
Saturday 26 November 2016

I wander as I wander . . .

November has been a month of dramatic sunsets and outstanding moons.  Yesterday at dusk the Welsh Hills, which we can see clearly from where we live, were a deep violet colour and behind them the clouds were amassed in brilliant formation . . . .  like brilliant rose and golden bubbles, lit by a fiery glow which seemed to strike up from beneath the horizon.  Along the  edge of the sky a long bar of green light hung on, lingering until the darkness closed in.

The air of November is exhilarating when there is no fog about to spoil it.   It's filled with the sharp smell of burning wood, wet earth and rotting leaves.   There is a special tang in the wind which sets the blood to moving with a quicker rhythm.   I step out briskly into the morning . . .  conscious of a new vitality and bracing for the threat of the impending Winter to come. 

As the sun shortens it's stride . . .  the length of our days growing ever shorter, the world, too, seems to diminish in size.  Life becomes much more centred around hearth and home, the cosy familiarity of indoors and family looms large in one's  heart and mind  Oh yes . . .  there is still much to do in the garden, but there is a strange quietness which broods out there amongst the leafless trees and mist.  It is as if Nature is saying  . . .  Let everything lie fallow for a bit.  Rest and wait . . .

They call it The Cottage of Content,
I knocked to find out what it meant,
For all my life, I'd sought to find
The secret of a quiet mind.

"Come in", the owner said, "come in.
The things you seek are here within.
Love tends the hearth and keeps the blaze
To warm the heart on bitter days."

"Hope trims the lamps and makes them bright
To give a good and kindly light.
Faith keeps her watch in every room
To banish doubt and fear and gloom."

I turned away, and homeward went
To build my cottage of content . . . 

Brrr . . .  it is -2 out there this morning.  Third morning of frost in a row.  Last year we only had to clear the car windows once.  I think it will be a tad bit different this year.  Who knows, perhaps we will get that elusive White Christmas after all . . . but I won't hold my breath waiting for it to appear.  We had a set of Elders come for their tea last night.  Their hands were so cold and their cheeks so rosy.  I fed them up with Thanksgiving leftovers and apple crumble with custard for dessert.  I simply mixed the turkey with some gravy and the peas and carrots in a casserole dish and topped it with crumbled stuffing before baking until the whole thing was bubbly.  Oh, but it was some good.  Some sweet potatoes, mash and green beans on the side and dinner was served.  Why is it the leftovers often taste better than the original meal?   I wonder  . . .

A thought to carry with you through today . . . 

Sometimes when the people you love
hurt you the most,
it is better to stay quiet because,
if your love wasn't enough . . . 
Do you think your words will matter?

 Wise counsel . . .

Spiritual Enlightenment

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Honeyed Oat, Apricot and Walnut Cookies.  Delish!

Have a wonderful Saturday.  Be happy and blessed.  Stay safe.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, yes I'm early today! I always seem to be either first or last with my comments ....I love that poem, I've never read it before. I have loads of poetry books but never that one, so thank you for sharing it. Cold down here this morning but no frost...typical when last night I popped a carrier bag over the pot of pansies and cyclamen that stands by the door, I've no idea if a bag over them would prevent the frost from getting to the little blooms, but it is worth a try....hope you have a lovely sunny day once the frost lifts...looks a bit grey down to Todd and wee cuddle to Mitzie. Xxxx

  2. Good morning Marie,

    I have had a nana nap and now it is dark. I will be sitting and knitting all evening. Today I went to see dad. How I love him despite his confusion. Today he had been hard a work. Life is a bit easier because previously he was always worried he did not earn enough.

    Enjoy the autumn because winter is near. I am looking forward to peering at the Welsh hills and everyone tells me Chester is a wonderful place.

    God bless.

  3. -2 here this morning Sybil with a heavy frost! Brrr... I went into Chester City with Todd to see the Christmas village, but took no photos. I will have to do that another time. It is a clear and sunny day and not a cloud in the sky! I love it! I was taking photos of the blooms this morning which caught the frost. It makes me feel very invigorated. I guess it is the Canadian in me coming out! xoxo

    I hope we have some nice weather when you are here Suzan. Not rainy and dull. If it is rainy and dull you won't see the hills at all, but Chester is charming no matter the weather! xoxo

  4. I always love the coming of winter too..not the end..the end seems to take forever.
    I relish more indoor time to paint..and bake and craft..not that I don't have time's just guilt free..hate the shoveling for Jacques though..our grandson was selling tickets for a great cause..offering shoveling.I found that terrific..I bought five times..he will help J..if we aksed he would do it regardless..but I think this is a win win situation..

  5. I admire your grandson's entreprenurial spirit Monique! He should do well in life and yes, I am sure he would do it irregardless! I am a canoodler so I like being indoors in the Winter months. Today was beautiful though. We went into town and not a cloud in the sky. Cool and crisp! xoxo

  6. I will have to try that cookie recipe; it sounds so yummy. I also liked the final quote; i can relate to that one.
    Your post was lovely! You are so descriptive and it reads almost like poetry. I think you should write a book; I am told you this before. You are a very talented write.
    I love the changing seasons because they each have a different emotional feeling to them.
    It does sound very cold. Your leftover meal sounded yummy too.
    Blessings and hugs for you dear friend~

  7. Thanks so much LeAnn! You flatter me. I just enjoy writing here. It brings me a lot of joy. The best part of the meal was having the Elders. Blessings and hugs right back. xoxo

  8. Leftovers are wonderful. I didn't do any cooking here this year, but managed to bring away some leftovers from my son's house. I'm having a piece of apple crumble pie as I'm reeding blogs this morning. It's delicious! I'll be having a big turkey sandwich later on too! Hope your Sunday is a blessed one!

  9. How wonderful that you were able to bring away some leftovers Pam! I always like the leftovers more than the main meal! God bless! xoxo


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