity or inspire me to want to do something, create something, cook something, or become a better person! I hope they will pique your curiosity or inspire you in some way as well!

From Pop Sugar.  How to start a Cookbook Club and why you should.  Sounds good to me.  (But I am a bit biased here.)


One Year to More Organized Photos.   It's the end of the year, why not!  From Simple as that Blog.

From Picsy.  What a great idea for photographing four generations!

Flamingo Toes. An Anthro knock off into the woods necklace.  Complete tutorial.

DIY Ukulele.  From Wonderforest.
You do need to buy a kit.

Dino Tails.  What child wouldn't love this.  From Running with Scissors.

Awesome Bunting.  From Sparkle Power.


No source but how hard can it be.  Butchers twine and fabric scraps.  Sweet.

Weaving Danish Heart Baskets.  Radmegan.

Wooden Clothespeg Airplanes.  From Wiki How.  Cute.

How to paint a scalloped border.  Every Day is a Holiday.

Women's Day.  DIY Cafe Curtains.

Ideal Home.  Ideas for Kitchen shelving.  Wish I had a kitchen large enough.

 Men's Hat.  Free Tutorial from Crochet Club.


Vintage Neck Warmer Pattern.  From Ravelry.  I love it!

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope you saw something of interest.  We have a very poorly dog again this morning.  I think we are going to have to take her to the Vet.  😢  I am very concerned.

Must dash.

In The English Kitchen today . . . .  Cheesy Turkey Mac.  A one pan wonder.

Have a great day.  Don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!


  1. God bless you all today and always.

  2. Hi Marie, I was so enjoying that post till the last paragraph. Hope everything goes ok at the vets. Thinking of you. Lots of love xxx

  3. That vintage neck warmer is so CTM:)♥
    Lots of cute the kichen window..I find even just a plant takes away light..I keep mine naked:)
    Mitzi..get well for your parents...

  4. Thanks Suzan. Xoxo

    Thanks Kate. It's gone 3 pm and she is still ill and not even taking water. The Vet said to starve her today and then if she was still poorly tomorrow bring her in. I am very worried. :-( xoxo

    I thought so also Monique about the neck warmer. Xoxo

  5. I have always wanted to make a celebration bunting to hang up on special days. One that wouldn't be seasonal but that you can hang for any occasion. Thanks for sharing the ideas. Hope you have a fantastic Friday at your house!

  6. Meant to say that I hope your dog is much better too.

  7. A lot of great ideas here. Love the dinosaur tail. My grandson's would have loved that. Pity they are just a little too old now.

    Hope all is well with the dog

  8. I am concerned about your sweet Mitzie; praying she is OK. I really liked the finds. I especially liked the dinosaur tail; so cute. I also, loved the four generation photo idea, how to organize your photo books and the men's crochetd hat. I actually enjoyed all of them.
    Take care my dear friend and I will be praying for your MItzie. Big hugs for all~

  9. Thanks very much Pam, Linda, Kate and LeAnn! Xoxo


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